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Post  Posted 16 Oct 2003 11:55 am    
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Hello forumites…

Its time for me to pipe up and say a few words about my new D-10 Lashley Legande III.

I ordered a new Emmons LL-III in August of 2002 and finally took possession of it the beginning of September 2003. My III came with counterforce on both necks, compensators on all strings that contained a raise – lower, plus 108N humbuckers on both necks. I also chose to have customized ‘Black Sparkle’ Formica for the body.

Since I have been playing an all pull Emmons for the past 20 years I am familuar with their timbre and pedal action. The pedal action on my LL-III is not stiff unless there are more than 2 pulls included. I played my 1980’s Emmons with socks and am able to do the same with the counterforce. I must also mention that the counterforce and compensators do work. I tune to JI and its nice to hear the 3rds and 5ths beat less with and without pedals. Its also great to tune-up without including the cabinet drop biases.

I am enjoying the 108N humbuckers, they can really growl, and their output signal is not so hot. Previously on my older guitar I was not able to plug directly into my effects unit because the units input was so easily overdriven. This was true with the Emmons single coils and BL-710’s

Ron Lashley has succeeded in the restructuring of the Emmons Company. I was kept informed on all the new companies that Ron joined with in order to provide fast and immediate customer service and parts. Since my guitar is one of a few that have been shipped out containing all the new parts from these companies I must say bravo, its perfect and beautiful.

I haven’t taken any pictures yet but if someone would like to post them for me, let me know and I will email some to you.

From the southeast corner of Washington State…

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Nick Reed

Russellville, KY USA
Post  Posted 16 Oct 2003 6:34 pm    
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Hey there Rob Rhino,
Great news about your new Emmons. It's just fact not fiction, Emmons are the best Steel Guitars that have ever been designed and built. No other company or brandname will ever be able to match or even come close in ranking with an Emmons. Not in the past, not now, and not in the future. They are definately in a class by themselves hands down. I know the other companies are making some great guitars nowadays but they just can't stack up to the good sounds of an Emmons. Tone and a rich heritage make Emmons guitars the benchmark of which all others try to follow. Again congratulations on that new LeGrande III. Nick

'99 LeGrande III SD-10
'66 Push-Pull D-10
'66 Push-pull S-10
'71 Push-pull D-10
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Post  Posted 17 Oct 2003 12:18 pm    
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Thanks for the nice words Nick.

I must say there are many features included on my new Emmons Lashley Legrande I failed to mention. Features like one-piece key head with the harmonic tones generated between gauged roller nut and tuning key. These are the same harmonics that Maurice mentions on the MSA M2 improvements. Ron also designed a great and simple way to share pulls on one string thus eliminating the need to duplicate pull rods and changer slots. Ron has also simplified the nylon tuning area of the changer by using white for pedal – knee adjustments, black for compensator adjustments and red for adjustments under the carriage. Basically Ron has taken a modern complicated machine and simplified it for guys like me.

I also want to mention that Ron has also located a company that builds his aluminum parts to incredible precision. The knee levers stay where you put them. In other words when I move one of my C6th knees up out of the way it stays there until I want to use it.

I am incredibly happy with my new LL-III and am always enjoying the forward progress to achieving the holy grail of tone.

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Graham Bland


Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 17 Oct 2003 3:01 pm    
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I must agree with Nick all the way....
and to go further than that
"EMMONS steel guitars are the GREATEST steel guitars on the planet" bar none.

and Rhino, congrats on owning the steel guitar that ALL OTHERS ASPIRE to be like!!

Graham Bland

[This message was edited by Graham Bland on 17 October 2003 at 04:04 PM.]

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