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Author Topic:  E9 Realization
Dave Little

Post  Posted 15 Aug 2015 1:08 pm    
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The last few days I've been working out "pad" chords for some American Songbook type standards. Trying to stick to just strings 6 through 10 and low down on the neck.
Also trying to keep the movement between chord tones as short as possible (just half and whole steps).

This occurred to me as sort of an epiphany:
It is possible to play all 12 major triads, all 12 minor triads, all 12 dominant 7 chords and all 12 minor 7 chords - AT ONE FRET (yes all on the same fret). (Just using strings 6 - 10)

Some of the 7th chords require that the tonic be sacrificed but with the rest it is available in addition to the triad.
On at least 1 contortion, you have to sacrifice the 3rd to get the 7th (ex. Ab at fret 5) - but who's gonna do that - right.

The Maj7, 6th and/or #5 is also available in a bunch of them.

My guitar has the usual full E9 coped. 3 pedals and 5 knees. The vertical lowers strings 5 & 10 (1/2 step), RKR lowers string 9 (1/2 step). RKL lowers string 6 (whole step). Tunable splits on the vertical and RKL.

Now how 'bout them apples?
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