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Author Topic:  Loose Cross Shaft Problem: How to Repair
steve takacs

beijing, china via pittsburgh (deceased)
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2006 1:10 pm    
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Any advice would be more thanw elcome. I am helping a Norwegian friend in his purchase a pedal steel guitar; yesterday it arrived but the cross shaft holding an up lever was loose. At first I thought the pin on the end of the shaft had snapped off, but I could find no evidence of that, no loose bits in the case. I called the builder who told me the pin was just not springing back into place (The shaft is spring loaded.) He advised me to do what I had already tried, aligning the shaft so the pin might pop into the brass bushing and then push the shaft in a way that loaded the spring and finally release and allow it to push the pin in the bushing, thus stabilizing the cross shaft. If the pin is in there it is not popping back.

Since I am sending this to Norway I thought it might be good to have a new part: I wanted to buy another cross shaft but the builder told me the shaft was OK and to keep trying to pop it back. I'm not sure how he knew it was OK, but... SO, ANY IDEAS OUT THERE AS TO HOW TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM??? I have photos of the underside I'd be glad to send. Help sure would be appreciated. Thanks, steve t

[This message was edited by steve takacs on 28 June 2006 at 02:13 PM.]

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Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2006 5:10 pm    
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Steve, what brand of guitar is it? If the guitar is an older MSA, the cross shafts are made out of 3/8 inch drill rod, available (in tis country at least) at any big hardware store.

You can buy a larger piece of drill rod and cut it to the desired length with a hacksaw.

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