Cor`s Problem

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Farris Currie
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Post by Farris Currie »

GOOD BYE TO ALL FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dustin Rigsby
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Post by Dustin Rigsby »

Chet Wilcox for prez Image

D.S. Rigsby
Carter Starter and various six string toys

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Allan Todd
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Post by Allan Todd »

bOb we need a referee on this one,as it seems to be getting out of hand,
Stephen Gambrell
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Post by Stephen Gambrell »

Ronald, my point in mentioning the push-pulls, was that the Lashleys have added to their backlog, and have MUCH more important things to do than argue pointlessly on this, or any other forum(except a court of law, if it comes to that).
Hey Farris, you ever meet a guy named Ben Dover?????
And, for whatever it's worth, John, that's a fine gesture on your part, to get Cor his money. When all the fact's are in, email me. If Emmons is found guilty, then I'll be GLAD to chip in.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Stephen Gambrell on 23 September 2004 at 12:56 PM.]</p></FONT>
Tim Bridges
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Post by Tim Bridges »

This thread should be closed. It seems that alot of "FEELINGS" are being expressed here doing nothing more than making matters worse for the Lashley's and for Cor. This matter should be dealt with between the two involved parties. One thing is for sure, the Lashley's are wise not to comment. Slander can be costly; both as a business and personally. Refraining from comment on this forum is the wisest thing for both parties. Take out the emotion and work it out; either between the two opposing forces, or via their legal counsel. There are always two sides to every story. I bet this deal started heading south early. Good luck to the Lashley's and to Cor. I hope it can be worked out without anyone getting hurt further. It seems as though the whole thing got alot bigger than it ever should have.

Thank God we're in America! We do have free speech. However, my Grandpa told me to deal with matters like this like a man and respect the other person no matter what. He also said what everybodies Grandpa said," if you ain't got something good to say, SHUT UP!!!".

Now let's talk about PSG's. Image
Ron !
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Post by Ron ! »


I agree for the full 100%


Nikaro SD10 4x6<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Ronald ! on 23 September 2004 at 01:00 PM.]</p></FONT>
Farris Currie
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Post by Farris Currie »

You got it TIM right on the money. stephen,
your driving me crazy-er,that name BEN DOVER
man thats trying to ring a bell!!Tell me man,
i even looked in the phone book.nothing, but
i for sure should know. I'm refrain from all
this other stuff. all it's doing is hurting
people.Steel players are suppose to love one
another,and enjoy each other. gotta go,i'm
bar-b-queing ribs. later farris
Ron !
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Post by Ron ! »


I think it's pointless to go on and on about the Lashley's and their Push Pull PSG's.I hope they succeed in producing them.I will be one of the first to order one.I never had problems with my old Emmons.
They build great Guitars.


Nikaro SD10 4x6
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John Davis
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Post by John Davis »

Tim, with due respect to your grandpa,

"This thread should be closed. It seems that alot of "FEELINGS" are being expressed here doing nothing more than making matters worse for the Lashley's and for Cor"

I think you are wrong,

1.You say Cor should sort it out with Emmons
Factory,Great Idea! Hows it going to happen if they won`t even communicate with him????

2.You say not on the forum ,and I would agree with that if every other avenue had not been explored, IMHO this is the most legitamate use ever of this medium, how would you feel if it was you that lost?
Bottom line is - The guy`s got a reciept
They had the money- he has nothing>>>>>>>

In my initial posting I said the idea did`ent address the rights and wrongs of the situation but it would make it go away to most peoples satisfaction, it appears to me that nothing dissapates heat in the conversation as much as asking people to chip in ten bucks to help another forum member. Image
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

I'm still waiting for "The Rest of the Story"! If Bobbe and Reece can get together, this should be a piece of cake. If not, how about Tootsie Rolls at 20 paces?!?! Image
Stephen Gambrell
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Post by Stephen Gambrell »

John, your intentions are honorable, for sure. I'd like to see this thing resolved ASAP, and I'd like to see Cor get what money is due him. As far as helping another Forumite, there's a post over in "Extended Family," from Boo Miller, regarding his mother's failing health, and their finances.
Now, since Cor has gone to the court system (as he should have), and presumably, the Lashleys will be represented as well, we won't need to judicate here, nor, with all due respect, John and Cor, do we need to chip in and give Cor his money back.
The Miller story is much more important, don't you ALL agree????
Ron !
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Post by Ron ! »


Like Cor said before..
<SMALL>you are so wonderful but i won't accept it from you because it isn't your fault </SMALL>

Nikaro SD10 4x6
Farris Currie
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Post by Farris Currie »

YOUR RIGHT STEPHEN,this ain't pretaining to]
this topic either, but if MILLER family needs
help,then lets get a topic for it,and get it
going!I will give what i can right now.and
continue as long as possible.I feel that many
others will to.we live in a great AMERICA,and
steel player also,if it's needed lets get it
going! farris
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Ken Lang
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Post by Ken Lang »

Somebody here must live near the Emmons factory. I'd say put on your brass ones and knock on their door. If Cor agrees, tell them you are a representative of Cor, here to settle this case. A laywer along with you would help a great deal, if Cor agrees.

Face to face, with resolve but not anger can sometimes clear what seems like impossible log jams.

Knowing that you will be at their doorstep at least once a week and calling them twice a day by phone (nicely) tends to make them want to resolve the situation just to get you off their back. It CAN work.

If there is a real butthead at the company mucking up the process based on his own ego, call him even more often. Note it all in a record book. That's your proof of how often you tried to resolve the problem, and your proof of how often he stonewalled. Record the date and the time and who you did or didn't talk to. Every little record of anything, however minor, is a notch in your favor should it come down to legal resolution.

Cor, this applies to you as well. Take the time to record everything. That will be your strongest weapon should it come to legal issues. That's a big difference between us folks and lawyers. We are vauge and iffy, lawyers have it in exact circumstances and time and receipts.

I am not a lawyer, but I understand a little how they work.
Jim Phelps
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Post by Jim Phelps »

.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jim Phelps on 17 November 2004 at 07:03 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Richard Sinkler
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Post by Richard Sinkler »

Why doesn't someone go by the factory and say they are there to pick up Cor's guitar for him. Then let's see what they have to say.

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Tony Prior
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Post by Tony Prior »

This isn't for a local NC player to go over to see Ron Jr. and request a Steel for Cor. Ron Jr. would have every legal and personal right to say "Get Lost".."Who are you ?"

If I was Ron thats what I would do.

But there are plenty of other "appropriate" folks that Cor could contact to do the exact same thing .

This issue is way beyond brainstorming idea's and once the "appropriate" representation for both parties get together it will be resolved in miliseconds.

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CrowBear Schmitt
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Post by CrowBear Schmitt »

well we've been pretty lucky that this thread has'nt been closed
so we must be doin' somethin' right
i would suggest layin' out a bit and see what impact it might have towards the Emmons Co and resolvin' this issue.
we can only go so far and the Law does go further.
so let's sit back and see what happens.
there is nothin' wrong w: usin' the Forum for expressin' grievances of this sort.
Knowin' the quality and reknown of Emmons Steels, i seriously doubt that anybody wants to bring down Emmons in any way.
like i posted earlier, i feel for any Fo'Bro that forks out a substantial amount of $$$ and does'nt get what he's entitled to.
if Reece and Bobbe can make up, i'm pretty sure this affair be resolved w: honesty and class
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Post by HowardR »

Tony Prior had the nail on the head.

Let's break for lunch....permanently.
Stephen Gambrell
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Post by Stephen Gambrell »

Meet me at Tony's house---HE'S PAYIN'!!!
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Tony Prior
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Post by Tony Prior »

I already ate lunch..we'll have to do dinner...or just skip dinner and go right to dessert..

Brian Henry
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Post by Brian Henry »

Hi Cor,

Can you give us an update?
Cor Muizer Jr
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Post by Cor Muizer Jr »


about what???? till today there are no results about this unexpected thing what is happen to me.

cor<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Cor Muizer Jr on 04 October 2004 at 01:07 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Terry Sneed
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Post by Terry Sneed »

I love the Emmons guitar. but why the Lashley's won't post here and clear their name, I cannot understand to save my life.

84 SKH Emmons Legrand D10
session 400'rd Steelin for my Lord.
