Cor`s Problem

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jay thompson
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Post by jay thompson »

Dear Forum Members,

I have had a casual relationship with the Emmons Guitar Co., and the Lashley's since the early 60's.

I knew Ron, Sr. and more recently Ron, Jr. and Rebecca.

I just recieved a parts order which was placed on November 4th, and recieved November 8th, now how much more efficient and trustworthy can it be? and I spoke directly to them.

I presently own two Emmons guitars and have owned two others, never have I had to wait for a phone call or delivery of a guitar or parts.

Remember, The Aycoths, not the Lasleys, were responsible for the delimma Bill Jenkins experienced in recieving his guitar but,Ron, Jr and Rebecca fullfilled that order.

Where was the recognition for this?.

Something must be missing with the issue between Cor and the Lashley's.

I would suggest it is time to cool it! as all the adverse comment do not contribute to the closure of this difference.

Futher, Mike Sigler, I will trade whatever you need to shore up your bed for the Emmons guitar your are presently using for this purpose, further, I will trade you a new GFI Keyles, with however many P's & K's and/or a GFI keyed with however many P's & K's for those 100 P/P,s youn mentioned in the GFI opinion thread.

Best regards,
Jay Thompson

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by jay thompson on 11 November 2004 at 06:30 PM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by jay thompson on 11 November 2004 at 06:31 PM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by jay thompson on 12 November 2004 at 02:32 AM.]</p></FONT>
Jim Phelps
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Post by Jim Phelps »

.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jim Phelps on 17 November 2004 at 07:10 PM.]</p></FONT>
Brian Henry
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Post by Brian Henry »


In your post you said:

"I would suggest it is time to cool it!"

Would you be so willing to cool it if you were in Cor's position. Come on old chap, get real!!!
Pat Kelly
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Post by Pat Kelly »

sounds like this is a deliberate atempt to outdo Larry's ZB post
regards Pat
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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

it is "nice" that some people have had long standing good relations with the Emmons company,
but as noted above, this has nothing to do with Cor's issue.

If you were lucky enough to have good luck,
or be respected enough by them to get your parts promptly,
or at least be percieved as enough of a future revenue source,
that you get your parts promptly, then fine for you.

But all apearances so far point to them not respecting Cor in anyway.

But those defending the companies conduct, or not even bringing up the issue with them on the phone, are actually harming the company,
by giving them the impresion that this conduct towards Cor is acceptable.
That it is just a small gust not a storm, and that we support you vs this guy.

Possibly from an attitude of
"I need my parts, so I will side with the 'injured party' my supplier,
who is being bad mouthed by the irrational and irrelevant mob."

Well, this helps drag on this issue....
How many out there are unhappy with the companies act towards Cor,
but are AFRAID to post against them because they are
worried about parts arriving in the future...???

Thinking maybe: "If they can be this vidictive vs,Cor,
well I better just keep quiet."

Cor doesn't think he can ever play again,
or at least is not sure to even play in his room,
ceretainly not profesionally, if at all.
So he will likely NOT buy a future Emmons...

So he is off the list of prospect revenue sources,
thus not deserving of ANY respect.

Add that he can't sue easily because of his location.
Maybe he raised his voice on the phone once,
and is now persona non grata.

Enter the steel forum.

The great majority of people who fully understand the issue,
are APPALLED with the company's conduct...
Some have come on and stated only once,
others have been more active.

But clearly there is also a large lurking silent group,
and some of them eventualy have noted their support,
and there are surely others who are silent,
but thinking about it all.

There are a few who are such phsycophants that they seem to feel a need to actively support the company. Clearly not grasping the signifigance of the issue,
or just not having the charity to support the injured person
vs the entity.

The other closed thread, did bring into focus some other issues.
It was clearly directly related to this thread, even if posing otherwise.

The Lashleys are noted to be aware of this thread,
but seem to be treating it with sarcasm and disdain,
as if all the potential LaGrande buyers reading this will treat it
with the same disdain they engender.

As if all potential LaGrande buyers are callous , selfserving, un-feeling, and mercenary
towards someone injured and unable to return to his muscal career.

There are some who could care less about the rights of the individual.
Or treat it like a joke... sometimes repeatedly.

There are some that could care less about the rights of those from other countries,
especialy those more " liberal" than their own personal
or regional environment.

Or don't have charity for those not professing the "same christian values" loudly enough or at all, and so they don't deserve respect.
They are bad people, or sinners, not being "born again" and "good christians", or espoucing thoughs counter to your own,
so who cares about them.
Or they are being supported by people you don't like...
so they can be ripped off, OK?
... maybe?... who knows?
I don't care about them, they have
the wrong friends
or wrong ideals
or wrong morals IMO!
Wrong support for the war... or just not enough...
it can go on like that.

In any case the forgeign injuredperosn Cor, is not being supported,
vs the local entity.
Parochialism of the lowest order IMHO. Shameful... God made the world, not just your corner of it.

Thank fully they are also CLEARLY a small but vocal minority.

Fortunately they are MORE than balanced out by those
who's faith compels them to support Cor in his fight.
The little guy vs the arbitrary company. Dping the RIGHT thing vs doing nothing.

"To each his own"... fine, IF, and a big IF
it does NOT injure or contribute to the injury of others.
Regardless of their location, faith, language, or govermental philosophy.

I note a little post above that said Big E posted ahwile back, that he wouldn't be sad if the company went under....hmmm interersting. Like possibly he wants his name back,,, free and clear.

Back to legal issues :

To get a lien, one must have a judgment first.
So to Small Claims Court,
win by rights or by default,
then the bailif ot sheriff can enfource a lien on the company.

Again this likely would include interest on the sum since the date of either
cancellation or reciept of moneys involved.
And possibly travel costs if onerous, which they would be in this case.

If the letter writing / embarrasment campaign bears no fruit,
then the best shot is clearly going to Small Claims Court in NC.
Cor definitly pursure that process ASAP.

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 12 November 2004 at 06:10 AM.]</p></FONT>
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Richard Sinkler
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Post by Richard Sinkler »

On the subject of contacting the BBB in the N. Carolina area, I would try it , but, be aware that they have nothing to gain by getting involved. Lashley is not a member. And, how many of you have called the BBB to check on the reputation of a steel builder before buying one? I don't see this as a realistic means to get Lashley to rectify this situation. The same holds true for the radio and television shows that handle consumer complaints. How many steel players do you think actually watch those? But, I would try them anyway. I just wouldn't expect any gratification from them.

Cor's best chance is in small claims court as I see it. I would like to ask a favor of someone close to the Lashley company's location to take a half hour (or less) out of one of your days, and call the small claims court and ask if Cor actually has to appear or if he can have someone stand up for him. If I was close, I would be happy to do it for him. I would also check with the postmaster general about the possibility of mail fraud in this case. I believe that is a felony.

And, those of you that are praising Lashley for sending them parts, big deal. They probably used Cor's money to obtain them. Once they have the parts in stock, all they have to do is slap a box around them and hand them to a UPS man. Not much labor involved there. So, their return is probably higher on parts as opposed to guitars due to the labor costs in building a guitar.

On the subject of someone buying the Emmons company, I don't think it would inherit the negative press that the Lashleys have. After all, weren't we all thrilled when Ron Jr. took back the company with hopes of getting the company back into a good condition like his father had it?

I certainly hope that Lashley will do Cor right by returning his money so this can all go away and they can get back into the business of building the great guitars that they make.

Carter D10 9p/10k, NV400
jay thompson
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Post by jay thompson »

The direction suggested by the last line of your post above was and is the proper course for disposition of this issue.
Jay Thompson
Rick McDuffie
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Post by Rick McDuffie »

Based on the other (now closed) thread, it's clear that the Emmons Co. is aware of this problem, doesn't intend to address it, and is thumbing its nose at this organization.

I live 1.5 hours from Burlington, and am close enough to attend small claims court in Cor's behalf, which I am now offering to do. He needs an advocate here locally; an injustice has apparently been perpetrated upon him, and that's hard for me to bear. I would do the same for any of you, given the same strong evidence that seems to exist here.

Cor, if you will give me written "power of attorney" to represent you in this case, I will go to the administrator of Alamance County small claims court and find out what we need to do to recover your funds. Then I will file in your behalf and we'll proceed to get a court date set.

I am not an attorney, but I do not think we will need an attorney to accomplish this. IF an attorney is needed, I have some friends that are members of the NC bar, and I can probably get one of them to ride over to Burlington with me for the day. If fees are incurred, they shouldn't be more than $400-$500, and perhaps our fellow Forumites will help defray the expense.

Cor, I need the following from you:

1) A written document giving me "power of attorney" (if you have any question about these American legal terms [I'll put them in quotes] consult your Dutch/English dictionary or just email me... I'll try to explain. It's important that we be exact.) This document must be "sworn" and "notarized".

2) A photocopy of your receipt for the $4500 from the Emmons Co.

3) A photocopy of the endorsed/cashed money order/check, if you have it.

4) Photocopies of any other documents in your possession relating to statements or promises the Lashleys made you concerning this deal.

5) A written account of the history of this deal, beginning with the first contact and continuing up through today. Please include dates of any telephone conversations with Emmons. This must be in clear English; Ronald's English is good, so I suggest you writing it in Dutch and letting him translate it into English before sending it to me.

6) Danny Hullihen, it would helpful if I could get your story with regard to your conversation w/ Ron Lashley, Jr. re: the "policy"- in the form of a written/signed/notarized affadavit.

There may be other things I'll need and, if so, I'll let you know about those. This is a start, at least.

When funds are recovered (and they almost certainly will be) I'll forward all of the money (less any expenses) to you. If expenses are incurred, I'll consult with Forum members about those and ask for donations... so that, hopefully, you will get the entire amount of the judgement back.

No one wishes the Lashleys any harm... but all of this could've been resolved by them long ago, if they had just communicated and done right by Cor. A molehill has become a mountain. The silence of the Lashleys seems to speak volumes... i.e. if they had a defense, they would've offered it by now. So... to court we go. And, Cor my friend, if you don't accept this offer of help, DO NOT post again on this topic. It's the moment of truth.

(edited for syntax and punctuation)<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Rick McDuffie on 12 November 2004 at 05:40 AM.]</p></FONT>
Rick McDuffie
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Post by Rick McDuffie »

I should add that, even if Cor receives a favorable judgement, getting Emmons to pay the money is another matter.

It would obviously be best for all concerned if Mr. Lashley would call Cor now and work out a payment plan. Even if it was $250 per month until settled, everyone would prefer it to the court route. I do not WANT to be involved in this- nor does anyone else, for that matter.

I expect Cor would be amenable to any reasonable offer... and this Forum would hold his feet to the fire!<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Rick McDuffie on 12 November 2004 at 06:08 AM.]</p></FONT>
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CrowBear Schmitt
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Post by CrowBear Schmitt »

Way to go Rev ! Image
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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

Cor, you just got lucky.
With Reverend Rick on your side, you just jumped a lot farther ahead in this.

Get him everything he asks for.
And passing it first by Ronald seem a very good idea.

A power of Attorny, would mean he is legal capable of acting in your behalf in all matters of law in the USA, but would not aply to you outside the USA.

It would need to be made an official legal document, but a notarie, or which ever personage in Nehterlands is empowered to give the power of the court to a document.

It might also be correct to speicfy he has power of Attorny to act in one specific matter, such as this steel suit, And it also could be time limited, say for one year,
or depending on North Carolina law, in all matters, until it is recinded.

I have given power of attorny to people in the past with no problem.
It is similar to a proxy to act in your behalf, but more powerful.

Rick you have proved to me again why you are one of my favorite people on this forum. Image

Good on you mate!<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 12 November 2004 at 06:04 AM.]</p></FONT>
Doug Rolfe
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Post by Doug Rolfe »

Hey Jay:

Don't bring the Aycoths into this unless you know the whole story. That in itself is a real problem that should not be addressed in this post. Unless you have talked to the Aycoths and know what happened from their end you should leave that issue alone.
Suffice it to say, there is more to the story than you've heard here.

"Something must be missing with the issue between Cor and the Lashley's."

You are right that there is something missing. It's Cor's $4,500.00. The Lashley's have it. It really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Doug Rolfe on 12 November 2004 at 06:00 AM.]</p></FONT>
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Rick Johnson
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Post by Rick Johnson »

I'm glad you have stepped
up to help in this matter.

Rick Johnson
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Joey Ace
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Post by Joey Ace »

Thank you, Rev. Rick McDuffie!

Talk is cheap, but the action you have offered to provide is PRICELESS!
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Jim Cohen
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Post by Jim Cohen »

Can't hurt to have a man of the cloth as your advocate...!
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Lee Baucum
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Post by Lee Baucum »

This thread should overtake the ZB thread very soon. Just a few more posts.
Jim Phelps
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Post by Jim Phelps »

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Rick Garrett
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Post by Rick Garrett »

Way to go Rick! Cor there's your way out of this mess. Congrats to you both.

You would think the Emmons company would be a little better at public relations rather than to slap the very people who buy their product. I can't believe the people who think because "They got their parts" in a timely fashion that Cor's problem should be swept under the rug. Good luck guys and I hope you break them from sucking eggs!

Ron !
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Post by Ron ! »

<SMALL>This thread should overtake the ZB thread very soon.</SMALL>
one more to go


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Randy Pettit
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Post by Randy Pettit »

Perhaps Larry Chung could weigh in on this situation? Image
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Post by b0b »

The difference is that the ZB topic is a permanent resource for ZB information. This topic will be deleted when Cor's problem is resolved.
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Larry Chung
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Post by Larry Chung »

OK, OK, OK. Uncle, already. (:

This is kinda like that Twighlight Zone episode with Jack Klugman as the wanna be pool champion, right? Well, it was nice having the "longest" post, but all things must come to an end, eh?

Cor, I haven't even read through the entire post here, but I hope you are well and that the issue resolves itself well. Now I know how the rest of you must feel like when you see the ZB post... (: By the way, keep the ZB-info coming.

All ZBest and more power to the Forum!

Larry Chung
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Post by HowardR »

Wow! A guest appearance from a competator threader. How cool is that?

Now perhaps we'll get to the "core" of this problem. Image<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by HowardR on 12 November 2004 at 11:31 AM.]</p></FONT>
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Yes, Howard, I AGREE. Image
I,m running REAL SHORT on POPCORN, Not to mention I am TOTALY OUT of SODA to drink, (Talk about Cotton Mouth.....) and I haven't the TIME to drive the SEVEN MILES to the nearest store to get any soda, and anyway, I CAN'T MOVE because my SKINNY 'Lil REAR is a TOTAL PART of my 'PUTER THRONE NOW, and My Lovely wife, Cathy, well, she's got me on "LIFE SUPPORT" (She IS an RN ya Know?) now due to my RELENTLESS AGEING day by day due to STARIN' at this monitor. Now THAT's a LOT of "DAZE" because, now that I think about it, I can't REMEMBER the LAST TIME I LOOKED at The CLOCK, But, I THINK it was SOMETIME back when this "ABBOTT vs. COSTELLO" thread STARTED. (NOW, Let me say ALSO, I KNOW and REALIZE just how SERIOUS this matter is, so, Guys, PLEASE, I am NOT making Fun of this situation, but it has gotten to the point that one can feel "GIDDY" following this VERY UNCERTAIN situation, and there has been ENOUGH FLAMES here. So, If I have "Stepped out of Line" here, then feel free to Email me and I will apologize PROMPLY. And Mr.Cor, I'm Just trying to BRIGHTEN things, that's all, and I AM PRAYING for BOTH PARTYS and ALL INVOLVED who is helping You. May God Bless ALL of you. Image

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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

<SMALL>This topic will be deleted when Cor's problem is resolved.</SMALL>
Quite right and appropriate.

This thread, this group communication
will not be floating around forever taking the company to task for it's hard heartedness...

It will eventually disapear.

But for many the Lashley's apperant attitude toward Cor,
will not so easily fade away..
and they can NOT blame US,
nor blame Cor.

Didn't daddy ever explain : "Don't pee upstream from the well."

For whatever reasons... push was forced to become shove.

I am sure I am not alone in wishing this thread never got to 15 pages and 600 posts....
but it is not up to me.

No adequate explaination of why the man should not get his money back has ever been put forward.
So until the wheels of justice roll forward, or "Dawn breaks over Marblehead", we go on...

Oh, but were it not neccesary!<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 12 November 2004 at 01:59 PM.]</p></FONT>