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Bill Ferguson

Milton, FL USA
Post  Posted 28 Aug 2017 4:53 am    
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I thought I would share a couple of emails I just received from customers. And I get this type of email time and time again. This is why I use and sell George L's products.


I recoeved my cables from you today and I must say, wow! I was skeptical that cables would make any difference at all, but I was blown away when I played the first notes with them attatched! Now I see why George Ls are the industry standard and are the cables by which all others are judged.
Well man, thanks again and I will point everyone to you for cable needs, as well as the other product you, some of the BEST PSG picking you'll ever hear. Oh, btw, ive just finished figuring out "Look at Us", and seeing how you and John were friends, I was.wondering if I could send you a sound file to critique. Im not thinned skinned and I want to become as good a player as possible. I would love a teadeous critique from someone I admire and listen to quite a bit. Anyway, thanks again Bill!!!

In HIS Service,
James Morris"

"+ Sound
I compared A/B to my old cables only briefly, and with my Hilton VP in line, but noticable improvement, more sparkle.

I like them for a number of other reasons.

Both straight and right-angle plugs were quick and easy to assemble. Much less trouble than cutting cable jacket, stripping center conductor, dealing with braid or foil shields, and the nuisance of soldering.

Application specific length:
Pedal-steel to vol-pedal: off the shelf 3 ft. cables are too long.
VP to amp: 10 ft. pre-made cables are often too short.

Runs are "well behaved"
The run from VP to amp lays flat, straight, stays where I put it.

Easy to see and differentiate from the "rats nest" on a bandstand.

As with cases, seats, amps, the load matters. George-Ls are compact. I had some reluctance about the .155" dia. cable. But no worries now after hands on time.

Great product, convenient, will use them again. Thanks! Dan Robinson"
AUTHORIZED PEAVEY, George L's, Goodrich dealer. I have 2 steels and several amps. My current rig of choice is 1993 Emmons LeGrande w/ 108 pups (Jack Strayhorn built for me), Goodrich OMNI Volume Pedal, George L's cables and Peavey Nashville-Session 112 or 115.
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Dan Robinson

Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 28 Aug 2017 12:09 pm    
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Bill, these cables are great! I've had enough of soldering cables.

Someone replied to my FB post, saying he liked brand "so-and-so." I looked them up... choice of 10 or 20 feet. Application-specific length is a big advantage.

Highly recommend getting these from Bill. I like assembling my own, but Bill can take care of you either way.
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