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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2005 9:04 am    
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From the "In case anyone cares" department.. I just wanted to pass along a few thoughts about these cool and unusual guitars,as MANY guys express interest in them... I got a nice 400 several weeks back and played it quite a bit...

Regardless of what others have said, these guitars are VERY well made, very well thought out, and IMHO, with a few scant refinements, this mechanism is a viable and lightweight option to a rod pull system.

Fender should have stuck with this design and improved it .. adding knees etc.

These CAN be set up to play quite soft and quick on the raises,if you know how to do it... Five minutes of eyeballing, and I was an "expert" ..Lowers ARE very stiff, but I'd bet some lighter springs would solve that problem in a hurry... They seem to be quite easy to work on, and the mechanism is nicely engineered..

The sound is gorgeous, but will NOT get you that massive thunderous jazz tone or five minute sustain.. Its woody,sweet and 100% Fender. If you like old Al Perkins,Sneaky Pete or very early Brumley or Mooney, you will love it..

I would never consider playing it through anything but a Fender tube amp.. IMHO, the sound is as fresh today as it was in 63.....

I REALLY like the changer... the pulls are true and no string breakage{yet}.... I must say however, I will NEVER be able to really do much with an 8 string guitar with no knees and only 4 pedals. I really find it limits my abilities by 50% or more......

For that reason, it is ALREADY up on consignment in a local guitar shop.
No I'm not some maniac that changes steels more often than his drawers.. [well,maybe..]

I REALLY need some knee levers to get the basic changes I need, but don't want to alter a nice old guitar.

It should NOT be modified by adding levers,,
Not with an all original 1964 steel.. It will be replaced by a Fender 800 10 string w/ 6 pedals , from a forumite friend..

This 800 has already been refinned natural, so I will not hesitate to add knees to it.. I will be adding at least 3.. possibly 4.. I see NO reason there should be any problem.. There's a TON of room, and any knee kits with adjustable crosshaft/bellcrank positioning should work.. I'll bet I can even use light 3/16 rod with some stops,instead of more cables.

I'll tell ya' these guitars are VERY cool, and I may be able to get this 800 to be very close to being a "main squeeze" type of guitar.. I can see no reason why it can't be made to play as well as ANY other brand from the 60's..

I can say there will never be a cable Fender that can play like a 2005 model from whichever maker you like, but I can see why so many of these old Fenders are still around.. They are nice steels that sound great and CAN be adjusted to play quite nicely... They STAY in tune too!.. If anyone has a question you can always mail me.. I have truly found the sound I crave,now I just need to try and bring that sound up to "modern" standards.. I hope I'm up to it... bob

[This message was edited by Bob Carlucci on 27 August 2005 at 10:07 AM.]

[This message was edited by Bob Carlucci on 27 August 2005 at 10:13 AM.]

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Tim Whitlock

Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2005 10:04 am    
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Good observations Bob. My perspective is slightly different. I revere my Fender 1000 as a mechanical marvel and have never felt so much affection for any guitar I've ever owned. Having come from a stright steel background, the pedals are a wonderful enhancement. I think I have a first hand insight into what the steelers in the 1950's must have felt as they explored the possibilities the new guitars opened up.

Having no other experience with a pedal guitar, I don't view the lack of knee levers as a limitation. I wouldn't know what to do with them if I had them (although I'm sure I'd figure it out eventually). In the meantime, I listen to players like Day, Brumley, Mooney, et al, and the glorious music they made on those old instruments. For me, the Fender cable pedal guitars have just the right balance between the sound and feel of a Stringmaster and the variety of a pedal guitar. These guitars are not for everyone but for me it's perfect for the honky tonk, rockabilly and western swing that I love to play.
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2005 10:19 am    
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Good points Tim.. My problem is, I learned on a steel with 4 knees, and now I'm pretty much useless without them..

I guess I COULD adapt if I were forced to, but at 51, its just easier to add a few levers, which I don't mind doing to a "non original" steel.

I think the Fender mechanism could be excellent, if upgraded with some solid ball bearing movement, some positive stops, and a better endplate tuning setup.. It would NOT take much effort from the right designer to make this a GREAT steel guitar pull system.. alas, it will probably never happen....I am glad you are enjoying your old Fender steel Tim!!! bob
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Russ Tkac

Post  Posted 27 Aug 2005 11:37 am    
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For me, Bob, my Fender 400 is at the head of the class! I love the sound and feel. Also, with 8 pedals I'm learning to tap dance.

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United Kingdom
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2005 1:43 pm    
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Bob ..I hope you go this way as I know for sure that it works..
Here's the workaround to allow double flattening or sharpening on a "1000"
NOT cables on the knee lever just rods with loops and the old Sho-Bud halfstop barrell.



Steel players do it without fretting

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United Kingdom
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2005 1:55 pm    
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Russ .. I just picked up a 400 with 9 pedals ? Click here

[This message was edited by basilh on 27 August 2005 at 02:56 PM.]

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Russ Tkac

Post  Posted 27 Aug 2005 2:34 pm    
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I saw that one on ebay. Nice! I got mine off Craigs List. Does it come with all the rods or do you have extras?

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United Kingdom
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2005 2:37 pm    
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I've got six NEW pedals and rods AND a new bridge cover, tuners and to restore this guitar will be no problem..I'll post pics when it's done..

[This message was edited by basilh on 27 August 2005 at 03:37 PM.]

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Russ Tkac

Post  Posted 7 Dec 2005 12:34 pm    
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How's your Fender coming? Any pics yet?
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