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Ralph Dorsey


California, USA
Post  Posted 25 Jan 2022 4:07 pm    
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I own a standard E9th 10 steel with 3 pedals and 4 knee levers. I have ordered a new Sierra 12-string from Ross Shafer. Would like to hear some feedback on what added peddles and/or knee levers I would need to add. For example, could I use an up knee lever? I am a novice and could use all the advice there is.
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Chris Brooks


Providence, Rhode Island
Post  Posted 25 Jan 2022 5:23 pm    
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Ralph, first, congratulations and you have ordered a great instrument.

You don't [i]need[i]anything more than what you've got. But you could add these:

Pedal 0 ("zero"), to the left of Pedal A. Some players like the Franklin change on this; but I prefer to have that pedal flat the G#s to Gs. (There is another thread discussing this right now.)

A vertical lever for your left knee would be the only other change I'd add. Function? Depends on what the other 4 knee levers are doing. My vertical sharps the F#s to Gs . . . . useful for getting a 7th chord in "pedals down " position.

Have fun! Chris
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Fred Treece

California, USA
Post  Posted 25 Jan 2022 10:40 pm    
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I am also a relatively new player (5 years). I just went 5 and 5 with a new S12 Ext E9.
I ordered the standard fare, plus:
-LKR raises 1 and 7 to G#, and 2 to E. This is kind of a standard thing for a 4th lever.
-LKV raises F# to G, as explained by Chris, on 7 and 1
-Pedal “0” lowers B’s 1/2 step on both strings 5 & 10, and splits to 1/2 raise with Pedal A.
-Pedal “4” is the Franklin change, strings 5-6-10

I use the Vertical and the B-lowers a LOT more than I use the Franklin, although the couple things I am able to do with the Franklin I really like and are a lot of fun. The B-lowers with the splits open up a whole new world.

I have discovered just in the last couple weeks that LKR has a half-stop at G on 1 and 7. So now I am thinking of doing something else with the vertical. But maybe not. I use LKV and LKL together sometimes.
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Lee Gauthier

Göteborg, Sweden
Post  Posted 25 Jan 2022 11:40 pm    
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I really like the LKV raising F# to G on 7 and 1 idea. In addition to the 7th chord in pedals down mentioned by Chris, it would also give you the same voicing as the standard P6 on the C6 neck with the B pedal and D# -> C# lever. Albeit a different string order, and in the key of E instead of C.

I have discovered just in the last couple weeks that LKR has a half-stop at G on 1 and 7. So now I am thinking of doing something else with the vertical. But maybe not. I use LKV and LKL together sometimes.

How hard is it to use a vertical and regular lever together on the same knee? I don't have a vertical on my current guitar to test, but I had heard in the past that its not easy.
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Fred Treece

California, USA
Post  Posted 26 Jan 2022 6:09 am    
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How hard is it to use a vertical and regular lever together on the same knee?

If I can keep my foot on a pedal it’s not bad. If I am doing it no-pedals, then I back my foot away from the pedals and go up on tip-toes. I usually engage the LKL first, then the vertical. But it’s all one sequence, and it was pretty hard at first. What is still tricky is getting my foot back into good ABC pedal position.

I have tried LKR + LKV with mixed results. Not crazy about the move or it’s musical value. I think the relative difficulty of the move depends on whether the bracket for the vertical lever is mounted on the right or the left of your knee. Mine is on the right.
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Brandon Schafer

Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 1 Feb 2022 4:16 pm    
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I have tried a few different things over time as a dedicated “extended E9 kinda guy”. However, I’ve found myself desiring more simplicity as time has moved on (but I don’t ever wish to lose the low E that extended E9 affords me). I’m tempted to move to a fairly standard-ish 4 pedal and 5 knee lever configuration with the “Franklin pedal” at the P0 position.

Disclaimer: My playing isn’t rocket surgery, nor do I figure it ever will be. But, as time has passed while I play this instrument, I’m realizing the “standard” E9 changes are all that I truly need to get in where I musically fit in on the bandstand.

Enjoy your new Sierra, no matter what changes you put on it!
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