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Author Topic:  Help Needed with Knee Lever
Al Carmichael


Sylvan Lake, Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 22 May 2005 3:23 pm    
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I'm baffled with my E to Eb lever. I'll adjust it so its perfectly in tune. Seems to say that way--until I come back the next day. Then, sometimes, its as much as 30 cents flat. I readjust and soon have the opposite problem.

The stop screw is tight and solid--no movement there. BTW, the steel is a Sho~Bud with the later straight knee levers.

Any help or advice would be appreciated. I suppose it could be the "new country" gremlins sneaking in here at night because they hear me playing so much classic country. Other than that, I'm not sure what to do. Nearest steel repair is probably 600 miles from here.
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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 22 May 2005 4:27 pm    
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I don't have an answer, but I bet Harrison Music isn't 600 miles from you.
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John Daugherty

Rolla, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 22 May 2005 4:46 pm    
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Al, that problem has been caused many times by a string ball breaking off and falling down in the changer. Most guys forget to look for that. Shine a light in there and look it over really good. Maybe turn the guitar upside down and tap on the changer and the end plate.
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Al Carmichael


Sylvan Lake, Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 22 May 2005 5:41 pm    
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Bobby and John--Thanks for the tips. I did look into the changer but haven't seen anything YET. It might be in there somewhere.
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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 22 May 2005 6:06 pm    
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Another thing that might be happening(it does eventually happen on EVERY later model Sho-bud that has the chromed pot metal finger tops)> is.
The lowering part of the finger mechanism has a bent piece at the top of the sleeve; that pushes a piece that hangs down from the finger top; and that's what activates the forward movement of the finger top to lower. Well that piece that pushes; eventually wears a worn spot in the finger top piece and will warrent inconsistancy in movement...>there ya have it.
I do have a fix for it.
What you do; is take the finger out(might as well do all of them..ha) and bend that bent piece of the lowering sleeve; in a little; so that it now hits on a fresh non-worn spot of the top piece....and your goooood to go.
This worn spot will also inhibit the raise also; because when the raise sleeve is activated; the lowering sleeve will actually move a little with the raising part> depending on how deep that groove is(oh and yes; it's there..ha.) and when the lowering section also moves a little when the raise section moves; then you will have too much travel needed and also a false return.
Also before takin' it apart; just make sure your not into the finger a little with the nylon tuner; in the open note position> both on the lower side and raise side. To check this. Loosen the lower nylon tuner and if it effects the open note, then yes your into it. Also do the same with the raise nylons; because having either section engaged a little in the open position; will effect the consistancy of movenment and return.
If this is happening; you will need more distance on the stop for which ever change was affecting the open note finger; as why you got into it in the first place> was because not enough distance for the move you were making/tuning to; and of course because the worn spot is getting deeper and deeper...ha.
Have fun.
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Al Carmichael


Sylvan Lake, Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 22 May 2005 7:56 pm    
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Ricky--You are a godsend. I'm off to check the nylon tuners first, then try and make sense of your description. I've never taken a changer apart before. Is there a video available anywhere that would show me just what I am supposed to do?

Thanks again for the in-depth knowledge. Its stuff like this that makes this forum so incredible.
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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 22 May 2005 9:09 pm    
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Al; if it comes to taking the fingers out> email me that your going to do it and I will send you a detailed very simple proceedure.
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John Bechtel

Nashville, Tennessee, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 23 May 2005 10:54 pm    
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Every pedal and every KL needs to have some free~movement to function properly. That is: extra travel during which time no change is initiated! If you turn the guitar downside~up, you should have a tiny~bit of movement of each bell~crank during which time, the changer does not activate. If you don't have any free movement, you are over~tuned and probably need to re-adjust the stop and back off the fine~tuner slightly.

“Big John” Bechtel
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