The reason I brought up the question of vibrato is , I believe good vibrato is an art into itself. I mean every steeler is told to add vibrato to every note (good or bad) of which most is , well lets just say its there
Good vibrato is a great addition to the instruments sound and players technique.
Bad vibrato is an addictive bad technique that can take years to break
Have you ever been on stage waiting for your steel break and watched as your bar hand is performing vibrato for the up comming break?
It seems every time my bar touches the strings ,even with the amp off, its doing vibrato on its own.
Well since I do not have a great vibrato technique, I am training myself to disregard vibrato and control it, and believe me after 30 years of vibrato on every note ,its almost impossible
but I will master it !!
Vibrato above the 15th fret is a challange for me and maintain good notation at the same time. As I am always pushing myself to do greater things out of my ability, I tried to perform three or four songs all from the 15th fret up. With good control and no vibrato ,I can do it
Bad vibrato above the 15th fret is somthing you dont want to hear
and I was doing it.
TW uses little if any Vibrato at all and thats enough for me
So I guess like the great ones say ,Less is better sometimes and in this case, less is better for me.