Dear forum members, I was driving thur a small town south to Orlando today and stopped at Jimmies Vintage Guitars. He had a sweet D 10 MSA (had to touch) and I ask if he had any Laps, he had two 40's backalites of unknown brands and he said "I got this hi end lap that is a resonator also, WTF i said in my mind, he opened up the case and I freaked out. From being a forum member, I had seen Marrs steel before but always pedals guitars. I read tonight that DUANE MARRS is quite a man and his steels rock. I was not going to buy because of short $, but i had my picks and bar and ask to take her for a ride. I hit the Reso switch and my head popped off, I was so blown away, she has tone and sustain for ever, i put down the Visa. I paid $500, after reading the forum, it was a fair price, it seems to a pretty late mode, with all the tone controls, a George L pickup and three tone knobs, RESO TONE, RESO INTENSITY, AND STEEL TONE. If any one has any info on this I would love to hear.