Forward slants on (adjacent strings or not) are quite easy to play for most of us...
Um ... not everybody, and it's certainly not as easy on a narrow-spacing, long scale-length pedal steel. I think a lot of players find low-adjacent-string slants of 70+ degrees quite challenging. I think a lot of pedal steel players never even think seriously about slanting, much less doing challenging slants like this.
... whereas the split slant using the bullet nose for adjacent strings and then the next string a fret lower (or more) is frequently used but not studied enough IMHO, as is the three string slant which I believe is not possible to accurately execute but has to be a compromise.
Yeah, split slants are just flat-out hard. My biggest issues with split slants are 1) getting the tip of the bullet bar to cleanly sound the two notes intended
and 2) getting that nose lined up exactly along the fret marker of both split notes. I agree that this is closely related to the particulars of the tip of the bar, a whole 'nuther but interesting issue.
But back to the topic of this thread - the basic
nominal split bar-slant angle isn't a big deal. By
nominal, I'm talking about
autonomically getting the bar close to the correct angle - I think we all agree that one needs to hone in on the correct pitches by ear, but this is sure gonna be a lot easier if you land in the ballpark to start. For example, if you're trying to split a slant to the next two adjacent strings - e.g., a split slant from string 6 to strings 5 and 4, then to the approximations I made, one would average the bar-slant angles for the next two adjacent strings - in that example, the slant angles from 6 to 5 and 56 to 4. Or if you wanted to split-slant two strings with a string skip - e.g., a split slant from string 6 to strings 4 and 3 - then the bar angle would be approximately the average of the angles to slant to string 4 and the angle to slant to string 3. This isn't exact - the angle relationship is not perfectly linear. But you can see from the plots that it's not far from linear.
for what its worth , it simplifies all the high math equations to determine an angle of a bar slant --
Absolutely - I'm all for experimental investigation, you can do all this with a straightedge and a protractor. But seriously, this is not 'higher math' - everything here is strictly sophomore to junior level high school algebra and trigonometry. Which, unfortunately, only a very small percentage of the US population deems as remotely important anymore.
BTW - I measured my Zum string 5 fret 5 to string 2 fret 8. I got string length of 2-11/16" and string spacing 15/16", which gives a computed - arctan((15/16)/(2+11/16)) - angle with the string (horizontal) of about 19.2 degrees, or 70.8 with the straight bar position (vertical), so I assume the Zum's string spacing is a bit tighter. Or measuring from fret 5 to fret 6 and over one string, I got string length almost exactly 1" and string spacing 9/32" (slightly smaller than the average I used), to give a computed angle with the string of about 15.7 degrees, or an angle with the straight bar (vertical) of about 74.3 degrees - nonetheless even with the approximations I made, this corresponds very closely with the red curve in the graph for n=5.