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Greg Readling


North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jan 2019 6:54 am    
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I just bought a Peterson stroboplus hd tuner. I am wanting to try an existing preset for an
‘82 Emmons push pull. Do any p/p owners have a suggestion? I see there is an Emmons specific preset so I’m wondering which is the best to try.

My gut instinct is that all guitars suffer from varying amounts of cabinet drop, so the best method is to tune meticulously by ear for one’s specific guitar, record the offsets, then load that info into the tuner as a preset. But after reading some on the topic, it seems a lot of you have great success with some of the factory presets.

Thanks for any tips!

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Dave Meis

Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jan 2019 10:12 am     Re: Stroboplus HD presets
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[quote="Greg Readling"], "so the best method is to tune meticulously by ear for one’s specific guitar, record the offsets, then load that info into the tuner as a preset. "

That's true! Short of that, I have 2 PPs and an LDG that I use the OE9 on for the opens AND the raises/lowers, and they all sound good in a band context. The A/F combination seems to be the biggest offender for most people, and it seems that adjusting the E raise is the preferable solution, as the A raise is used in more combinations.
I played non-pedal for 20 years before getting a pedal, and learned to 'schooch' the bar and trust my ears, but I love the Petersen tuner! Smile
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Kevin Fix


Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jan 2019 2:11 pm    
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I have the same tuner and I use OE9 also. I use the OP9 for my pedals and knees. Almost perfect for me. I may have to tweek a knee or pedal adjustment once in a great while. I also use the EM6 and the EP6 on the C6 neck. Same back there also. May have to tweek a open string. I remember years ago when I was young and before good tuners I could dial in my "Es" with a pitch pipe and do the rest by ear and be darn close with any band. The Peterson is a life saver.
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Charley Paul

California, USA
Post  Posted 11 Jan 2019 9:49 am    
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I use the Jeff Newman presets. SE9 for the open string, SP9 for the pedals and levers.

They work great, and this tuner has been a fabulous purchase.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 11 Jan 2019 1:45 pm    
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My programs (Peterson calls them Tones) are on the Peterson share site to download. I have "JE9" which is the Newman SE9 and Pedal/Knee Lever programs combined into one. Same with my JC6 which is the Newman sweetened C6 and pedal/knee lever combined. My JE9 also includes several that were not around or at least not common when the Newman charts were developed. e.g first string full tone, second string half tone, lowering 6th string full tone and split, etc.

See this forum post which has my program list:
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Andy Vance


Graham, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jan 2019 11:05 am    
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To answer your specific question, there is an Emmons specific sweetener based off of Buddy's offsets with straight up E's, iirc, EM9 and EP9. Not sure if he used that on one of his Emmons guitars or another that he played.

As to sweeteners and cabinet drop, I use OE9 on my Jackson, sounds great. I attempted to use it on my Sho-bud and it sounds out and I fight it all night. I have to tune it by ear to get it to play in tune with the band. I haven't yet tuned it by ear and programmed that guitars offsets in my tuner as I usually play my Jackson at gigs and leave the Sho-bud set up at home.

Ymmv, hope that at least answers part of your question about Emmons specific sweeteners.

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