Jim Fogle
From: North Carolina, Winston-Salem, USA
Posted 22 May 2020 9:44 am Return To Facory Settings
Ian's answer likely is correct for Band-in-a-Box 2014 or newer when Band-in-a-Box adopted the current interface but I don't know if older editions of Band-in-a-Box honor the Control + T computer keyboard command. If your 2008 Band-in-a-Box doesn't honor the keyboard command then your 2008 Band-in-a-Box program is likely corrupt and you will need to return the program back to the factory defaults.
Newer programs have a return to factory defaults command under the "Options" menu header but again, that command might not be available in the 2008 program.
You can always manually return to factory settings by renaming two files, intrface.bbw & mysetup.dk, to something like interface.bbw.old & mysetup.dk.old. Band-in-a-Box will rebuild both files the next time you open the program. If that fixes the mixer, good! If not then you might want to contact PG Music support.
Both files are located at "C://bb/Preferences" or whichever drive letter you have Band-in-a-Box installed on. _________________ Remembering Harold Fogle (1945-1999) Pedal Steel Player
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