Cor`s Problem

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Fred Jack
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Post by Fred Jack »

John, You know you can't possibly satisfy everyone but give it your best effort.You have support from this forum you'll just have to find it.Do you want to go "offline" with the effort?You may contact me if you desire.There is definately a loose cannon rolling around on this forum!As for your use of sympathy in your last post I see where Webster placed it between s$$t and syphilis.Oh well lets see if we can help this matter and can all the chatter! Regards, Fred
Ron !
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Post by Ron ! »


What Fred said is true:You can't always satisfy everyone.And from my point of don't have too.
Your thought about letting Cor stay for a week....(paid in Full)...might be a good idea.Let all forumites join in paying for this little get together.
And when it turns out for the best Cor could pay back the amount of money that all forumites coughed up.
And it should be payed back to b0b.I think that b0b knows what to do with it.Buy a new server or pay his contribution for next year.

Just a thought.


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Malcolm McMaster
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Post by Malcolm McMaster »

John, I think your efforts have been first class, and I would not worry about upsetting or offending anyone.Anything you do that makes them sit up and take notice of Cor's situation can only be for the good of everyone in the long run.I am at a total loss as to understand how any respectable company can treat one of its customers like this.I think all forumites should be standing firm with Cor, after all it could be any of us in this situation, and I think that any forumite who is close to the Emmons Company , or who in anway has the "ear of the Lashleys" should be doing everything they can to solve this situation(and who knows ,maybe someone has been trying quietly in the background).If I lived near them I know I would be calling in on them to let them know how I felt about things.Keep up the good work mate.
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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

John, if being direct and to the point is "pushy" ,then you're pushy.

So what?
In this case pushy seems a prerequisit for solving the problem....

History is made by pushy people.

I have met you, and you treated me about as good as anyone from across the channel ever has. So when I saw your being central to this project, I was OK I'm in.

Cor, read up on the small claims court info links above.
I am sure this is as good a way to resolution as anything.

I personally feel the Lashleys are PUSHING Cor around... big time.
In comparison John is a paragon of mellowness. N'est pas?<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 05 November 2004 at 02:30 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Malcolm McMaster
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Post by Malcolm McMaster »

Well said David, I do not know John personally, but know of him through a good friend of mine Derek Thurlby, and if Derek speaks highly of him ,then thats good enough for me.It was a pleasure to meet you at Newbury and Drogheda, hope to see you back there next year. Regards Malcolm
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Lee Baucum
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Post by Lee Baucum »

A week ago I posted:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR><SMALL>I do not know all of the facts on this topic. All I know is what I have read on the Forum. I believe that applies to most of us.
Let's assume that Emmons decides to produce a guitar for Cor. One would think that would be a very good public relations decision; however, do you think it is too late? Has there been permanent damage to the company's reputation?</SMALL><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So, is it too late?

"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box."

Lee, from South Texas
Down On The Rio Grande

Jim Phelps
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Post by Jim Phelps »

.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jim Phelps on 17 November 2004 at 07:08 PM.]</p></FONT>
Tom Olson
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Post by Tom Olson »

Cor -- have you spoken to a lawyer in the Netherlands about the possibility of filing a suit against Emmons Co. in the Netherlands? As has been discussed above, maybe it's possible that a Netherlands court could have jurisdiction over Emmons Co. because they apparently operate a dealer network there. In that case, it might be a lot easier than traveling all the way to the U.S. Just a thought.
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John Rickard
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Post by John Rickard »

I just wanted to be post # 283, my favorite Chevy engine size!
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John Davis
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Post by John Davis »

OK Jim you ask what we can do, I repeat my original proposal..... There are in excess of 4000 forum members?
At the beginning of this thread I suggested all those interested in the problem send me ten bucks of which I will account for every dime.
Cor`s loss to be repaid, anything left over goes to Bob in support of this forum. This first action solves 50% of the problem.
Does it let Emmons off the hook? I don`t think so! there debt is to Cor , It does not release them from their obligation to make good,
And if they eventually did, I myself would trust Cor to donate the second payment directly to Bob for giving us the means to redress this issue.
If I have miss calculated the strengnth of feeling for this topic on the forum, then maybe I have asked for too much, so don`t send me ten bucks
send me five, if there is genuine feeling and concern out there it should still be more than enough to do the job.My ten was the first in the pot and its still there!
My address is at the front of this topic.

Two more things I would add
1 You have seen on this thread several times people saying you can go thro the court system. end up with a bit of paper saying you have won ! and
still get nothing!! This I am sorry to say has been my own experiance , (and this after a long hard fight!)
Cannot pay-- will not pay comes down to the same thing¬.

2You may not all agree with my proposal, I would not expect you all to, but what we can agree on is, we must all wish this topic was not here?
and IMHO the quickest way to achive this, is for us to resolve it ! This as a group we can do! and I would feel good to be part of that action.

Forgive me if I wander off topic a bit here but.......
When the USA went to war, The Brits got on board to do what was right..
I guess I just like things to be right! Image
Farris Currie
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Post by Farris Currie »

Good Morning John!!I love your attitude this morning!the soapbox got kicked,no cocky talk!down to earth,thats my man!now lets all get down to bussiness!lets get this thing first thing John is,making it easy for each one to pay our part.i don't know anything about how that works,don't suppose a person could send a ck.over there,cash would probaly never make it,and probaly different money anyway?I don't know about sending mail to you,postage ect.yes i guess you could say i'm a real dummy!Ok,is there anyway this could be set up,just say paypal or something like that,mail to USA,trying to make it easy for each one.i'm ready to get this rolling,and like to see good results.I don't even know Ron,or Emmons,don't know where he even has parts to build a guitar? but i would like to think that mabe he could build up something nice to sell someway to pay that bill to forum heart bleeds for all.i've been there,couldn't come up with 4 thousnd if my life depended on it!!Guess get the ball rolling,my money is ready to go,and like to give each person a way out,with a happy ending!!Trusting you with no problem!if i could just click pay pal or something i would do it right now!!don't matter if guitar was ever built,all that stuff!that doesn't solve the issue.John see if it can be set up,Lets all in one accord get together,and have a happy ending!don't even know what all i've said,but i'd like to see us all laughing,joking together!because i know sho-bud is the best anyway!! ha ha
Thank you John.put it on here,for all to see and let it be done!!!my prayers,farris
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Post by Farris Currie »

forgot,J R,lets bore that 283 out and make it a 301 build a screemer!!!!ha ha
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Joey Ace
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Post by Joey Ace »

I don't believe that Cor getting his money from anyone but Emmons will end this discussion.

It's far bigger than one man's misfortune.
Ron !
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Post by Ron ! »


he's got his mind set on that i think.But John has a nice idea.


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Jim Cohen
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Post by Jim Cohen »

I'm surprised no one has yet suggested creating a thread for people to sign on to a statement that they will not purchase a new Emmons guitar until this issue is resolved between Emmons and Cor. The list of names might be quite long, and it could be sent to Emmons Co. at regular intervals to remind them of the impact that their behavior is having on their business...
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Eight pages of beating this horse to death! We must be in the process of grinding it into little pieces now! Image
Farris Currie
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Post by Farris Currie »

OK,boycott them,put em out of bussiness,then cor can kiss all goodby!!if they don't have the money,all is lost!!I'm thru with it.all talk no action!if a few buck is gonna break me,i'm already in's up to the crowd,i'm not having anymore to do with it. final!!!! farris
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Jim Cohen
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Post by Jim Cohen »

Temper, temper...
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Post by HowardR »

Yes, Erv. A very fine grind it is turning out to be.

Here's the most important factor about being in business and serving the general public; You can be in business for 50 years, make an excellent product and have a good reputation....UNTIL something like this occurs, then that 50 years of reputation goes right out the window. With today's technology in communication, communicating is essential.

There has been no substantial communication or direct representation from the Emmons Co. People fear the unknown and so everything is viewed in a negative perception. I do not believe that "any pubicity is good publicity."

This is now way beyond damage control.
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Gary Shepherd
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Post by Gary Shepherd »

Long live Sierra.

Gary Shepherd

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CrowBear Schmitt
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Post by CrowBear Schmitt »

Jimbeaux's proposition is quite good & should be quite effective
" i for one right here right now, swear not to buy a new Lashley made Emmons psg or even promote one " until Cor's (or anyone else that got burnt) situation gets resolved "
there's plenty of honest and qualified steel builders out there to be trusted !
i was on the fone w: a fo'bro' that has contributed on this threadzilla.
he told me that what has happenned to Cor is not the first time such a situation has occured & i believe this fellow !
i remember reading not too long ago a thread to this effect w: a pertinet post by (my missed forum chaplain) Carl Dixon.
how come Bobbe chose Mullen and relegated Emmons to the back of his sales pages ?
Hmmmmm ?
John, i have'nt found you to be pushy or bothersome in the least so keep on goin' if you're sure you're right
if a contribution would help in getting Cor over to NC, then i'd pitch in.
on the other hand i don't think gettin' Emmons off the hook by buying Cor another steel is the way to go.
Legal action as suggested is the way, no matter what comes out of it.
don't cut Emmons no slack !
reel'em in Image
Brother Erv, how would you feel & what would you do if it was your 4500 $ ?

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Post by b0b »

<SMALL>it's up to the crowd,i'm not having anymore to do with it. final!!!! farris</SMALL>
Promise? Image
Fred Jack
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Post by Fred Jack »

b0b, Don't get your hopes up,I'll bet he is lying to us! Regards, Fred

Post by Peter »

Someone should print out these 8 pages and mail or deliver them to Emmons.
Maybe that will make them more aware of the bad publicity.

Only one volunteer needed to mail it.
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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

If Cor can comfortably get himself over to be there for a court date. Good.

IF not, then I have no problem chipping in a bit for travel related expenses.

I am not in favor of buying out Emmons debt to Cor on the other hand.
That would give them licence to think they can continue down this path indefinitely. Not a good thing.

I do like Jim's idea of starting a simple thread, not this one, but one saying as succinctly as possible :

" I am signing this petition against purchasing a NEW Lashley built steel,
until the situation with Cor is dealt with in a fair, equitable and public manner.
The longer this drags on, the less likely I EVER will buy a Lashley product. "

Keeping that thread short and sweet, and using this one for discussion.

Howard said a lot,.
Yes you can shoot your own foot ,or fatally step on your pud, even after 50 years in business.
And it can be MORE SO these days.

Mr. Lashley... it really appears you are harming yourselves
MORE than Cor at this point. Will it take a precipitous decline in pre-orders for this to sink in.

Remember there are several mouthy types here,
but think too of the 1000's of silent people and non members,
who are still steel purchasers, all seeing this.

Is it good business sense to alienate your customer base?
Me thinks not.

Or will it be too late before it does sink in?
What is that old aphorism :
"Pride cometh before a fall."
<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 06 November 2004 at 11:54 AM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 06 November 2004 at 11:58 AM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 06 November 2004 at 12:00 PM.]</p></FONT>