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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2005 12:06 pm    
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I see this used by some. I know Ricky D advocates it. I break .017's at what I consider an average rate on my 24" Carter---about half as often as the third string. Not an issue--it is what it is. Question: Would I see increased breakage with an .018?

I have observed that I don't have increased breakage with my .012 3rd string---while there is greater tension, there is also more steel, therefore more strength. In other words, in comparison with an .011, it's a wash re: breakage but I like the tone of the .012 better and I'd like to see how I like the sound of an .018 too---but not at the cost of increased breakage.
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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2005 12:17 pm    
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I've always used an .018 for the B string on every guitar I've owned. I haven't broken one in many years, but now that I've said that, I'm sure I'll break one this week.
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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2005 12:31 pm    
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Yes you will break less .018's than the .017. Yes the tension is a smidge more for the .018; but it takes less tension to pull it to pitch than the .017. Also Jon; I would make sure there isn't any un-wanted tension/friction, going on under the hood. Make sure the cross bar is nice and free moving; by unhooking the pull rod and check it out. And then make sure the rod is nice and straight running back to the finger and somewhere in the middle position of the puller and the easy position of the finger. And try and get rid of any slack(yes some folks like a little slack)because slack adds rod flex and that adds tension. Also make sure that pedal is free moving on the pedal bar. All these things will work even if there is a little tension/friction with them or if they are not as smooth as can be> but making them AS smooth as possible will give your steel a chance of pulling that string with the less amount of friction/tension as possible; and will decrease string breakage. Oh and another EXTREMLY important thing..ha...>Get at least 5 wraps on the tuning post and 7 is even better...(yes that's a bunch); but the more stable you can make that end of the string; the less amount of tension it will take the finger to pull the string.
Oh and lastly..ha...Use Jagwire strings if your not already; as it's a lot more quality of wire than anything else I've used.

[This message was edited by Ricky Davis on 25 April 2005 at 01:38 PM.]

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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2005 8:32 pm    
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Thanks, Ricky for an Illuminating look at how to make everything smoooth under there. Lots of things for a player to think

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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2005 8:21 am    
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WElcome Al; and I do hope it helps Brother Jon out some.
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2005 1:03 pm    
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Ricky--thanks, indeed, for the detailed discussion. Just a clarification, so that I'm not misunderstood: I'm not seeking a solution to string breakage. I'm ok with status quo. I was just looking for assurance that the 18 wasn't going to cause an increase in breakage. As I said--going to a 12 on the 3rd string did not increase breakage for perfectly understandable physics reasons and I am fully satified, on your say so, that the same will be the case with the 5th string.
Now, that being said, I'm going to take a look at how and where I can improve my guitar. I've done a whole lot of mucking around with it in the 6 years I've had it, changing copeds, changing length of pulls, changing pedal feel, etc----just because I could. She's due for an overhaul. I just gave up my steady gig so now's the time.
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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2005 2:09 pm    
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Cool Jon; yes same applies to the .018 as it did for the .012 change> you'da Man.
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