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Author Topic:  Up Tempo Song on a Dobro with Pedals!
Zane King

Nashville, TN
Post  Posted 26 Jul 2014 5:22 am    
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I know I'm wearing ya'll out with this apparatus from Jackson Steel for a dobro guitar. Yet, I wanted to throw an up-tempo song out there so you could see one more idea of what can be done. There is just absolutely no way that I could play this way with my regular dobro. I just love these pedals!!!!

"I'll Fly Away"
Zane King
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Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 26 Jul 2014 7:11 am    
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Not at all. Keep 'em comin'.
Carter D10 8p/8k, Dekley S10 3p/4k C6 setup,Regal RD40 Dobro, Recording King Professional Dobro, NV400, NV112,Ibanez Gio guitar, Epiphone SG Special (open D slide guitar) . Playing for 55 years and still counting.
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Wally Taylor


Hardin, Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 26 Jul 2014 7:46 am    
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Yeah, what Richard said!!
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Daniel McKee


Corinth Mississippi
Post  Posted 26 Jul 2014 8:04 am    
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I really like the videos and this new dobro thing is cool so the more videos the better.
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Alan Brookes

Brummy living in Southern California
Post  Posted 26 Jul 2014 9:04 am    
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Zane, don't worry about wearing us out. You're not compelling people to watch your videos; we're doing so because they like them; besides, who else is posting videos of pedal resonators? Winking
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David Mason

Cambridge, MD, USA
Post  Posted 26 Jul 2014 10:13 am    
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I could have gone back channel as usual, but I'd think my questions are about the same that everybody's asking, so... I would guess there's several hundred people on this forum, and probably, 5,000? 50,000? people just in America who resigned, cut way back, or QUIT playing underarm guitars and basses because of straightforward medical reasons. I'll surely never put a strap over my left shoulder again, my whole arm goes numb in 30 seconds and it would be easy to permanently kill off some (more) nerves trying to "play through the pain."

I was initially thinking of these as kind of "stage" instruments - kind of gimmicky, in a worthwhile way... but then I realized, I could take on bass gigs again with one of them! So the questions:

A) What do the bass's pedals DO?
B) What do you do about strings? It seems like it would just plain assassinate regular ol' ($25 a pop!) D'Addarios or Rotosounds or something - bass strings just don't DO that.
C) Shorter legs and rods so you CAN sit down?

I have to leave the "price" Q's off until I'm dug out from my recent tête–à–tête with my new front toof. But if you can figure out how to promote these for the "musical instrument-disabled" crowd, you're looking at a cast of thousands, dude. Sir.. Sir Dude? Tens of thousands, mebbe hundreds of thousands? I can think of, like, five people right off the top of my head - arthritis is a great leveler, I'm afraid. Could you offer bulk discounts for nursing homes? (them places gonna be NUTS when the hiphop and rocker boomers get crammed together out of necessity.) Know any musical therapists? Cool
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Zane King

Nashville, TN
Post  Posted 26 Jul 2014 2:59 pm    
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Thanks fellows for the encouragement. I agree Alan!

David - I will get back to you with answers soon!
Zane King
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Tony Dingus


Kingsport, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2014 9:30 am    
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I'm really liking the E tuning. I thought I would prefer D but if I ever get one I'll go with E. Are you using the same gauges that's used in E9 set ?
You sound great Zane.

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Steve Hinson


Hendersonville Tn USA
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2014 2:07 pm    
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Great job,Zane!

You were playing the cat hair offa that thing!
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Stephen Gambrell


Over there
Post  Posted 29 Jul 2014 1:09 am    
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Zane, I am a HUGE fan. Your imagination on pedal steelis endless, as is your technique--Your ability to get that imagination all the way to the amp--which is ANOTHER subject--is unmatched--maybe Jernigan, but who else?

All that being said--It sounds like a steel guitar player, playing a reso. And maybe it's me---When I try to play pedal steel guitar, I sound very much like a decent dobro player, farting around on a PSG. Mike Auldridge sounded like a dobro player, when playing dobro, and a pedal steel player, when he played THAT beast. Smile I've always seen dobro and pedal steel, as two different, but related instruments--like a piano and an organ. Are there any vids of a dobro player--a GOOD dobro player--playing this thing?
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Herb Steiner

Briarcliff TX 78669, pop. 2,064
Post  Posted 29 Jul 2014 7:17 am    
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I dunno, Stephen... it sounds like a GOOD dobro player to me! Very Happy

Being that I came from the Uncle Josh/Shot Jackson/Oswald school of reso playing (and where my chops still lay), the lines between the modern-day, post-Douglas dedicated reso pickers and what Zane was doing with the pedals seemed blurred to me.

I'd like to hear what Rob Ickes might come up with on a guitar of that type.

One question that leaps to mind is: is the device a retrofit on a player's personal guitar, or are there modifications such that the entire unit must be mfg'd at Jackson using their proprietary instrument?

Second question is this: is the amplification done with an Aura rig, or is there another method used to get the licks to the amp?

I'd think that since it's an amplified instrument, perhaps used with an Aura setup, you wouldn't necessarily need a Beard or a Scheerhorn quality guitar to start with.

I'd bet that the "one microphone" choreography of a traditional 'grass band would be a little problematic with that contraption. Laughing
My rig: Infinity and Telonics.

Son, we live in a world with walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with steel guitars. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg?
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Mark Eaton

Sonoma County in The Great State Of Northern California
Post  Posted 29 Jul 2014 8:05 am    
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In one of the other threads about the device (Zane, wouldn't it make more sense to have everything in one thread - this gets to be like moving around to different circles at a big party to be in on all the conversations), I wrote that I wouldn't be taking my Clinesmith and be hooking it up to this rig.

And as Zane wrote in another thread, it's like having an extra tool in the box. The guitar in the video is a cheap import. I can't imagine anyone who is willing to spend their hard earned money on a Beard Mike Auldridge Signature guitar and making it into a pedal dobro unless they have money to burn. I don't think they are going to be converting their Alembic electric bass to the pedal bass version either.

I could see mounting it on one of the newish Gretsch imports which are pretty good bang for the buck, or maybe go up a few notches to the least expensive Gold Tone/Beard, but Zane also agreed in the other thread that it isn't something that you'd sacrifice your artisan level dobro for. The "mechanicalness" of engaging pedals is going to negate some of the guitar's qualities, you wouldn't want to be doing that to a Scheerhorn or a (real) Beard.
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Zane King

Nashville, TN
Post  Posted 29 Jul 2014 8:39 am    
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Yes, I agree on the thread management. I will try to keep those topics grouped better in the future.

You are right about the Pedal Sho-Bro changing the original tonal quality of the instrument. That will happen to some degree but it will take some great ears to hear the difference.
Very Happy
Zane King
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Zane King

Nashville, TN
Post  Posted 29 Jul 2014 8:43 am    
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Herb - almost forgot to reply to your comment. Good comments by the way.

Yes, Randy Kors played the Pedal Sho-Bro at NAMM. Funny, thing is I had to keep telling him to use the pedals. Very Happy Very Happy

At the end of the day, I think what we have here is a fairly new instrument. It doesn't replace any other instrument. Much like the Hawaiian Steel Guitar wasn't replaced by the Pedal Steel. Both are still very relevant in their own way.

I will say this is the right way to do the pedaling on a dobro. Most of you will see that in time as it is completely unveiled. Also, as we do put this on high quality dobros you will likely agree this is just a marvelous thing that is happening to this beloved instrument.
Zane King
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Wally Taylor


Hardin, Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2014 7:35 pm    
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Zane, you never cease to amaze me! The way you are always experimenting and pushing the envelope, reminds me in many ways of the work of Les Paul. Keep em coming, please.
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