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Author Topic:  Digitech Trio pedal
Dom Franco

Beaverton, OR, 97007
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2015 10:40 pm    
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I can't wait to try one of these out when they hit the local stores. I wonder how well it will work with a lap steel? The Manual says to play simple Major, minor or 7th chords on downbeats, and it will learn the bass and drum patterns...

I would love to use it live to jam with at my solo gigs. It could be a great tool for me when I take requests, since I just play steel and sing when I don't have a track for a song. (I probably know a thousand songs by heart, from all my years playing in nightclubs with bands) but I only have 300 or so backing trax.

This could be fun, but will probably take some practice getting used to it. (great for 4 chord country songs, and simple blues progressions!)
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Larry Dering

Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 2 Mar 2015 9:04 am    
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Dom, I want to try one too. It seems to be a cool jamming tool. My opinion, way better than a looper pedal. Good luck!
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Dom Franco

Beaverton, OR, 97007
Post  Posted 25 Jul 2015 7:07 pm    
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Well they finally arrived at a local music store. So I went in to try one out with my steel guitar. I played a few chords and stomped on the switch... the bass and drums kicked in and I started jamming. A few customers and salesmen took notice and soon I had a small crowd around me.

(I am a big ham, and the lap steel is so rare compared to other guitars.)

After messing with a simplified version of Sleepwalk and a two chord minor vamp (Moon dance)
I was sold on the pedal! and The salesman said he should pay me to come down on Saturdays to jam in the store!

I took the pedal home and played non-stop for hours... it's very cool and works great with steel guitar.

I have learned a few tricks:
It really makes a difference if you play 1/4 notes or 1/8th notes while teaching the pedal the progression.

Avoid 6th chords... The bass will see it as a minor 7th (a C6th will trigger an A bass note)

I like some of the built in guitar effects, but will probably not use them with the steel.

It is going to take some work for me to be confident enough to play live with it. But as a jamming and practice tool it really is fun.

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Dale Rottacker

Walla Walla Washington, USA
Post  Posted 25 Jul 2015 9:49 pm    
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Dom, how do you think it would work for a recorded rhythm track, with bridge and turn around tags and endings?... I know you just got it, but I’ve been interested in this for a while... haven’t seen one yet though... Thanks
Dale Rottacker, Steelinatune™
*2021 MSA Legend, "Jolly Rancher" D10 10x9
*2021 Rittenberry, "The Concord" D10 9x9
*1977 Blue Sho-Bud Pro 3 Custom 8x6
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Dom Franco

Beaverton, OR, 97007
Post  Posted 26 Jul 2015 5:04 am    
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Dale; It could be used to create a drum and bass track, but it will be limited to 3 parts.

1st part. If you use the same chords for the intro as the first verse that would work then switch to the chorus 2nd part. You could then use the 3rd part for a bridge or alt ending chords etc.

But here's the big problem. There's no way to make a real ending (cymbal crash, with bass holding last note etc.) You just have to hit STOP... and it abruptly ends.

This also a problem playing live. no programmable endings.
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