Buddy Stories

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Kevin Mounce
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Buddy Stories

Post by Kevin Mounce »

Hey guys - I am in the process of doing some research so that I can write a script about the life of Buddy Emmons (my dad's here) in an effort to eventually make it into a movie. Would anybody have any good Buddy stories that they would be willing to share? If so, could you post them here, or email them to me at KevinLMounce@gmail.com? Really appreciate your time.

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scott murray
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Post by scott murray »

oh there are stories alright :lol: you can probably find quite a few in the forum archives, many that were told by Buddy himself.

there is a book in the works being written by our esteemed Steve Fishell, done with Buddy's blessing and cooperation. perhaps Steve can give us an update on its status? 8)

good luck with your film, Buddy's a worthy subject. but who will play him?? ;-)
1965 Emmons S-10, 3x5 • Emmons LLIII D-10, 10x12 • JCH D-10, 10x12 • Beard MA-8 • Oahu Tonemaster
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Mike Wilkerson
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Post by Mike Wilkerson »

Well here’s mine. I was at the 1995 convention at scottys Buddy and I being the good friends we were I accompanied him and Peggy to their motel and Buddy Peggy and I were taking turns at Mario Brother and me being a snuff dipper that I am I took a big ole dip and Buddy said you know Mikey I’ve never tried that give me shot of that. So I told Buddy don’t swallow your spit and Buddy no sooner took him a dip and he was leaning over the trash can hollering holy @&$” this crap killed Elvis how in the h$&& can you stand this. Lol Buddy was a good sport and we drank an adult beverage. Peggy said Mikey please don’t let him ever do that again and kick him in the backside if he ever wants to do that again. Buddy said don’t worry if I had worms they are gone now. Lol I miss him and Peggy. Slim
Last edited by Mike Wilkerson on 16 Apr 2020 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
S12 MSA Classic Nashville 400 with fox mods amp 1 volume pedal 1 Lil Izzy and 3 cords
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Larry Bressington
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Post by Larry Bressington »

Killer story Slim, love it! 👍🏻
A.K.A Chappy.
Kevin Mounce
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Post by Kevin Mounce »

Thanks so much, Scott! You're absolutely right. I've gotten several ideas for scenes from the forum archives. Still going through them actually. And would love to get an update from Steve on the book. I've heard fall, but nothing official yet. Not sure who would play Buddy, but that will definitely be a fun and challenging casting process - big shoes to fill!

And thanks to you Slim! What a great story. Got it written down. Had no idea Buddy played video games!

Keep 'em coming, guys. This is great!

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Mike Wilkerson
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Post by Mike Wilkerson »

Yes Buddy was a super Mario brothers champ. As he was on steel guitar he was hard to beat on the nintendo.slim
S12 MSA Classic Nashville 400 with fox mods amp 1 volume pedal 1 Lil Izzy and 3 cords
Kevin Mounce
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Post by Kevin Mounce »

Who would've thought? Love it!
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Post by Fish »

scott murray wrote:there is a book in the works being written by our esteemed Steve Fishell, done with Buddy's blessing and cooperation. perhaps Steve can give us an update on its status?
Hi Scott and everyone,
"Steamed" is a more fitting way to describe me these days. :0)

Regarding the book, I'm making excellent progress, writing a minimum of 2-4 hours each day on the manuscript. Without boxing myself into a corner, I'd say the book could be finished sometime in June. Then, it could easily be 6-9 months until a release date due to shopping, editing, re-writes, scheduling, etc.

Sometimes it feels like I'm writing the world's longest term paper, but I have plenty to draw inspiration from: Buddy's recordings, his original memoirs, the spoken interviews we had on the phone and in person over the years, and the many emails he sent me. AND, the interviews with friends and associates have been just unbelievable: Linda Ronstadt, Willie Nelson, Ray Price, Little Jimmy Dickens, Harold Bradley, Ron and Leslie Elliott, Ben Keith, Paul Franklin, Tommy White, Randy Beavers, Terry Crisp, Ray Pennington, Michael Melford, Tom Bradshaw, Buck Reid, Gregg Galbraith, David Smith, Rob Hajacos, Doug Jernigan, Judy Collins, Bernie Leadon, Sam Bush, James Burton, Jim Palenscar, Jay Dee Maness and so many, many more. All have been open and kind with their time in order to talk about this great person they all admired so much.

Ernie Renn, you're on my list. :0)

I must admit I can see the light to the end of the tunnel. I may post a chapter sample sometime in the not too distant future.

What an honor it has been to write about such an extraordinary talent. Thank you so much for your interest.
Kevin Mounce
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Post by Kevin Mounce »


Thank so much for the thoughtful response! Absolutely cannot wait to see the finished product. Please let me know if you ever consider turning your work into a screenplay/movie. Would love to collaborate and bring it to the big screen. Thanks, again!

Ron Funk
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Post by Ron Funk »

Thanks for the update Steve.

All the BE projects you've been involved with have been worth the wait and true treasures.

I'm sure this BE Book Project will likewise be outstanding.

Kind Regards
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Steve Palousek
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Liner Notes

Post by Steve Palousek »

A lot of people know this, but I'll tell it anyway. Back in 2007, after Steve got his last album mixed and ready for release, he still did not have a title for it. At the time, he was staying in touch with Buddy and asked Buddy if he could send him the album for critique and "Maybe you could write some liner notes". Well, Buddy did.....

"I first met Steve Palousek in the 1980's while holding a weeklong workshop at the Jeffran College of Pedal Steel in Hermitage, Tennessee. Toward the end of the week, Steve was not only playing some of the more difficult phrases I had prepared for the class but, playing them exceptionally well. Needless to say, I was impressed, but later shocked to hear that he was disappointed in his performance that week and in tears as Jeff Newman drove him to the airport. It was hard to understand at first. But then I reminded myself that there were times in my past when I thought my playing good was not enough. I knew then that he would be okay.

Now, over twenty years later, Steve has lived up to my expectations with his dexterity, tone, speed and command of both the C6th and E9th tunings. He's the kind of musician who strives to reach beyond his years of experience and I'm happy to be able to say I played a small part in giving him a kick-start. From Jazz to Country, there is much to draw from on this CD. So, listen to it a few times. Pick a favorite. Then, sit down at your steel and let the games begin."
~Buddy Emmons 2007

Steve decided to use the last four words for the album.

So, literally, Buddy gave the album it's title!

See pics on the link.....

I hope everyone is staying safe!
Ron Funk
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Post by Ron Funk »

Great story

Awesome CD
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Mark Wayne
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Post by Mark Wayne »

I sent a letter to Buddy, asking him for mechanical license to record "4 Wheel Drive." He sent me back this. I'll cherish it forever.

Mark Wayne Krutke
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Jack Hanson
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Post by Jack Hanson »

Mark Wayne wrote:I sent a letter to Buddy, asking him for mechanical license to record "4 Wheel Drive." He sent me back this. I'll cherish it forever.
That's pretty cool, Mark. Thanks for sharing!
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Dennis Detweiler
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Post by Dennis Detweiler »

At Chase Park during the 70's I walked toward Buddy's booth wearing a tee shirt that read, "Who the hell is Budie Emunz?" I was about 25 feet away and he read the shirt and burst out laughing. Then I asked him, "why do you use the cross-over finger technique?" He said, in a typical Emmons reply, "So you don't run out of fingers."
1976 Birdseye U-12 MSA with Telonics 427 pickup, 1975 Birdseye U-12 MSA with Telonics X-12 pickup, Boss 59 Fender pedal for preamp, NDR-5 Atlantic Delay & Reverb, two Quilter 201 amps, 2- 12" Eminence EPS-12C speakers, ShoBud Pedal, 1949 Epiphone D-8. Revelation preamp into a Crown XLS 1002 power amp.
Kevin Mounce
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Post by Kevin Mounce »


Thanks so much for sharing your stories. It really is amazing as I'm digging into this how many lives this man touched... and I know I have just scratched the surface here. Keep 'em coming... this is great!

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Michael Douchette
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Post by Michael Douchette »

I'll tell one. I was 19, doing studio work as a harp/rhythm guitar player. I had worked with Buddy one time before, and he had quite the beard and was generally scruffy. I pulled up behind RCA B, my first time there, and I didn't know how to get in. There was this gent, clean shaven and well coiffed hair behind the studio. I asked him, "Sir, do you know where I need to go to get in?" He looked at me and pointed me toward the door. I thanked him and went in. A few minutes later, the gent came in carrying a steel case and seat. I looked at him and said, "Buddy? Man, I'm sorry, I didn't even recognize you out there, you look so different!" He just looked at me and said, "So THAT'S why you sh-- on me!" I must've looked scared, because he just belted out laughing.
Mikey D... H.S.P.
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Don R Brown
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Post by Don R Brown »

Fantastic, Michael! He must have been a Character with a capital "C". Sure wish I had met him, but a small part of me wonders what kind of prank he would have pulled! :lol:
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Kevin Mounce
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Post by Kevin Mounce »

Apologies for the late reply. Thanks so much, Michael!
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Dennis Detweiler
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Post by Dennis Detweiler »

Mark, you should have sent him 99 cents with the statement, "picker's payment on account. On account of I had to buy a hamburger."
1976 Birdseye U-12 MSA with Telonics 427 pickup, 1975 Birdseye U-12 MSA with Telonics X-12 pickup, Boss 59 Fender pedal for preamp, NDR-5 Atlantic Delay & Reverb, two Quilter 201 amps, 2- 12" Eminence EPS-12C speakers, ShoBud Pedal, 1949 Epiphone D-8. Revelation preamp into a Crown XLS 1002 power amp.
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Ernie Renn
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Post by Ernie Renn »

Buddy and I were sitting in the Emmons Guitar booth at the St. Louis convention, (I think it was '80. It all kinda runs together these days.) He was behind one guitar and I was behind another. Whoever was performing on stage started playing, "A Way To Survive." He said, "Well, alright" and leaned over towards me and said, "Ernie, they're playing our song." We had a good laugh!
My best,
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