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Author Topic:  Newish NV112 able to Fox Mod?
Jon Voth


Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2020 5:11 pm    
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I bought a new NV112 over a year ago. It's not my favorite (I LOVE my Milkman 85w).

But it's small and light and maybe I can make the best of it. Lots of mention about the Fox chips. Done some searching and maybe something about the newer chips being soldered in (making the mod not worth the work IMO, fear of damaging stuff).

SO does anyone know if the newest version of NV112 (with the chicken head knobs) have their chips soldered to the board? I could open the whole thing up and look but I'm a lazy, lazy man.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 5 Jun 2020 2:28 am    
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New/Newer NV112's are soldered in. Its possible to mod but I would be hesitant unless I had an "SMT" soldering/desoldering station (and I'm an ex amp tech). A "qualified" tech could remove the chips and install chip sockets for you, but it will cost you $$ and maybe $$$.

Another alternative is to replace the stock speaker. I have an older NV112 that has socketed chips. It has a Telonics TSNEO-12 speaker installed and it cleans up the amp nicely. With the Telonics speaker it doesn't need the chip mod. I tried it and both are too much. I had a previous NV112 that had the stock speaker and the chip mod and just the Telonics speaker is comparable.
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Dave Hopping

Aurora, Colorado
Post  Posted 5 Jun 2020 6:39 am    
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If the Telonics does the same for a newer 112 that Fox chips do for an old one,go with the speaker--you can do the install yourself,and it'll lighten up your 112 even more. Winking
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Jon Voth


Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 6 Jun 2020 8:34 pm    
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So thank you for the advice,

If I come across one of those speakers easily then maybe, but for $200 or so-meh, I'll just leave it alone.
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