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Author Topic:  Home" Pedals
Rick Collins


Claremont , CA USA
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2004 4:04 pm    
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On the C6th neck, the "home" pedals seem to be pedal 5 & 6, for me.

I'm unsure about the E9th neck. I use pedals A & B so much, the C pedal seems to be a reach. How does one comfortably work the C pedal into one's foot movement? It would seem I must think of the B pedal only as the "home" pedal.

Many thanks, Rick

[This message was edited by Rick Collins on 07 December 2004 at 04:05 PM.]

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Rick Schmidt

Prescott AZ, USA
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2004 4:21 pm    
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Rick...add pedal 7 on your C6 to your home row and the C pedal should come easy.

Actually I think youre right about thinking of the B pedal as home. When I'm trying to play faster lines on E9, I find that using the B pedal AND moving the bar nore helps me play more flowing than the same old A&B mashing. I also find myself using pedal C alot more now that I've added low E to F# pull on it too.
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Bill C. Buntin


Cleburne TX
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2004 7:47 pm    
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When I took my first lessons many years ago, Reece suggested that I raise the pedal height in relation to the floor on pedal #1 (A for me) doing that and getting used to it gave me sort of a HOME feel on A and B together. I adjusted C to feel almost the same as B and just got used to where it was. I did the same on Pedals 5 and 6 when I started learning C6. I raised 5 slightly to give me a positive anchor then set 6 and 7 about the same as B and C. Mind and muscles make a mental road map of where these pedals are and then eventually it becomes instinctive and second nature. Now I don't even think about changing from pedal to pedal, it just happens.
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