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Author Topic:  Emmons Le Grande BREAKING 11 guage STRING LIKE CRAZY???
Bob Bartoli


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jun 2014 7:48 am    
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My beloved early 90's Lashley Legrande has let me down... it will break string after string, on the G# only..I use 11 guage ... tune it up to pitch breaking the string when I press the B pedal.. sometimes as I tune to pitch she pops without pressing any pedals..., ..once in a blue moon I will get a string to hold for 6-10 hours of playing.. the strings always breaks at around the FORTH FRET in front of the roller nut, I have changed the tuning key..., carefully emery clothed the finger eliminating and burrs, ( they never break at the finger) and never break above the roller nut..I can't figure it out..Can anyone lend a hand..I have tried different brand stings made for steel including an entire pack on Jaguar 11 guage stings..they all popwhen I get it to pitch and press the b pedal.. HELP???? I love this guitar!!!
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Jonathan Lam


Brooklyn, NY
Post  Posted 5 Jun 2014 7:55 am    
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Each time i break tons of strings in a row, its usually bad strings. I have had 4 strings break before i even got them to pitch, different brands also. Daddario makes individual string vacuum packed sets, in groups of ten and that is what i keep around.
good luck!
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Erv Niehaus

Litchfield, MN, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jun 2014 8:11 am    
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Sounds like bad strings. I never had that much of a problem, but presently, I'm using the Live Steel Strings and am very pleased. I even use a 12 on the 3rd string with no problem.
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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 5 Jun 2014 8:42 am     Bob................
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What procedure or steps do YOU take in bringing that string up to 'pitch'?

I usually take it in steps to let the string get accustomed to the new tension. Works for me.
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chris ivey

california (deceased)
Post  Posted 5 Jun 2014 9:35 am    
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i never had good luck with 11's even though everyone else seems to use them. i had much better luck with 12's.
now i use 10's (for many years) and have no problems.
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Jack Strayhorn


Winston-Salem, NC
Post  Posted 5 Jun 2014 9:36 am    
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The guitar can only break strings at three points, changer bridge, or machine head, and possibly at the nut. However, I've never seen it happen at the nut. If string is breaking within the scale, then the strings are bad.
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Jack Strayhorn


Winston-Salem, NC
Post  Posted 5 Jun 2014 9:36 am    
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The guitar can only break strings at three points, changer bridge, or machine head, and possibly at the nut. However, I've never seen it happen at the nut. If string is breaking within the scale, then the strings are bad.
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Bob Bartoli


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 6 Jun 2014 6:08 am     String Break
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Thanks guys for all the help.. I lubricated the roller real well and used some new fresh far so seems to be good to go... can't believe I got a bunch of bad strings, and somthing that simple would cause all my trouble..... guess so...
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Jack Strayhorn


Winston-Salem, NC
Post  Posted 6 Jun 2014 9:24 am    
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Bob, I was going to suggest to make sure the nutroller is turning freely. Only thing I know that could cause string breakage in the area you mentioned. I really like the 11.5 guage string for tone and less breakage.
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chris ivey

california (deceased)
Post  Posted 6 Jun 2014 9:40 am    
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since i buy individual strings from the music store, i have gone through periods of bad strings for as long as the store's stock was bad. they'd usually replace them but still a hassle.

you know they're bad when several break just tuning up to pitch.
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Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 6 Jun 2014 11:31 am    
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This is probably a little off topic, but has been mentioned already. I use Live Steel Strings, and was changing strings 3 & 5 one time. Somehow I had a loose .012, Live Steel. So, I put that on my 3rd string and played it for a couple of weeks at least. Loved the tone . Then it came time to change the whole set, and I ordered the set with .012. As soon as I got the .012 up to only a G note, it snapped. I didn't have anymore .012's but had .0115's and .011's. I put the .0115 on and no problems.
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Walter Bowden

Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 6 Jun 2014 2:00 pm    
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Just curious if anyone knows the amount of torque a G# string has to stand when tuned to pitch? Sorry if this is off topic but I know a lot of good steel builders, mechanics, string makers and players might know. Best wishes, Walter
Emmons S10, p/p, Nashville 112, Zion 50 tele style guitar, Gibson LP Classic w/Vox AC30, Fender Deluxe De Ville and a Rawdon-Hall classical
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Les Cargill


Oklahoma City, Ok, USA
Post  Posted 6 Jun 2014 3:22 pm    
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Walter Bowden wrote:
Just curious if anyone knows the amount of torque a G# string has to stand when tuned to pitch? Sorry if this is off topic but I know a lot of good steel builders, mechanics, string makers and players might know. Best wishes, Walter

This might help:

The open G# is G#4 - the G# above middle C. 415.305 Hz. For a 24" scale guitar, that works out to 27.6 pounds for an 0.11 .
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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2014 8:04 am    
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Bob, since you have started experiencing this problem recently and have tried several different brands of strings I tend to think the strings are being overtuned. I use .0115 Curt Mangan strings and very seldom ever break a 3rd string. It should be noted that it is a stretch to the limit on any string on a 24 1/4" scale to tune up to Ab and that pull to A is going the limit. So, I would first make sure your tuner if you use one is properly calibrated to 440. Then I would make sure the changer is not being pulled past the proper note then drifted back to pitch. I would back the tuning nut off then retune the tuning nut while watching the tuner. This would only be the problem if you are breaking the string while pulling to A. If the string is breaking just putting it on it would just about have to be bad strings or mis-calibrated tuner.
If you are working the pedal (as I do) when putting the string on and tuning to pitch to minimize loose winding on the tuning key I would back off the tuning nut and retune it like I mentioned above. This over tuning of the changer can also occur if the lower return spring is not tight enough to keep the changer finger from lowering as the raise finger is working. The changer can pull the string too far then the slight movement of the lowering finger can make you think you are tuning to pitch. Someone else can probably word it a lot better than I did, but to make it short, if the other suggestions don't solve it, slightly tighten the lower return spring and back the tuning nut off and retune it. I wish I had said it that way first. Smile
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Walter Bowden

Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jun 2014 12:55 pm    
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Thanks Les. That is a good link and I've saved it as a bookmark.
Emmons S10, p/p, Nashville 112, Zion 50 tele style guitar, Gibson LP Classic w/Vox AC30, Fender Deluxe De Ville and a Rawdon-Hall classical
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Jim Bates


Alvin, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jun 2014 3:27 pm    
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Did you carefully the measure the gauge of each string with a mic.? A string can break any place if you have exceeded the elastic limit of the string. Some suppliers take bulk strings and stuff them in their own envelopes, which could be the wrong gauge in the package. Also, did you see rust spots on the strings which could weaken the string at rust point?

Let us know what you find.

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Harold Parris


Piedmont, Alabama USA
Post  Posted 10 Jun 2014 7:03 am    
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I've had strings that would break before reaching pitch. It has been my experience that most of the time the string has a small rusty spot on it weakening the string. Old stock strings that are not stainless can rust over time from being handled as they were packaged. Repeated breakage while getting a string to pitch usually indicates this condition.
EMCI Double 10,Session 400,Webb 614E and Gretsch Nashville Pro Steel Amp, Keith Hilton Digital Sustain pedal and Seymour Duncan KTG -1, Hughes&Kettner BATT
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George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 10 Jun 2014 8:24 pm     Emmons Le Grande breaking 3rd sting like crazy
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Try the Live Steel strings. I have been using them for a year now and can't make them break. If they break, then you have just eliminated the strings as the culprit and can look elsewhere for the problem.
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Medina, OH USA
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2014 1:12 pm     Emmons breaking .011
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Allow for five or six wraps of the string around the key. I was advised to try this because my .011 strings broke constantly on my Emmons LeGrande SKH. It works! There is a fairly sharp angle from the roller to the key for such a light string.
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