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Walter Killam

Nebraska, USA
Post  Posted 9 May 2006 6:50 pm    
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Howdy Y'all,

First of all I would like to say that i have been lurking around here for longer than I like to admit, I have learned a great deal following all of your posts, so thank you all for the knowledge that you have imparted, I would not have been able to come this far without this fine forum and it's members.

the questions: (one of many to follow I'm sure)

I have been learning on an old MSA Red Baron for a few years, about 5 minutes after I got spousal approval to upgrade I was on the phone ordering my Magnum (had to work fast before she changed her mind). Anyway, my new dilema is what to do with the Baron. It took all of 30 seconds on my Magnum to realize that I probably won't ever take the Baron out of it's case again. SO, do I

(1)Keep it for sentimental reasons, (how many of you REALLY wish you had kept your first steel)

(2)Destroy it so that it won't ruin anyone elses life (That was Charlie Norris' suggestion, but he wanted to sell me a new steel), or

(3) Sell it to my unsuspecting lead guitar player (I'm leaning towards 3, but I like the guy & I'm not sure he deserves this kind of trouble)

Magnum SD10, Ultralinear Twin, who could ask for anything more!

[This message was edited by Walter Killam on 09 May 2006 at 08:45 PM.]

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Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 9 May 2006 7:32 pm    
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Can the Red Baron be upgraded with more knee levers?

My web site
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Walter Killam

Nebraska, USA
Post  Posted 9 May 2006 7:41 pm    
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more knee levers, maybe, but I doubt it would be worth it. I'm not sure of the correct technical terms, but the baron doesn't use cross rods, it has a sheet metal lever thing that doesn't work well. I think it would be cheaper to look for a better guitar than try to upgrade. Although, with a complete overhaul you might be able to bring it up to the level of a sidekick, kind of like putting a V6 in a Vega. I managed that when I was in High School, but ended up wasting enough money to buy a Camero.

Magnum SD10, Ultralinear Twin, who could ask for anything more!
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Fred Glave

McHenry, Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 9 May 2006 8:10 pm    
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I like the sell it to the lead guitarist option. But you know, I think if you can afford to,.. just keep it. It's kinda nice to go back to the older guitars once in a while to remember where you came from. You might find an old riff or two that you lost back when.
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Skip Edwards


Post  Posted 9 May 2006 8:25 pm    
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I've regretted every piece of gear that I've sold... with the sole exception of the Maverick I started on.
I'd say pass the Baron on to someone who in the future will upgrade just like you're doing now.
You probably won't miss it.
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Charles Davidson


Phenix City Alabama, USA
Post  Posted 9 May 2006 10:14 pm    
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The red baron is like a mavarick leave the pedals off,tune to C6 and use it as a non pedal,maybe that way it may almost stay in tune,or close anyway.
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Duane Reese


Post  Posted 10 May 2006 12:09 am    
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Man, just sell that thing.

I sold the Carter that I started on, and I don't regret it because now someone else will get a chance to start on it, and I have some extra cash. It served it's purpose: it got me hooked on steel.

But if you don't ever get rid of guitars because of sentimental value only, then you'll have a steel (or steels) that isn't as good of a guitar as your best (so what good does it do you, right?) when you could just have one top-drawer steel, maybe two if you have the need, an no lessers hanging around, and you'll be happy.

So don't get attached to things that you don't need. Steels are meant to be used, not to sit around just to have. Trust me on this one.

[This message was edited by Duane Reese on 10 May 2006 at 01:17 AM.]

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Mark Eaton

Sonoma County in The Great State Of Northern California
Post  Posted 10 May 2006 12:53 am    
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You're right-you'll never play it.

Maybe there is an enthusiastic kid in your area that wants to take up pedal steel. You can give it to him/her to get them started.

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Walter Killam

Nebraska, USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2006 4:56 am    
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Judging from the replies so far, I'm hearing "sell it & move on" I tend to agree with Duane that it was meant to be played (although I am just beginning to understand how hard it is to play the Baron). How do I figure out what this thing is worth? The Red Barons don't come up for sale very often, I bought it for $350, I'd like to at least recoup my investment.

Magnum SD10, Ultralinear Twin, who could ask for anything more!
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Charlie McDonald

out of the blue
Post  Posted 10 May 2006 5:10 am    
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I don't think it would even work well to add levers to a Red Baron. The vacu-formed body doesn't lend itself to that.

I'd sell it to your guitarist to play around on. He can play around with the pedals. It will make him want another one.
Then he can sell it.

I had one, sold it a couple of days after I got it.
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Dan Beller-McKenna

Durham, New Hampshire, USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2006 5:27 am    
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I think Charles is right:

at some point you'll wish you had a non-pedal guitar to mess with and the Lebaron will be perfect. Keep it. Even throw out the pedal rods so your not tempted to do anything more with it than that.

Dan Beller-McKenna
Big Red
Durham, NH

[This message was edited by Dan Beller-McKenna on 10 May 2006 at 10:54 AM.]

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Wayne D. Clark


Montello Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2006 5:57 am    
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Well Walter, More advice, as if you needed any. You can get a lot of music out of three pedals. I had a Fender 3p 1K wish I had waited, but did sell it for more thaa I paid for it on Ebay. But here is MY suggestion, Turn it over to your friend with the understanding if he doesn't like it or he upgrades, he will give it back, that way he is not out any money, and you can sell it later. It rally does not owe you any thilng, In fact you owe It because it got you started and now look what you have. If you put it on Ebay (PUT A RESERVE ON IT FOR $350.00)+ shipping. also I suggest no over seas, (That can get complicated with customs and all. Been there and done that.) and see what happens. PSG's WILL SELL!

MSA D10 8/2
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Wayne D. Clark


Montello Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2006 6:15 am    
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Walter, I thought I would take a look on Ebay this mouning after I posted my .02cents worth, to see what was avaliable under PEDAL STEEL GUITAR Search. Well there are 3 or 4, 3p 1k out there and by the looks of what they are bringing you should have no trouble selling your insterment if you decide to do so.

MSA D10 8/2
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Charlie McDonald

out of the blue
Post  Posted 10 May 2006 6:49 am    
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What Wayne said. You can probably get $500.
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Joey Ace

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 10 May 2006 7:03 am    
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The Red Baron has the worst cabinet drop I've ever heard. Listen to the Es when you press the AB pedals. An untrainded ear can hear it.

Given that, the choice of using it as a non-pedal guitar is workable. If I were to sell it, I'd be straight with the buyer,and explain the issues but point out that's why it's so cheap. Good steels cost way over a grand.

My first Steel was much better that a Red Baron, and I never regretted selling it.

My mental trick, when selling an instrument is to convince myself the money is going towards the purchase on another instrument I want. Then I look at the new item and feel the old one is partially reincarnated, not totally lost.

BTW, I know two musicians that had Red Barons and gave up Steel totally. I can't be sure that was the reason...
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Jim Eaton

Santa Susana, Ca
Post  Posted 10 May 2006 7:58 am    
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I'd give it to your guitar player buddy as a gift = $0.00. It's out of your life and you don't ever have to feel guilty about what effect it might have on him, good or bad! LOL
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Walter Killam

Nebraska, USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2006 10:02 am    
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I guess I'm just a stubborn SOB, I wasn't gonna let that Baron get the best of me Joey. Jim that is actually an excellent idea, I'm not going to get rich selling it. Maybe I can help promote steel in Nebraska, I think there may be 3 steelers in the state (this turned out to be a bit of a shock, I just moved here from DFW). I just have to wonder though, If I shipped it to Iran as a cultural bomb, would they learn to love country music, or just hate Americans more?

Magnum SD10, Ultralinear Twin, who could ask for anything more!
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Bo Borland

South Jersey -
Post  Posted 10 May 2006 11:13 am    
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Why not loan it to someone who thinks they want to learn with the agreement that if they give it up or move up to a better one, they give it back. It could be the start of a nice tradition.
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