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Dave Hopping

Aurora, Colorado
Post  Posted 13 Apr 2020 10:04 am    
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IMO "An even cut for the gig" is very,very rare.Nearly all of the time there is a leader/manager and there are sidemen.The leader manages the band;only he knows what the band is really being paid and only he knows what he's paying each sideman.In the country bands,it's considered inappropriate even to discuss pay--you probably wouldn't like what you learn anyway.
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Brooks Montgomery

Idaho, USA
Post  Posted 13 Apr 2020 10:21 am    
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I guess I just don't see a "greek chorus" as ever being the answer to this hypothetical.
A banjo, like a pet monkey, seems like a good idea at first.
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Fred Treece

California, USA
Post  Posted 13 Apr 2020 10:32 am    
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I was in a band that had set pay for every gig whether total take was $500 or $5000, so it is true there was rarely an even cut. But we knew what top pay was, and we knew what starting pay was. So it may be a hypothetical question in some or even most cases, but definitely not all. I have also been in many bands where an even cut was the rule, and tips went into a band fund for marketing and PA equipment upgrading.

There has been a bit of repetition in this discussion, so I’ll do my part and bow out.
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Ian Rae

Redditch, England
Post  Posted 13 Apr 2020 11:46 am    
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I'll answer the question. It's nonsense to suggest that a keyboard player should get doubling money.

He's not playing two instruments - he's playing one instrument that's designed to do two (or more) things at once.
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Larry Bressington


Post  Posted 13 Apr 2020 3:18 pm    
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I just re-read this whole thread over a splendid cup of tea. Everyone’s viewpoint is good, topics do drift, that’s part of it.

I think what the Op is asking is: if the piano is to play the bass parts on the piano technically he is saving a man’s wages (À la no bass player cut ) so should he get some of that? Depends, but most likely the gig can’t afford to pay an extra man, someone has to go ala a bass player, i’ve seen many and worked with a couple of piano Duo’s and they’re just wasn’t a budget for anybody else.

The way I read the thread from the beginning is somebody is looking for a piano player to do two-piece work, He doesn’t want just a right-hand Tinkler, he wants somebody who’s got a good left hand to fulfil the Accompaniment.
A.K.A Chappy.
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Ian Rae

Redditch, England
Post  Posted 14 Apr 2020 12:38 am    
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Yes, that's all it is, but it's led to some good discussion Smile
Make sleeping dogs tell the truth!
Homebuilt keyless U12 7x5, Excel keyless U12 8x8, Williams keyless U12 7x8, Telonics rack and 15" cabs
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