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norm mcdaniel


waco tx
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2004 3:44 am    
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I have a Sierra U-12 that I really like and dont plan to sell or trade . It stays in tune really great and sounds good thru the amps that I use. My question is-have you guys ever had trouble getting the legs out of the sockets. Mine has the newer receivers. the legs dont fold up. Ive had this problem a couple of times and it always happens when ya really want to get out of a joint quick.Last nite i had to take it home with one leg still attached and it is a problem getting it out.
Any ideas that you may have is appreciated.
How about you b0b I know you are a Sierra owner?
Norm McDaniel
Sierra U-12 DPC 750 ProFex 11 2-15 Black Widows.

[This message was edited by norm mcdaniel on 09 February 2004 at 03:49 AM.]

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Tom Althoff


Greenwood Lake, New York, USA
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2004 5:23 am    
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Norm - I have a Session D-10. Do your legs have the locating pin that you insert into the slot and twist? Are you able to twist the leg but not able to pull up on it? Or is the fit so tight that you can't turn it either?

If that pin comes loose and sticks out too far it might be catching on something. I had to tap mine back into place when I first got the guitar.

You might have to back off an extra turn on the clamping lever too if you are having trouble twisting the leg to line the pin up with the slot.
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Tom Campbell


Houston, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2004 7:40 am    
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Had the same problem. Discovered that certain legs fit certain leg sockets better than others. Once I figured the best match-up, I numbered the legs to match the best fitting leg socket. Also, used a crocus cloth (fine grit)and sanded the inside of the leg sockets...everything fits fine now.
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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2004 8:55 am    
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I had the same problem as Tom. After some study, I discoverd what Tom is talking about. If I reversed them it was impossible to get one of them in its socket far enough to be able to twist and lock it. A piece of red stick on (identifier) will solved that in the future.

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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2004 1:26 pm    
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I never take the legs off of mine. I carry it in the van set up, with a thick padded cover over it.

Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts
Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (Emaj9, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (C6add9),
Sierra Laptop 8 (E6add9), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6),
Roland Handsonic, Line 6 Variax
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norm mcdaniel


waco tx
Post  Posted 10 Feb 2004 3:59 am    
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Thanks guys for your answers. I got the leg out by taking the screws loose that hold the leg mounting piece in place. took the leg out of the retainer by putting some penetrating oil on it and letting it soak some. Then took a thick rag and a vice grip and had to twist it so the locater pin would slip up the slot. I then took some thinner and cleaned the leg socket and insert with some fine emery cloth. Sounds like the explanation is longer than it took to fix it, but I did it on all 4 legs. Now they work really well. All the legs were numbered so I didnt have them in wrong. It seemed that there was a lot of black greasy buildup in the sockete and on the inserts. The thinner and emery cloth took it all off. I think Ill just clean them a whole lot more often from now on.Thanks again guys.

By the way Mr Dixon I read all of your entrys on the forun. You are a wealth of information to a U-12 picker.
Thanks again guys.
Norm McDaniel

[This message was edited by norm mcdaniel on 10 February 2004 at 04:02 AM.]

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Whip Lashaway

Monterey, Tenn, USA
Post  Posted 10 Feb 2004 7:00 am    
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I had that trouble on my 12 string. All of the legs were numbered so they always went into the same slot. It was just one that got stuck. I had to take the mounting bracket off and put a shim in between it and the body. It wasn't the shaft but the leg itself hanging up against the body. That was several years ago and it's been fine ever since.

Whip Lashaway
Sierra E9/B6 12 string
Sierra E9/B6 14 string
78' Emmons D10 P/P

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Pete Burak


Portland, OR USA
Post  Posted 10 Feb 2004 9:04 am    
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There is a phenomana in metals called "Galling", which is what is ocurring here.
It is where a small piece of metal is sheered off, causing a lock-up of two meshing parts.

Cause: In the case of the Sierra leg insert/socket, the inside surface of the socket gets scarred by the alignment pin in the leg, causing the binding of two parts.
This causes the lock-up noted in the above posts.

Prevention: Make sure you drop the alignment pin all the way through the alignment slot before applying any rotational pressure to the leg.

Possible Solutions:
When Sierra gets back up to speed as a company, you can order relacement parts, but till then, if you can CAREFULLY wrestle that leg out of there, you can then clean up any burrs (rat-tail file), ensuring that both the leg-insert and the socket's inner surface are completely smooth.

If the leg won't budge...
You will likely need to remove the socket itself from the inner corner of the guitar body to spread the socket open far enough to clear the Galling and remove the leg, (which will require you to peel back the mica a bit if it is a front leg).

Note: If this is such a serious binding that you need to remove the inner corner and spread it to get the leg out, be careful not to break the socket molding.

[This message was edited by Pete Burak on 10 February 2004 at 09:14 PM.]

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norm mcdaniel


waco tx
Post  Posted 11 Feb 2004 4:11 am    
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Hi pete. That is what has happened to it alright and also some kinda ole greasy stuff has built uo in ther. Well I took the corner mount off with the offending part in it and spread it apart very gently. Then cleaned it with thinner to get all the greasy stuff out, then took some fine emery cloth and gently cleaned the inner side of the socket and the outside of the insert. works great now. Thanks again.
Norm in Tx
Hey, Pete are you gonna be at the Dallas show? Hope to see ya.
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