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John Kalament


South Carolina
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2017 11:21 am    
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Trying to locate any other Steelers out there that are still waiting for the return of their Guitar or Guitar Parts from Teresa Morehead. I have three other people as well as myself that have been waiting three or more years for the return of their guitar and or guitar parts. I believe I have found a way that may help us get them back. If you have any interest at all in getting your Guitar back in your possession please feel free to contact me ASAP. You may send me an email or a PM and I will get right back to you. Now it seems Teresa has made herself completely unavailable to all those who have sent them their Guitars or Guitar Parts. Thanks so much for any of your cooperation and I will do everything I can to get your Guitar or Guitar Parts back in your possession.
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2017 1:14 pm    
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Over many years on this forum, I have seen this happen several times.. Guitars worth thousands of dollars in limbo thousands of miles from home, and there for years.. personally, I have major problems with the fact that these things were sent and accepted when the business owners were older and/or in declining health and made no provision for return of either the guitars or funds in the event they could not provide the service..
I don't see why you can't get in touch with James' wife, tell her you are coming to pick up your guitar.thats what I would do.. Take the 2 day round trip out there and pick up what belongs to you. We all get old, we all get sick.. Health fails quickly, unfortunately.. However this stuff belonged to the senders, and should have been returned when requested if at all possible.. If it is not possible for it to be shipped, and thats a possibility of course, arrangements should be made for pickup.. This is NOT a knock against James, God rest his soul.. However these instruments have owners, and they should have be able to retrieve them in the correct course of time.... bob
I'm over the hill and hittin'rocks on the way down!

no gear list for me.. you don't have the time......
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John Kalament


South Carolina
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2017 2:22 pm     James/Teresa Morehead
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Bob, Thank you so much for your post, I've enjoyed all of them over the years and they were always very interesting as well as informative. I have tried so many times to get in touch with Teresa and have absolutely no success whatsoever. I have been promised so many times that my Guitar was going to be shipped backed and then...Nothing. I spoke with Teresa right after James had passed and she told me she needed a few weeks to get things in order which was fine and expected. I tried her back a couple of months later and never got any response. The Guitar I sent was a Factory Black LDG from 1981. It took me a long time to find an original Black one from the factory so the Guitar was and is very special to me. It's so aggravating as this was the same thing that was happening long before James had passed. I would fly out there in a minute to retrieve my Guitar but at this point and time I don't even know if it's still there ! I do know where she lives in Arkansas but if I showed up at her doorstep she could legally throw me off her property. I am in touch with three other Steelers that are in the same situation as I but for now our hands are tied. I know this post will most likely draw some negative response towards me from other Steelers but they don't have a nickel invested and most likely don't care whether or not I get back my Guitar. I was very good to James when he was ill and even sent him gifts when he was in the Hospital. I would be very happy to fly out there and help out other Steelers so this was the reason for this post.
Thanks so much again for your understanding and support.
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Don R Brown

Rochester, New York, USA
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2017 3:52 pm    
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Is it possible that the widow herself has now passed away? Or perhaps suffered some severe health problem which has incapacitated her?
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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2017 4:28 pm    
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Teresa does have a son that lives in Colorado and has a very sick son. So it is her Grandson that has to go through some medical procedure once a month; so she spends a lot of time back and forth. I haven't spoken Teresa for quite sometime and I'm thinking I'm remembering that correctly.
Ricky Davis
Email Ricky:
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2017 6:57 pm    
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Ricky Davis wrote:
Teresa does have a son that lives in Colorado and has a very sick son. So it is her Grandson that has to go through some medical procedure once a month; so she spends a lot of time back and forth. I haven't spoken Teresa for quite sometime and I'm thinking I'm remembering that correctly.

Ricky, you and a few others knew the Moreheads better than most here.. Is it possible that you or another member that was close to them could help set up a day thats right for Teresa that these guys could go and get their guitars?..
I love my 2 grandchildren with all my heart and soul and would give my life for them with no hesitation, so I can understand her not being around very much with a sick grandchild... I would do exactly the same. However, those guitars do have owners that want them back, and she really needs to address the situation.. These guys have shown incredible patience, and its past time their property was returned..bob
I'm over the hill and hittin'rocks on the way down!

no gear list for me.. you don't have the time......
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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2017 8:12 pm    
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Bob; I understand you and everyones concern.
I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury; then James passed away. I was not able to stay in contact with Teresa very well; due to my slow healing condition and now after I have healed for 2 years; I have had no contact with her or information at all in her situation/ etc.
I would be very glad to help with fixing/repairing/restoring steels; as I'm still doing that now. I even have two steel guitars here waiting on parts from James...that as you know, now won't happen. I'm sure if anyone can find current contact; they would be just as helpful as I would; in speaking to Tree and figuring out what to do.
Ricky Davis
Email Ricky:
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Storm Rosson


Silver City, NM. USA
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2017 4:44 am    
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This is such a depressing situation and sadly is ongoing. We all loved and respected James for his talents and integrity. Bob is spot on with his thoughts on why these unfortunate situations aren't new, and we should consider Bob's suggestions to include what provisions that are necessary, and mutually discussed and agreed upon by all concerned stating a time frame for intended service and the rights of the owner to request his guitar and/or equipment be returned when/if the agreed time frame is extended without first contacting said owner and mutually deciding on how to resolve the situation amicably. Hopefully it would prevent these things from continuing to happen.....just a thought...Stormy

Last edited by Storm Rosson on 20 Jun 2017 4:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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Herb Steiner

Briarcliff TX 78669, pop. 2,064
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2017 4:48 am    
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This is another of life's unfortunate turns, a confluence of unexpected tragedies.

We had a very popular guitar dealer here in Austin. He was the manager of a major store, then left to open his own store. Well connected in the vintage world, many pickers put their guitars up for consignment at his new place. He sold some but was slow to pay the players for their instruments.

Then he suddenly died, owing a bunch. The remaining inventory of the store was claimed by the business' creditors, who were in line ahead of the individual owner's of specific pieces. Of course, there was no money left to pay anybody anything, and quite a few nice pieces owned by players, without the knowledge or wherewithal to deal with the legal system, disappeared into the ether.

Stuff like that happens. It's outrageous and sad, and one of those events that folks have to lick their wounds and move on.

But all is not lost, Teresa is somewhere, though she's been through very tough times. Keep trying to locate her and maybe she's still in possession of the guitars.
My rig: Infinity and Telonics.

Son, we live in a world with walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with steel guitars. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg?
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John Billings

Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2017 7:18 am    
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Tree is taking care of her Mother, who is very ill. She does yardwork to try and make ends meet.
Dr. Z Surgical Steel amp, amazing!
"74 Bud S-10 3&6
'73 Bud S-10 3&5(under construction)
'63 Fingertip S-10, at James awaiting 6 knees
'57 Strat, LP Blue
'91 Tele with 60's Maple neck
Dozen more guitars!
Dozens of amps, but SF Quad reverb, Rick Johnson cabs. JBL 15, '64 Vibroverb for at home.
'52 and '56 Pro Amps
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John Kalament


South Carolina
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2017 7:52 am     James/Teresa Morehead
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John, You seem to be the only one that can ever contact her, She lives on her mothers property where she told me the guitars are stored. All she has to do is put my Guitar in my case and drive it to the UPS store and they will pack and ship it to me C.O.D. I gave her my address many times and never
got any response back. Can you honestly say that if I took a plane out there she would hand over my Guitar ? If you know how to contact her why don't you help your fellow Steelers and forum members. You obviously know how to contact her why wont you share that information and help us out ?
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gary pierce

Rossville TN
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2017 9:52 am    
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I was sure hoping that this new post was going to be a happy ending for the customers who have had one excuse after another.
This happened to me with someone else, so I know the feeling of no recourse, but the patience these customers have had is unbelievable.
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John Kalament


South Carolina
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2017 2:41 pm     James/Teresa Morehead
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Thank you so much for your post Gary ! The post by Mr. Billings is further proof that Teresa has absolutely no intention of getting in touch with any of the owners of the Guitar's she has in her possession. If she only sent one Guitar back to it's rightful owner per week she could clear all this up in a short period of time and make us all very happy. The thought that I would have to make the flight out there at a cost of over $700 is really upsetting to me. What's even more disappointing is to know she won't even give us that option !
Thanks to all who have given us your support in trying to retrieve our precious Instrument's.
John Kalament
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Rick Abbott


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2017 7:27 pm     Re: James/Teresa Morehead
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John Kalament wrote:
John, You seem to be the only one that can ever contact her, She lives on her mothers property where she told me the guitars are stored. All she has to do is put my Guitar in my case and drive it to the UPS store and they will pack and ship it to me C.O.D. I gave her my address many times and never
got any response back. Can you honestly say that if I took a plane out there she would hand over my Guitar ? If you know how to contact her why don't you help your fellow Steelers and forum members. You obviously know how to contact her why wont you share that information and help us out ?

My wife is my life. She is my parter, my friend, she is the better half. I can say for certain that my wife of 26 years knows what a steel guitar looks like, sounds like, even plays like (too a tiny degree), she can clean one and think about some other aspects of them. In our life together she has known me as a musician first...going on and on and on about my latest musical device. If I showed her 10 steel guitars she could not pick out the one I own.

If several guitars are in a pile of boxes would she be able to deal with who-gets-what? I could see a situation where my wife would have to deal with my situation regarding my, and other folk's, guitars. She would be lost...even with so much exposure , which is not explicit knowledge. No one in my regular life, kids, friends, wife, other musicians, would know what to do with my steel pile.

Who is trusted and has the knowledge to go and sort out the parts?

She might be embarrassed and afraid to be cheated. She might have sold it all...but why wouldn't we all have the network to see such a thing? The steel world is pretty airtight.

She probably needs to know she's going to be treated right.

I could be wrong.

EDIT: I was attempting to make a case that maybe Teresa doesn't know more about the guitars than my wife might in just such a case (while ever-present, isn't part of the operation). I stand corrected, and honestly didn't mean to seem rude or insulting.
Sho~Bud D-10 Professional #7962
Remington T-8, Sehy #112
1975 Peavey Pacer 1963 Gibson Falcon

Last edited by Rick Abbott on 21 Jun 2017 4:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Paul King


Gainesville, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2017 1:26 am    
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This is heart breaking. I met Theresa and James for lunch around 13 years ago. That was the only time I ever met them. To be honest, I cannot understand why she would not respond and send the instruments back. My concern is she sold them needing the money. I hope that I am wrong about that. I feel like if I were in their shoes my wife would have done the right thing and returned the instruments. I hope all this is resolved soon and no one loses their guitars.
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Jeff Garden

Center Sandwich, New Hampshire, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2017 4:01 am    
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At the very least the executor or court appointed representative for the estate has an obligation to attempt to identify and notify creditors that the estate is in possession of the creditor's property. A post to the Forum with contact info for the estate representative would go a long way to resolving this matter.
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John Kalament


South Carolina
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2017 8:23 am     James/Teresa Morehead
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In regards to Mr. Abbott's post, Teresa played a very large part in their business and through emails and personal contact I am very sure she knows who most of the parts as well as the Steels belong to. She helped James out a great deal and polished most of the End Plates and other small parts herself. She also took orders for parts and gave prices for any work that had to be done. All of us quite obviously know what our Steels look like and we all have the Serial numbers to prove our ownership. I'm sure you have a very nice wife and I really admire your love and respect for her but this is not a what this thread is all about. Your assumption that all our Guitar's and or parts are all thrown in a big box to sort out is not a reasonable assumption and a very unfair thing say. You also have no knowledge of what our Guitar's looked like or what work had to be done on them. Lets keep this post to all of us Steeler's who are just trying to get our Instruments back in our possession.
Thank you.
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Rick Abbott


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2017 9:12 am     Re: James/Teresa Morehead
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John Kalament wrote:
In regards to Mr. Abbott's post, Teresa played a very large part in their business and through emails and personal contact I am very sure she knows who most of the parts as well as the Steels belong to. She helped James out a great deal and polished most of the End Plates and other small parts herself. She also took orders for parts and gave prices for any work that had to be done. All of us quite obviously know what our Steels look like and we all have the Serial numbers to prove our ownership. I'm sure you have a very nice wife and I really admire your love and respect for her but this is not a what this thread is all about. Your assumption that all our Guitar's and or parts are all thrown in a big box to sort out is not a reasonable assumption and a very unfair thing say. You also have no knowledge of what our Guitar's looked like or what work had to be done on them. Lets keep this post to all of us Steeler's who are just trying to get our Instruments back in our possession.
Thank you.

I didn't know the extent of Mrs. Morehead's involvement. It's obviously different than the assumption I made from my own experience.

I apologize for my misunderstanding. My intention was not to obscure your point, it was to seek a "reasonable" explanation for why a trusted and liked person in our community has gone off the rails.

I'll certainly butt out.
Sho~Bud D-10 Professional #7962
Remington T-8, Sehy #112
1975 Peavey Pacer 1963 Gibson Falcon
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Jeff Heard

Lopez Island, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2017 10:33 am    
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I sent this Pro I to James in May of 2013.
When he became ill, he had not even begun to work on it, to my knowledge.
I have tried to be patient and understanding, but at this point just want my guitar back.
Despite numerous attempts to communicate with Tree, I have been unsuccessful.

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Joel Thomas


New York, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2017 11:10 am     Missing fingertip
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I paid James $630.24 via PayPal for parts and shipped my doubleneck sho bud fingertip guitar to James on December 3rd, 2012. My guitar's serial number is 7211211. Up to this point I've received no parts, no refund, and no guitar has been returned, but am hopeful. Thanks everyone for any help/info that can assist us in reclaiming our important instruments. Tree (and James) have been polite and friendly throughout the years, but my last contact with Tree was five months ago and she hasn't been in contact with me since January.
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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2017 11:30 am    
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We have a few attorneys among us here who could advise better than I on a process but, in absence of their counsel, I might suggest sending a registered letter to Tree, that requires signature upon receipt. I would NOT make the letter threatening in any way but very friendly, expressing hope that she and her family are doing okay and inquiring gently whether she has a process in place to return guitars that were in James' possession at the time of his unfortunate passing - and even offering any assistance that she might need to get it done. Provide a snail mail address, email address and phone number for her to get back to you. You will at least know that she received the letter and the date of signature. Escalation can be considered in the future, if necessary, but an amicable agreement is always best. Just IMHO (and I have no dog in this hunt).
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Storm Rosson


Silver City, NM. USA
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2017 11:56 am    
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Jim that is the best expression concerning this unfortunate situation I have seen.I absolutely agree with your method as such, regarding an approach with kindness, respect, and by all means ,a sincere offer to help,and assist in any you can to resolve this painful event with grace and kindness.permit me to express the obvious,in saying you are one of the few remaining people who react with compassion, kindness,and generosity in every post you make. I salute you Jim.....Stormy
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Steve Spitz


New Orleans, LA, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2017 12:47 pm    
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I too, have no dog in this hunt. I can't imagine losing a cherished instrument or cash as well, and it's all M.I.A.

My hunch is that Tree is overwhelmed , but it's just an uneducated guess. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the right to avoid the legal responsibilities of their joint estate. I'm not suggesting anyone hardball her, Jims advice to reach out in a non threatening manner sounds like a logical starting point, but what then ?

This is a small community, and these were instruments that would be noticed if they showed up for sale by a third party.

I just hope she still has them , and that they somehow get returned.
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J R Rose


Keota, Oklahoma, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2017 4:46 pm    
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I have dealt with and have met James and Teresa in the past and I am just dumbfounded that she is ignoring you fellow forum members. Her and James had a business and she needs to step up and be responsible and take care of it. She knows many forum members she could ask to come and load up all the guitars and take pictures with serial numbers and they could list them here on the forum. I for one could help, I live near Ft.Smith, Ark.
I doubt that there is an estate to probate. They moved in with her Mother as others have said. They had no house, no land, no checking account or credit cards I would guess. Unfortunately James's illness had to be very draining on their finances. My prayers go out to her and her family. But it has been two years now and I think she could of done something by now. The courts will not know anything about this even if their is a probate. I just cannot believe that she has guitars in her procession and has not tried to get them back to their owners. Out of respect to fellow members she should at least make a post here and say I will get it done asap. my2cents. J.R.
NOTHING..Sold it all. J.R. Rose
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Joseph Napolitano


New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2017 6:25 pm    
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This is such a sad situation for everyone involved. I'm going to pray for Teresa . Life has dealt her some bad hands. But I can't think of any acceptable excuse for her not to at least contact the owners , tell them where their property is, and give them the option of picking up their property, on their dime. I'm also not a lawyer , but at this point isn't this a crime ? There must be laws against this , especially with property crossing state lines. I like Mr. Cohen's approach , but if that isn't effective , I think it's time to go legal. Soon. Contact the Sheriff. The longer this goes on, the less likely it is that people will get their property back.
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