Cor`s Problem

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Farris Currie
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Post by Farris Currie »

Cor Muizer Jr
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Post by Cor Muizer Jr »

well for the last time guys here on the forum

peter that wrote that i was a dealer, i can tell you i never was a dealer from emmons.

so stop speculate these things

and peter i was sending you a personal email where i stated that i wasn't a dealer

Stephen Gambrell
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Post by Stephen Gambrell »

"We all love the Emmons name, Don`t we???"

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Eric West
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Post by Eric West »

Myself, I'm more of a "Sho~Bud guy"..


Brian Henry
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Post by Brian Henry »


A word of thanks to you for trying to resolve this matter on Cor's behalf. Please keep us posted on the results of the Burlington lawyer.
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John Davis
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Post by John Davis »

TB Thanks for your interest in the topic, just to update I sent the relevant details to a Burlington lawyer ( the only one I could find at that time that responded to me) and all has gone quiet!! I don`t know why but I am amazed at how difficult it is to get legal representation local to Burlington. Here in the uk you will find a solicitors office on nearly every street corner we are overun with them!!
I know a lot of you guys do not want to get involved with this directly, but if one of you could come up with a lawyer (that does email) and would be interested in this, you could email me the info. it does not have to go via the forum!
My sympathy for Cor grows by the day when I see what he is up against here!
And yes I have tried the lawyer refferal service to no avail.
I have no idea how big is Burlington NC but from the amount of legal help available I reckon it must be three shops,a steel guitar factory, and a bus stop!!!!!! Image
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John Davis
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Post by John Davis »

This is the sort of thing I have recieved.............

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To date, there have been 0 lawyers that have responded to your request. Your request is scheduled to expire in 4 days. If you do not receive any lawyer responses by that date we will provide you with helpful suggestions.

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Richard Sinkler
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Post by Richard Sinkler »

Bottom line is that he paid for a guitar that he never got. Unfortunately for him, there probably isn't a lawyer in the world that would want to help him. There's not enough money for the attorney to make. Also, don't expect the Attorney General to give a damn. He's got a hell of a lot more things to worry about than some foriegner who got screwed for the measly amount of $4500.00. That letter he sent Emmons was probably just a courtesy letter and they have no intention of following through. By the way, I got this info from a lawyer that I went to high school with and showed him this topic. There's no way he would touch this case.

Carter D10 9p/10k, NV400
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CrowBear Schmitt
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Post by CrowBear Schmitt »

a French steeler called me askin' me to help him get a D10
he considered getting in touch w: Emmons Co about ordering one
after i told him about this thread, he got the message
i did suggest that he could get an Emmons from SGN or other good dealers or right here in "Buy & Sell"
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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

As just noted...
It would certainly make ANY steeler in Europe think twice about putting a deposit down with Emmons at the present time.

Like it or not the lost revenue on ONE instrument, by being obdurate,
is likely to be less expensive than just biting the bullit and dealing with the problem.

Even if it is ONLY for PR reasons.
Maybe Emmon's Co. doesn't care about international sales?

The lawyers would likely cost half the cost of the steel,
but the on going public ill will will last for a LONG time in some quarters.
Just ask MSA's staff.... some wounds are darned hard to heal.

What is $4,500 vs your good name.
Regardless of whether hot tempers and mis-comunications caused the problem.

You have on one side a little guy, on the other a a company.
Which side do you think individuals are siding with?
If Cor were to file in Small Claims Court he could present his evidence himself and get a fair hearing.

I am NOT trying to hammer Emmons Co.
but pointing out that the public IMPRESSION is changing,
and not in their favor.

That is the nature of a PR issue relative to ongoing international sales.
Duane Marrs
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Post by Duane Marrs »

We would like to thank Cor for quickly clearing up what was an unfortunate misunderstanding. Cor was unaware of us not receiving payment on our parts and promptly returned them, since he wasn't building a guitar now. We hope the Emmons matter is resolved to both parties satisfaction, soon.
Sincerely, Marrs Music
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John Davis
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Post by John Davis »

This deserves a bump and a bump and a bump and a bump, at least until it is resolved and Cor gets his money back..........
Just in case somebody has not seen it!!!!!!!!! Image
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Sometimes it's better just to let sleeping dogs lie.
Farris Currie
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Post by Farris Currie »

good morning ERV,your right,i know i'll get jumped on for this,but i bought a bad ford one time,and all the bad mouthing did not hurt ford one bit!!lots of people are being hurt here,and its not gonna help the situation one bit.I know people think that if you sling enough mud its gonna get better,well all the stuff that is said is hear say,and only cor,and Emmons knows the facts,I don't blame Ron for not getting in the middle of all this mess at all.I still say there is more to this than we all know about! other wise,Ron would just send cor a guitar, and that would be the end of that. Thats what i would do,build a guitar,even if it was good used parts,polished up,not much could be done,if guitar was right color,and looked new.then if refused,take that guitar and shove it.Thats what i would do. Don't jump on me!!!farris
Gene Jones
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Post by Gene Jones »

....(quote) "Sometimes it's better to let sleeping dogs lie"..... Image

Image <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Gene Jones on 27 October 2004 at 08:24 AM.]</p></FONT>
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John Davis
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Post by John Davis »

Erv, do you mean doing nothing will get Cor`s money back??? I don`t think so!

Farris have you got shares in the Emmons Co??
Where are a lot of people getting hurt??
As far as I can see ,Cor is the only one that is hurting!

Fact.. He paid the money he has a reciept!
(I have seen it!)
Fact.. Emmons Co will not communicate with him (how does that make them look!??)
Fact .. Emmons Co have not responded to the last two letters from the Attorney General`s office, and as far as I know they have not responded to the third letter either!!
Am I the only one that see`s this as being wrong??
What happens if we all do nothing?
answer..........NOTHING!!!!!!!! Image
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Chris Schlotzhauer
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Post by Chris Schlotzhauer »

<SMALL>What happens if we all do nothing?</SMALL>
I'm doing something about it. My new steel WON'T be an Emmons! I'm ordering a new Rains as soon as I save a little more cash. My descision is a direct result of this fiasco. Maybe Emmons could care less about losing my business, but if this lingers on this forum, others may follow.
Rick McDuffie
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Post by Rick McDuffie »

It is incomprehensible that Emmons has let this go on this long unaddressed.
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Danny Hullihen
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Post by Danny Hullihen »

I've been following this post since the beginning, and I've been very reluctant to post anything here for several obvious reasons. However, let me just say this. Cor's problem here is very real, and very ligitimate. He has not fabricated anything he has said here. Some have said there's another side of the story we're not hearing, and you are right, so here's the other side.

Sometime ago Cor and I spoke on the phone about this, and in several emails. Being that I was an Emmons dealer, I told Cor that I would contact the folks at Emmons to see if I could perhaps help him in these regards in some way. I was hoping that maybe Ron would send me Cor's guitar to sell for him here at the store. I advised Cor that it would be very difficult to try to get $4500.00 for a standard mica D-10 Emmons, but I would try. Unfortunately, that couldn't happen, and here's why, or moreover, what I was told.

When Cor became disabled and hence, couldn't play the guitar, he called Emmons and canceled his order. When that happened, Cor's order was pulled from the build list, even though it had already been paid for. They openly admit receiving the money from Cor in the amount of $4500.00. In order for Cor to receive a refund, this is what would have to happen, and exactly like this...

Someone would have to place an order with Emmons for a guitar with the exact same color and set up as Cor had ordered, and at the same price. If and when that happens, they would then issue a full refund to Cor, but not until. I was told that this is the new policy at Emmons guitar, and that's the way it's going to be from now on.

So guys, you can read into this anyway you want to, but this is the story, and what has happened here to Cor is very real. He paid for an Emmons guitar in full, he has received nothing in return. No guitar, no refund, no coorespondence from Emmons, NOTHING! This is all very sad, and to say that I feel bad for Cor would be a bit of an understatement.

The easiest and cheapest route for Emmons to take would be to build a guitar for Cor, and send it to him, or to a reputable person who could perhaps sell it for Cor and help him recoup at least some of his costs. Of course, a full refund is what he truly deserves, especially considering the fact that there was no expenses incured for the Emmons Guitar Company. Unfortunately, or at least from what I've been reading here, it appears that they are not willing to do either.

I'm quite sure Cor would certainly rather not have to contact officials here in the states for help on this matter. It isn't like he went to a casino and gambled away $4500.00, and is now crying about it. He sent his money in good faith for a product he never received, and apparently never will receive. So all you nay-sayers, don't be so hard on Cor about any of this. He is not the perpatrator, he is the VICTIM!

I believe Cor has came to this community hoping for help and advice from us Americans, as there is little anyone could do from where he is at. Most of the folks posting here appear to have compassion for Cor, and I'm very happy to see that. However, those that don't obviously never had to walk a mile in this mans shoes, if you know what I mean?

So there you have it. That's the other side of the story, just as was told to me by the folks at Emmons Guitar Company.
John Macy
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Post by John Macy »

Thanks for the info, Danny. It's very enlightening. Also unbeliveable that would be their stance on the issue. I will do everything in my power to steer people elsewhere. A sad ending for a great company...
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Larry Bell
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Post by Larry Bell »

I agree, John
Not exactly How to Win Friends and Influence People. We owe Danny a debt of gratitude for laying it out from his perspective. Thanks, Danny. Hope to see you next May if I can make it up from Florida.

The arrogance of that business practice is absolutely astounding. What difference would it make what setup was on the guitar if they never built it?????

That's what floors me. They are just refusing to do the right thing for a customer. If they think they are as stable in their reputation as they were when Big Ron was there, they have another thought coming. They've lost me as a customer, but they'd already done that by refusing to make a 12-string anyway.

Sad indeed. It tarnishes the most recognized name in pedal steel guitar for the price of one guitar.

<small>Larry Bell - email: - gigs - Home Page
2003 Fessenden S/D-12 8x8, 1969 Emmons S-12 6x6, 1971 Dobro, Standel and Peavey Amps

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Larry Bell on 27 October 2004 at 04:01 PM.]</p></FONT>
Fred Jack
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Post by Fred Jack »

Danny, I appreciate your post!I,too, have been laying back out of this but I now have a couple of wonderings.
I wonder what Emmons policy was at the time of the placement of the order?
Also,could Cor resubmit his order and get his guitar? And if so when? Then he could deliver it to a reputable dealer and recover partial proceeds.He definately is getting the weenie!I would actually like to see Lashly (?) fold over this!
Regards, Fred Jack ( let the flames begin!)
Jim Phelps
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Post by Jim Phelps »

.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jim Phelps on 17 November 2004 at 07:04 PM.]</p></FONT>
Steve Frost
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Post by Steve Frost »

Anybody still "yawning"? Image This is outrageous!<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Steve Frost on 28 October 2004 at 06:32 AM.]</p></FONT>
Doug Rolfe
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Post by Doug Rolfe »

This is real disappointment to say the least and then to have posters make this seem as a yawner is sad.
The facts are in. Come on Emmons, be realistic and make this right. You are too small a company to have such rigid rules as an exact order, etc. to qualify for settling this issue. Ron, I don't know you and you don't know me, but this is definitely going to hurt you and your business. My father was a successful business man and he said the customer is always right. This makes for a good business motto and should apply in our small world here. The longer this goes on, the more damage will be done to a former great steel guitar company. Wake up Emmons!!