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Gibson Hartwell

Missoula, Montana, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2014 7:18 am    
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I see this description every so often and was wondering what this actually means. If they are tuned--tuned to what? Amp heads, do you have any insight?
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Stephen Cowell

Round Rock, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2014 4:42 pm    
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You can tune a speaker cabinet several ways... to accentuate one frequency, or to spread the peak out to make the response flatter over a given region.

Most tuned cabinets are using Small-Theile parameters to split the resonant peak into a 'W' response in order to spread it and flatten it, instead of having one honking note. Here's an article on this, probably more than you ever wanted to know:

A tuned cabinet will have a port, normally with a closed back. Open back cabinets are not referred to as 'tuned', although a cabinet can have a port on the back instead of the front. The size of the cabinet, the size and length of the port, the speaker characteristics all figure into the tuning of the system.

You can really tell when a cabinet has been tuned... there are some high-performance 1x12 guitar cabinets (Bogner, Mesa, among them) that really sound bigger, with more bass. These are Small-Theile tuned cabs. Most bass guitar 4x10's are this way... all ported PA cabs use this principle.
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