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Author Topic:  Played through the new Evan's Amp tonight
Keith Hilton


248 Laurel Road Ozark, Missouri 65721
Post  Posted 6 Dec 2016 9:21 pm    
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Mickey Gilley's steel player came by the shop for me to work on his Hilton pedal. He left me the new Evans amp to try. I took the new Evans amp to a big dance, 5 piece band, I play on Tuesday nights
I had two amps hooked up behind me, and both amps had delay units individually hooked up to each amp. One amp was a Peavey Nashville 112, and the other amp was the new Evans amp. This new Evans amp has a 12 inch speaker. For a time I played with both amps on. Then I started turning one amp off, then turning the other amp off. Here is my opinion, and the opinion of the other guys in the band; The new Evans amp was much better than the Nashville 112. Not a little better, a "lot" better!
In fact, the Evans sounded better alone, than it did playing through both amps together. Last Tuesday I played through two amps together --a Session 400 and Nashville 112. The guys in the band thought the Evans amp I used tonight "alone" sounded better than the Session 400 and Nashville 112 I used last Tuesday together.
The Evans amp is lighter than the Nashville 112, and smaller in size. I like both of those features.
I will admit that I called Scott Buffington to ask how to set the controls on the amp. The new Evans amp's controls are extremely sophisticated. With Scott's help I dialed in a killer sound. You may not like the amp unless you get help understanding the controls. If you want a simple amp with only Bass,Mid, and Treble controls, then this amp is not for you. If you try one of these amps, you will have to school yourself on the controls. This amp will do so many things.
This is not a advertisement for Evans amps. Plus, Evans amps is NOT giving me an amp. You can find people bragging about amplifiers they have been given by the manufacturer. I sometimes want to ask the people who are given a free amp, "Would you like the amp if you had to pay for it?" I will probably wind up buying this amp--with money-- because me and the guys in the band loved the sound tonight.
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Cartwright Thompson

Post  Posted 7 Dec 2016 5:29 am    
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Is it the JE300?
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Keith Hilton


248 Laurel Road Ozark, Missouri 65721
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2016 10:46 am    
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Cartwright, I really don't know the name of the amp. All I know is it is the newest Evans Amp, and it has a 12 inch speaker. Scott also makes a 15 inch speaker in this new amp.
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 9 Dec 2016 12:34 pm     Phase coherence
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In the early days, amp manufacturers(including Peavey)never maintained phase coherence, nor did Fender. They thought that a guitarist would ever use two amplifiers onstage, so phasing was not a concern.

This sounds like what is happening here as you are comparing one Peavey Session 400 and a Nashville 112 rated at 80 watts versus the Evans with XX number of watts. In order to compare fairly, you have to compare apples with apples and both amplifiers must be in phase, otherwise it will sound weak and probably "different".
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Keith Hilton


248 Laurel Road Ozark, Missouri 65721
Post  Posted 9 Dec 2016 2:41 pm    
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Mike, I always respect your input. This post was not intended to run down Peavey amps, I love Peavey amps.
I did not ask to test this new Evans amp, it was simply left at my shop. Scott Buffington has a traveling amp that people can try. Peavey might consider such a traveling amp that people can try. I agree that a person must always compare apples with apples. I agree the Evans had more power into the 12 inch speaker. One other reason this was not a apple to apple comparison is because of this. The new Evans amp has a reverb control in the front, and in the back. In the back it has a control for flange or chorus. Either of these effects can be mixed with the reverb. Part of the reason for the huge wonderful sound I got, was the mixing of the flange in with the reverb. When I say mixing, you could not hear the flange when the reverb was 4 or below. The flange just made the sound big without being heard! If you turned the reverb up, you could hear the flange the more you turned the reverb past 4. Mike you are "So right" this was not a comparison of apples with apples. The one apple had newer technology than the other apples. One apple was a design made in 2016, and the other apples were designs made in the 1970's and 1980's. Mike, get me one of the new Session 115's to test drive, and tell me how to set the controls. Mike, I have been wanting to ask you something anyway. I would like to know in "detail" how the new Session 115 is different than the new Robert Randolph amp? Are they really the same amp? Be honest with me and don't beat around the bush! By the way, Merry Christmas!
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