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Ad Kersten

Beek en Donk, The Netherlands
Post  Posted 23 Jun 2015 9:51 am    
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I used to play through a Goodrich Matchbox and then through a Goodrich volume pedal straight into a Peavey Tubefex. The volume pedal has a Dunlop 470 kOhm pot.

Now I have a Digitech 2120 and decided to put the volume pedal in the effects loop. The steel still goes over the Matchbox into the preamp.
However, the volume does not increase as smooth during the travel of the pedal as it used to be. I am wondering if the 470 kOhm pot needs to be replaced with a more suitable resistance. I am not an electronics man but I can imagine that the optimum load in the effects loop differs from that of the preamp input.The Digitech manual does not give a clue about impedance values of the effects loop.

Did anyone experienced this also? Does someone know of a solution?

Zumsteel S12U
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 23 Jun 2015 11:27 am    
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Simple solutions are often quite effective. Either put the pedal before the box or after.
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Ad Kersten

Beek en Donk, The Netherlands
Post  Posted 23 Jun 2015 1:16 pm    
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I know but there are two reasons why I did not:
    1. Playing over a distortion does not work well with a volume pedal before the input. When you increase the volume the distortion gets larger but the volume does not. So, I can not control the volume level.
    2. Less noise, because the signal/noise ratio at the input is much larger.

Zumsteel S12U
Yo, Man!
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 23 Jun 2015 2:00 pm    
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If you have an additional reverb unit, put the pedal after the effects unit (I don't dig the pedal squashing the reverb tail).
I suspect that the loop will be happiest at a value so low it'd sound lousy without the ME unit.
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
More amps than guitars, and not many effects
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Ad Kersten

Beek en Donk, The Netherlands
Post  Posted 26 Jun 2015 3:10 pm    
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No other suggestions, ideas?

Zumsteel S12U
Yo, Man!
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Brad Sarno

St. Louis, MO USA
Post  Posted 26 Jun 2015 3:22 pm    
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Are you able to insert the "loop" after the distortion but BEFORE the reverb effects. It's very true, you NEVER want to put your volume control after the reverb. That's a terrible and uneasy sound.

Have you verified that you have the volume pedal ins and outs set correctly? If those are reversed, that will virtually always make the taper wrong.

That loop should be ok with the 470k pot, that's why I ask about the in/out factor. That loop would also likely be perfectly happy with a much lower Z pot, like a 10k or 25k audio taper.

In my experience, the digital preamp devices are just awful at distortion, so most people resort to an analog distortion or overdrive pedal and place it before their volume pedal. Then from the volume pedal they just go into the preamp input and never really need the preamp's rear loop.

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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2015 4:41 am     Re: Best volume pot resistance?
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Ad Kersten wrote:

I used to play through a Goodrich Matchbox and then through a Goodrich volume pedal straight into a Peavey Tubefex. The volume pedal has a Dunlop 470 kOhm pot.

Now I have a Digitech 2120 and decided to put the volume pedal in the effects loop.

Why do you prefer to run the VP through the loop? It sounds like that's what's causing your problem. There may be a compression circuit in the 2120 efx loop that's "fighting" with the volume pedal. Are you still using the matchbox?
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