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Chris Templeton

The Green Mountain State
Post  Posted 23 Oct 2015 8:04 am    
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I've had several people ask about the Tapper, so here is a short audio clip of what it sounds like (with a little overdrive):
It is a pedal steel with a raised fretboard that I can fret with my fingers, like Gene Fields did with his fretboard steel, or use the tapping technique like Stanley Jordan or Eddie Van Halen.
One of the unique things about the Tapper is it has a second compensated bridge for adjusting string length for precise tuning, for fretting. It was designed by Ned Steinberger.

A pic of myself, Buddy and Ned Steinberger out to eat in Nashville:

Here is an article John Ely asked me to write for the Winter 2014/15 HSGA newsletter if you are interested on more about the development of the Tapper and my steel guitar history (you can drag a page off this web page, click on it and enlarge for easier reading):

I miss Buddy, Scotty and Jerry Byrd very much, and others we have lost. I know many of you do too, but through the tears, I hear their laughs that say, "Here's to the steel guitar, the ones that came before, the ones that are living and the ones that will come after".
Excel 3/4 Pedal With An 8 String Hawaiian Neck, Sierra Tapper (10 string with a raised fretboard to fret with fingers), Single neck Fessenden 3/5
"The Tapper" :
Soundcloud Playlist:

Last edited by Chris Templeton on 26 Oct 2015 7:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Chris Templeton

The Green Mountain State
Post  Posted 25 Oct 2015 5:59 pm    
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This is another solo that has three of the different styles that I was able to somewhat develop before the multiple sclerosis I have robbed me of the ability to pursue these techniques.
The song is called "The Tapper" and was called that for three reasons. 1) using the tapping technique 2) tapping maple sugar trees to make maple syrup, which I used to do. 3) tapping into the potential of the steel guitar.
Here is the solo from the song:
The solo starts out with regular right/left hand picking and at 0:16 I use what I call "raking", which is hard to explain, but it's basically dragging the left hand fingers over strings.
At 0:20 I go to tapping. At 0:24 I go back to "raking". At 0:28 I go back to picking. At 0:33, I go to tapping, and at 0:49 I go back to picking.
I know the style is not the "country" that we love and are familiar with, but if it wasn't for country music and the likes of Jerry Byrd. Speedy West, Buddy & Peggy Emmons, Jimmy Day, Gene Fields, Scotty, Carlos Minor and the Zanes, I wouldn't have opted for this road.
(Excuse the abruptness at the beginning and end, Imusic doesn't have fade-ins or fade-outs)
Excel 3/4 Pedal With An 8 String Hawaiian Neck, Sierra Tapper (10 string with a raised fretboard to fret with fingers), Single neck Fessenden 3/5
"The Tapper" :
Soundcloud Playlist:
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Charlie McDonald

out of the blue
Post  Posted 26 Oct 2015 3:29 am    
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This is so cool to see the Tapper closer and hear you shred with it (like that famous guitarist Marty McFly).
The Tapper is a beautiful guitar; you may have mentioned the bridge on it but I didn't fully grok it, and seeing is believeing.
Very interesting article; I'm happy to get a better read on your amazing career along with some personal stuff we don't get to see. Thanks.
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Chris Brooks


Providence, Rhode Island
Post  Posted 26 Oct 2015 3:51 am    
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Nice to read the article and follow your career over the years, Chris. I believe it was 1983 or 84 when we met in Dallas, lo these many years ago.

And I'm glad we're both still a-pickin'!

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Chris Templeton

The Green Mountain State
Post  Posted 26 Oct 2015 7:36 am    
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Yes, Charlie, the rig and way I've played it can be hard to understand. I'm glad your grokage factor has gone up.
Chris, It seems like yesterday that we were at that first Dallas show. I was so impressed by the talent of Junior Knight a Gary Hogue.
Excel 3/4 Pedal With An 8 String Hawaiian Neck, Sierra Tapper (10 string with a raised fretboard to fret with fingers), Single neck Fessenden 3/5
"The Tapper" :
Soundcloud Playlist:
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