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Paul King


Gainesville, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2004 8:42 am    
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I am wanting some info about the Emmons Lashley LeGrande II steels. What year did they start building this particular model and when did the LeGrande III start being built? Any info would certainly be appreciated.
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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2004 9:18 am    
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Not sure about the date, but I think the LeGrande II's and III's came out together. As I recall, it was kinda like an after the fact nomenclature type of thing.

When Ron Sr first developed his all-pull PSG back in the 80's, they were called the LeGrande. But a short time thereafter they were called Lashley LeGrandes.

There is so little diference between the later Lashley LeGrande and the LeGrande II that it is hardly worth mentioning. The big difference came when Ron developed the counterforce ass'y to get around cabinet drop. All guitars shipped with this mod, are III's.

So I believe to distinguish between the Lashley LeGrande and the ones with the counterforce, they added the II and the III after the word LeGrande and simply dropped the term Lashley LeGrande. IE, II's do not have the counterforce mod, and the III's do.

There are basically 5 LeGrandes out there:

1. The original LeGrande. It was a shorter guitar with a short keyhead and a changer supported between each finger.

2. Lashley LeGrande with 4 hole bellcranks. This is a regular sized LeGrande with regular sized keyhead and changer; as used to day.

3. Lashley LeGrande with 14 hole bellcranks.

4. LeGrande II without the counterforce mod on either neck.

5. LeGrande III with the mod on either or both necks.

I am sorry I do not know the dates each of these was introduced.

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Louie Hallford


denison tx
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2004 5:31 pm    
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The pick-ups in my Lashley Le Grande with 14 hole bell cranks has a 1992 date on it. I feel sure the II and III began being built shortly after that. My guess is somewhere 1993 to 1995. Someone from the Forum group will surely will know exact dates.

[This message was edited by louie hallford on 28 February 2004 at 05:31 PM.]

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Bobby Boggs


Upstate SC.
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2004 11:26 pm    
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Carl they built a few Lashly Legrands with 14 hole cranks in 1990.Hal Rugg got the first and I the 2nd.There was a period between late 90 and late 91 that they built both 4 hole and 14 hole guitars.The first Legrande II decals I saw where in late 92 or early 93.The LIII was released to the public around
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