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Author Topic:  BIG BIG disappointment with my new steel..
Reggie Duncan


Post  Posted 30 Jan 2004 10:14 pm    
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Personal Opinion:
Bob, you jumped the gun.
But, I love ya anyway!
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Jim Phelps


Mexico City, Mexico
Post  Posted 30 Jan 2004 11:07 pm    
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Bob -- Yes you, and all of us here have the right to voice our opinions whatever they may be. I don't think anyone would argue that, but certain opinions will get some argument from people with contradictory opinions, and that's fine too, right? They have the same right to voice their opinions.

I think (just my opinion too!) that the issue here is not whether you had the right to voice your feelings about your Carter. It's probably that it does seem in some ways hard to understand, in that you did say Carter was great to work with, etc. but also you're hopping mad about the sound and wrong color.

I think it's as you yourself said, you were angry at that moment and in a way just popped off. Your own words in your earlier post, "rotten ##$%&&^*** I am"... are evidense that you can get a "bit excited" I didn't see any post that even came close to calling you any derogatory names or imply them. If someone actually did and I missed it, then I apologize.

I believe that you should have probably done a little more communicating with Carter guitars before making the post and that you probably would have been happier and calmer in your post...but this isn't to say you don't have to right to post whatever you want. Carter made a mistake in your steel, you may have made one in posting a bit prematurely....They're not perfect, you're not perfect, me neither....I've made the same mistake and so have many others. OK, you and Carter are both even now, right? Let's all shake hands and just try to learn by our mistakes.

[This message was edited by Jim Phelps on 30 January 2004 at 11:11 PM.]

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Joe Drivdahl

Montana, USA
Post  Posted 30 Jan 2004 11:13 pm    
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3 weeks early I might add! s-10 w 5+5 [black of course.. better sound]AND a shiny new Nashville 112 to go with it!![I might have trouble convincing my old Fender amps to let it in the house,but the price was too good to pass up]I am looking forward to playing her!!! My sincere thanks to Ann John and Bud for great service and a price that convinced me that a Carter was the way to go for my new steel. I got it set up all backwards just the way I like it, and with a pickup nobody else uses these days!.. I know it will be great!...
I just found this post of January 27. It makes me feel really bad to know that you were so excited about your new guitar and look how it turned out for you. I hope it all turns out okay for you.

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Jeff Lampert


queens, new york city
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 12:06 am    
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It's called Freedom of Speech ..Don't take away what our fore fathers fought so hard to give us !!.

Actually, we don't have freedom of speech on the Forum. Anymore than we do at work, or in a movie theater, or wherever. When we are in a domain of some sort, the owner or manager of that domain has the right to direct how our speech is to be conducted. I believe the first amendment of the Constitution specifically states that Congress doesn't have the right to pass legislation that would constrain our freedoms. No such limitiations are imposed on domains that are owned or managed by people. Just for example, if b0b chose to, he could make a rule that specifically forbids any criticism of steel guitars (not that he ever would). Or he could pass a rule that you can't post on Tuesdays. And he would be totally within his rights to do so. Anyway, I had nothing better to do, so I thought I'd comment on this. I need to get a life.

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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 4:14 am    
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Actually I have found that I am not fond of the Nashville 112's at all..I did hear a few at recent shows and they are not for me..sorry Mike..

they may be a fine practice amp but to my ears do not have the BIG sound of the famous family of Peavey Steel amps.

Bob..nothing wrong with your post buddy...actually I see it the other way..complaint..vendor reply..solution..

good luck
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 5:19 am    
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Ok .. to all who feel I jumped the gun...I'll admit it..but again,, wrong color and a signal SO muddy and distorted the guitar IS NOT usable on stage plus being really poorly adjusted. I feel this guitar was not carfully evaluated before it was shipped.. I BOUGHT this guitar to be my main performance instrument in front of hundreds of people each week. I needed it,waited for it,and now I can't use it and it has to be returned. THAT being said,Ann was ALWAYS top notch during this transaction. the guitar IS well built with top notch mechanicals,and it will be a great guitar once it sounds as it should. I was upset over the fact that I USED this pickup for years,knew it WELL, ordered it on a new guitar with the understanding I could not return it and was stuck with it. Ann was gracious in altering that deal.I DO appreciate it too. I'll say it again.. The guitar is fine. The pickup is UNUSABLE. The only real mistake made was the guitar was the wrong color. Yes I was VERY unhappy.. I waited six weeks and now have to wait another 3... I wonder if I'll get the same grief from some guys in a few weeks when I praise to heaven the replacement guitar that Carter sends. If the new one sounds like this, it goes right on eBay and I take whatever loss I have to. Should I also be "kind and gentle" at that time? I am positive Carter/World Class will make the steel I desire. Before anyone else flames me about this,think about how YOU would have felt.. having to box your new steel, VERY angry and send it back . I was told I could keep it here until the new one arrives,which is fine,but it has to stay in the house as it cannot be used.. Sorry my friends,it is pretty hard for me to be "touchy feely nice" under the circumstances... I'm not that noble.. I tend to speak my feelings and I DO wear my heart on my sleeve. Sorry if that upsets some of you. Carter DOES make great guitars, but this particular one does not do them justice. The color scheme is not anything I care for, the pickup is by far the worst I have heard on any steel in my 28 years of playing and the guitar just was NOT well set up for a brand new steel. I feel need to speak the truth as I see it here. This IS a players forum.. not a manufacturers site.Carter Guitars will make everything right I'm sure, and my complete satisfaction will be voiced here every bit as readily as my total dissatisfaction was... bob
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Bob Storti


Matthews, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 5:29 am    
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Bob -

I'm sorry about your new guitar; a situation like this can be a real heart breaker.

I want to thank you for your posts. I think you have done us all a service here. I am in the market for a new guitar and was leaning towards a Carter.

With everything I've read here - now I'm really leaning toward a Carter! I think the way that Ann and John are addressing this issue goes to show what a fine company they really are. We are all human and all make mistakes - it's the way we deal with them and make things right that counts.

I wish you all the best with your new, all black Carter.

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N.Y.C.-Fire Island-Asheville
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 5:31 am    
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I DO wear my heart on my sleeve.

Bob's shirts are all short sleeve...

{just funnin' with ya'....I have no opinion in this matter}
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Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 5:35 am    
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Perhaps the pickup is simply defective and repacing it would solve the problem with the sound.
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Tom Althoff


Greenwood Lake, New York, USA
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 7:10 am    
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In his other post Bob was "talking up" Carter.. Prasing the 3 week early delivery...even mentioning that it was black.

The day the guitar arrived there were people on the forum clamoring for information from Bob about his I don't think Bob "jumped the gun" as much as he was "pushed".

It was not a shipping was a manufacturing mistake.

The 3 week early delivery praise is negated by the 3 week delayed delivery of the correct guitar.

I didn't take anything negative from Bob's post. If anything I think Carter shows up in a very positive light. Yes everyone makes mistakes. But they not only admitted it they will correct it.

Quite candidly... I'm disappointed in the thin veneer of politeness when discussing guitars etc.

I once asked on the Forum if there were certain models of used guitars that I should avoid. Instead of telling me which models were famous for cabinet drop or shaky legs I got told how to look for a used guitar.

Off of the forum the candor really hit home as I received numerous e-mails containing lots of useful information about brands, models and individuals to avoid that were as negative as you can get.

If we can't be honest in public with our experiences what good is an exchange of information?

Bob had 2 issues with his guitar.

One was caused by Carter. Carter is taking care of it promptly.

Carter is even going beyond normal service in an attempt to correct the other non-Carter-induced issue with the pickup.

That's exactly what I like to read about on the forum.

//end of rant

[This message was edited by Tom Althoff on 31 January 2004 at 07:27 AM.]

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Bob Hoffnar

Austin, Tx
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 9:29 am    
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f we can't be honest in public with our experiences what good is an exchange of information?

For me personally I try not to say negative things on the forum about guitar brands because it just gets a bunch of computer geeks panties all wadded up and ends up not doing much good. I have found that I get much more honest and usefull information first hand or from E mail.

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N.Y.C.-Fire Island-Asheville
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 9:52 am    
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Now you done it Bob. The next time you play out, you're gonna get pelted with #2 pencils and eyeglasses!
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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 10:23 am    
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I had a shadow of a thought that you sold a Sho~Bud ProIII for this newfangled contraption, but I hadn't totally kept up on it.

To quote Gilda Radner:



[This message was edited by Eric West on 31 January 2004 at 10:24 AM.]

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Rex Thomas

Thompson's Station, TN
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 10:48 am    
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Bob H. & Howard R.:
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 9:17 pm    
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Since Bob has started another post about the guitar here, I'm closing this one.

               Bobby Lee

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