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Author Topic:  Combining levers on string 2 to get C#-E
Greg Milton

Benalla, Australia
Post  Posted 10 May 2019 4:43 pm    
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Hello forumites,

Just wondering if anyone who has the string 2 raise Eb-E (usually paired with raising string 1 F#-G#) uses it with the Eb-C# lower to go from a C# to an E or vice versa?

It seems like it could be a good move, especially to hold the C# note on string 2 while easing the bar down three frets for some descending licks, or using it from the unison notes C# on strings 2 and 5 to go in two different directions (i.e. string 2 C#-E; string 5 C#-B) for a I to a V chord or a IV to a I chord move.

Currently I tune my string 2 to C# and have occasionally felt brave enough to play around with raising it to an E on a knee lever (I use a .016, but am concerned about string life with raising it 3 semitones - maybe I'm pushing my luck?). I'm considering returning to the more conventional tuning of string 2 to Eb and would love to know people's thoughts on this.

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Paul Redmond


Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2019 7:15 pm    
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Tune your 2nd string to a D instead of D# a la yours truly, Jimmie Crawford, Terry Bethel and many others, then drop it to C# on your VKL. You'll find 1001 uses for it.... trust me.
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Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 11 May 2019 4:54 am    
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I use the 2nd string from E down to C#. It's a cool lick to go from a pedals down 4 chord to a no pedals 1 chord. Pick the E on the 4th string, the E on string 2, release the lever raising 2, lower 2 to C#, and resolve to the 1 chord.
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Plano, Texas 75023
Post  Posted 11 May 2019 5:10 am    
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If your guitar has the ability to do splits then you can tune the string to Eb and use a lever to raise to an E and the lever to drop to C#. The resulting note is a D and it gives you 4 notes on the second string. The split function makes coming from a C# to D easy to hit without using a feel stop. I normally do not have an issue with the feel stop hitting the D from Eb, but it is the raise coming back that I have the most difficulty with.

Mark T

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Greg Milton

Benalla, Australia
Post  Posted 11 May 2019 7:33 pm    
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Thanks for the responses.

Paul - do you raise your D-E as well as lower it to C#?

Richard - that is one of the uses of it that I like!

mtulbert - I do have split screws that I could use that could be a good solution, particularly because I like to go from the C# to the D rather than from the Eb to the D
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Paul Redmond


Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 11 May 2019 8:39 pm    
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No, I tune to D and only drop to C#. I never found any use for raising it to E. I know a lot of players do use that change, I never found a good use for it.
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