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Author Topic:  allisons s9 E-9/13 3X4
jim flynn


Post  Posted 10 Jun 2014 3:20 pm    
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Some pics of J Allisons s-9 a "one piece at a time"
1. Body Maple
2. Odd SB 8 string "gumby" keyhead,bored for 9 keys
and nut slots milled for 9 also.(Grovers)
3. Unknown pull release, I made the 9th.finger.
4. Harold Flynns' modified bell cranks on 5/16
round cross shafts. I made the KL's and brackets and
5. Custom P/U housing. MSA changer blocks.
John will be adding his own custom fretboard later as
well as a custom RioGrande with a slider to use as
a full humbucker or single coil mix.
His copedent:
F# G# E B F# G# E C# A

ABC are normal as are the LK( L E's to F, R E's to D#
RKL raise the F# to G RKL raises sts.8 and 9 to
D and B

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John Allison

Austin, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 11 Jun 2014 7:58 am    
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Well,I'm a little excited! Very Happy

Jim's done an incredible job of making this thing come together from a concept and a few spare parts. I think it looks simply fantastic and I can't wait to play it!

I don't remember exactly when all this started, but he brought me the cabinet he'd built for it and we did the 'burst finish here in the shop. We've discussed and thrown ideas back and forth over the last year or so, it seems. He's made and altered parts and little by little, it's turned into a really stylish and unique instrument.

That copedant is one I've used on my 8-string pedal and I've really gotten a lot out of it...not that I've had that much time to put into playing over the last couple of years. It fits my preference for non-pedal tunings and early, more "primitive" style pedal steel. The 9-string allowed the addition of the F# for getting closer to more typical E9 playing.

Fun stuff!
John Allison
Allison Stringed Instruments
Austin, Texas
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