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Jos Roderkerken


The Netherlands
Post  Posted 26 Aug 2015 8:32 am    
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Everytime i think "hey im starting to get the hang of things..

Hey jos how about that blake sheldon song.. played it on youtube and i was like.. mwah this cant be so hard...

i was wrong..

The solo is in my ears a simple rundown but whatever i try i cant get the hang of it.. is there someone who does master his instrument who will help me Sad Razz solo starts at 2.29

help? Very Happy
Why are you playing an ironingboard??

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Tucker Jackson


Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2015 10:16 am    
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Jos, this is what I'm hearing... not tab, but you'll get the idea.

Fret 15, hit strings 4 and 5. Step on A pedal. Hit those two stings again.
Fret 14, pick s4 and s5
Fret 13, pick s4 and s5
Fret 15, pick strings 5 and 6 and quickly step on AB pedals (as fast as you can after picking)
Fret 14, pick s5 and s6
Fret 13, pick s5 and s6
Fret 8, s5, step on A pedal, s4, s5A, release A pedal, s6B.

You could also do the section that's written on strings 5 and 6 on strings 4 and 5 (at fret 13 with E-strings lowered). You would need to pick at 12 and then quickly slide up to fret 13.

However, I think he's actually playing it on strings 5 and 6 as written; if you listen closely, you'll hear that distinct sound of AB being quickly engaged together as opposed to a bar slide up to the fret. But it's easier to play on strings 4 and 5... which is a very common run and sounds almost the same.

Good luck.
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