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Author Topic:  C pedal / E lower on push pulls
Brett Lanier


Hermitage, TN
Post  Posted 3 Apr 2015 1:24 pm    
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I've been playing without lowering the 4th string on my guitar for a couple of years now. I like it for a few different reasons. But just out of curiosity, I put the change back on my guitar the other day to see if I wanted it back. One thing I could not figure out was how to get the 4th string to lower to Eb while still having the 4th finger hit the body on the C pedal raise...

I was able to get both changes happening, but the 4th finger wasn't able to reach the body, and the C pedal change just sounds so much better when it comes in contact with the body. I'm not even sure I'd want the change on there at this point but I am curious to know whether or not a perfectly adjusted guitar is able to do both.
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Paul Sutherland


Placerville, California
Post  Posted 3 Apr 2015 1:43 pm    
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You absolutely want the 4th string changer finger to hit the body of the guitar when raising it with the C pedal. To do that, and still allow the 4th string lower to make it all the way down to pitch (D#/Eb), you must have a significant amount of slack in the raise linkage.

To get this set-up correctly, you should proceed in the following order:

Loosen all the linkages for the fourth string. This means simply loosen the collars on both the raise and lower rods where they connect to the bellcranks.

Tune the 4th string at the key head.

Tune the changer; both the half tone lower and the full tone raise.

Re-set the 4th string lower mechanism so it works perfectly with the knee lever. The finger should hit the tuning screw just as the knee lever hits it's stop.

Re-set the 4th string whole tone raise making sure to leave enough slack so the lower still works properly. The finger should hit the body of the guitar just as the pedal hits it's pedal stop on the front apron. You may have to adjust the C pedal travel using the hex screw adjustment on the front apron.

There's more that can be said about each step, but this is the sequence that has always worked for me.

Any questions?
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