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Author Topic:  Kind of looking for a new setup to replace my Webb
Atom Schmitt

Nashville, TN
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2013 10:14 am    
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Hey y'all. So I've only been playing a couple years and haven't dipped my toe too deep into the wonderful world of PSG gear just yet, but I'm starting to wish I had a better backup solution in case my Webb needs to go in for service (it does) or I want something a little lighter/more portable (I do). Pretty much most of the time I'm playing a Sho Bud Pro I or an ETS S10 into a Black Box > Hilton or EB MVP > Dr. Scientist Reverberator > Tech 21 Boost DLA > Webb 614-E.

As far as steel amps go, the Webb is the only one I have, although I could use my Morgan SW50 in a pinch. I suppose I could also use my Eleven Rack with a Tech 21 Power Engine, but that's only 60W of solid state power and might not be enough juice. Or is it? I don't really know. I like that I can send a line direct to the board, post amp/speaker simulation from the 11R and use the Power Engine to monitor what I'm playing on stage. I guess that means I don't need a ton of power, but I'm still not sure if it'll be enough.

At any rate, being relatively new to this still, I have no idea what some of the other options are that exist out there. I don't want to spend a ton of money, but I'm definitely fascinated to learn a little more about some of the other approaches people are taking. I'm not really concerned with getting into a full-on stereo rig or anything too complicated, but I'm curious about some of these other preamp/power amp solutions coupled with smallish cabs. Something like an MB200 seems pretty appealing given the power:weight ratio.
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Scott Duckworth

Etowah, TN Western Foothills of the Smokies
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2013 10:41 am    
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I like the Peavey Nashville 112.
Amateur Radio Operator NA4IT (Extra)

I may, in fact, be nuts. However, I am screwed onto the right bolt... Jesus!
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Erv Niehaus

Litchfield, MN, USA
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2013 11:07 am    
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There isn't much out there that sounds any better than that Webb you've got right now.
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Atom Schmitt

Nashville, TN
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2013 11:24 am    
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Erv Niehaus wrote:
There isn't much out there that sounds any better than that Webb you've got right now.

I suppose that doesn't surprise me. I bought it in the first place because pretty much everything I read about them indicated I couldn't do much better. Still, I only have one - a lesser amp still probably sounds better than a broken Webb. Fortunately my main issue is reverb-related and I'm not using the reverb, but I've noticed a few strange things from time to time.

Another thing I just thought of maybe trying is using my Deluxe Reverb - I have a '73 with a Jensen Neo 12, which is a 100W speaker. The amp by itself probably doesn't have enough power to do what I want it to do, but it occurred to me that I have a Bad Cat Unleash sitting around collecting dust that would be a perfect thing to mate with the DR and the Neo.

Not sure if anyone here has heard of the Unleash, but it's a pretty nifty tool. Basically it's a load box coupled with a class D power amp, so I can take any amp's output load on the way to the speaker and adjust its volume anywhere from off to 100W of output without changing the tone. It's also kind of neat because I can footswitch between two different volumes, and there's an effects loop in there as well. In theory, a good preamp could be plugged into the effects loop's in jack and then I could use it as a mono power amp to power a cab. So far I've mostly just used this thing to attenuate guitar amps, but I remember thinking the DR + PSG was another neat reason to try one out.

I may have to try that out this weekend and report back. I haven't done a ton of research here, but I've never seen the Unleash mentioned on this page yet.
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Michael Haselman

St. Paul
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2013 3:55 pm    
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Atom (or Adam) I believe you're playing with someone I played with for a short time. Anyway, I bought my Webb in 1978 from the Pedal Steel Emporium on Lake St., long gone, of course. Had it in the shop many times for reverb issues, so I believe this is a common issue. Mine now sits gathering dust for about 10 years now. I play in a band out of Wisconsin and have been using my Pod XT with Tommy Dodd presets straight into the board for over a year now with fine results and way less pita factor. I have a Peavey Nashville 112 that I'd let you try out if you'd like. PM me if you're interested.
Mullen RP D10, Peavey NV112, Hilton volume. Hound Dog reso. Piles of other stuff.
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Tim Marcus

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2013 5:11 pm    
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my vote would be to get your Deluxe Reverb up to snuff. There's not much out there thats lighter and more portable - with that tone
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Atom Schmitt

Nashville, TN
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2013 5:53 pm    
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Michael Haselman wrote:
Atom (or Adam) I believe you're playing with someone I played with for a short time. Anyway, I bought my Webb in 1978 from the Pedal Steel Emporium on Lake St., long gone, of course. Had it in the shop many times for reverb issues, so I believe this is a common issue. Mine now sits gathering dust for about 10 years now. I play in a band out of Wisconsin and have been using my Pod XT with Tommy Dodd presets straight into the board for over a year now with fine results and way less pita factor. I have a Peavey Nashville 112 that I'd let you try out if you'd like. PM me if you're interested.

Haha, perhaps I should try to talk you into selling me your Webb! I wonder who it is that you played with that I play with now. It seems lately people keep calling me because they've never met another steel player. And all the while I still feel like I have absolutely no idea how to play the thing! Oh well; I'm really enjoying the opportunity to get paid to learn.

I'm doing a handful of gigs with GB Leighton this weekend, so perhaps I'll try the Deluxe Reverb + Bad Cat approach, or maybe the Eleven Rack + Power Engine approach. Maybe both! I guess it also just dawned on me that for those gigs I can use my QSC K8 and use that in place of the Power Engine if I need more power when using the Eleven Rack.

I guess it hadn't occurred to me how many options I already have. Clearly I've got too much gear.

This is a track I cut with the Deluxe Reverb. Obviously studio work requires less headroom, but the tone was fantastic. I was actually a little bummed about the mix because they did a bit of EQing and pulled out some mids and added in some highs, so it doesn't sound quite like I remember it sounding that day, but all in all I still like it. Good track too.
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Michael Haselman

St. Paul
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2013 6:00 pm    
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Tell Brett I said hey when you play with GB. Trust me, you don't want my Webb. It's a battle-scarred old beast that needs major work. I thought I saw your name with Chris Brooks. Played with him in the final months of Mason Dixon Band. Anyway, you can try my NV112 if you want. It's sitting idle right now also.
Mullen RP D10, Peavey NV112, Hilton volume. Hound Dog reso. Piles of other stuff.
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Atom Schmitt

Nashville, TN
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2013 6:39 pm    
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Michael Haselman wrote:
Tell Brett I said hey when you play with GB. Trust me, you don't want my Webb. It's a battle-scarred old beast that needs major work. I thought I saw your name with Chris Brooks. Played with him in the final months of Mason Dixon Band. Anyway, you can try my NV112 if you want. It's sitting idle right now also.

Indeed, I do play with Chris! I'll say hey to Brett - he's the one who pulled me into this thing this weekend.

I almost ended up in the Dixons as a guitar player years ago. Funny how it all worked out in the long run. It's a shame how some things went down at the end with that group, but I'm glad to be a part of what Chris has done since then. Not sure if you played with Brian (fiddle) back then too or if that was before your time, but he's back with us, not to mention the rest of the band is just scary good. Always a blast to hit with them.
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George Redmon

Muskegon & Detroit Michigan.
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2013 9:35 am    
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Yeah, what Tim Marcus said. I for one never could stand the Peavey Smashville 112, always thought of it as "a toy amplifier". They're nasty. I have a almost brand new one sitting in here, i got from Bobbe Seymour about 4 or 5 years ago. If you get real tired of your Webb, i'll trade ya, and pay both shipping charges. I put a Weber Neo, and Ken Fox upgrade in it...and still don't like it. (post meant to belighthearted)
P.S. i used a Fender Deluxe Reverb black face, for several years great little amp, i agree with Tim.
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Atom Schmitt

Nashville, TN
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2013 8:18 am    
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Well, I had some time in my practice studio to screw around with some different things at gig volume, and I've come to a few conclusions:

1) The Webb is definitely in need of repair
2) The Deluxe Reverb with the Jensen Neo and the Bad Cat Unleash sitting on top sounds just as good. A little different, but just as good. I'm pretty excited to try it out this weekend on an actual gig.

Seriously, if anyone's got low-wattage amps they like but don't use live because they don't push enough volume without distorting, provided the speaker can handle more power than the amp is putting out, an Unleash is really, really useful. I've mostly used it to attenuate loud amps but it's designed to go both ways and this is a great way to get the tone from the Deluxe where I need it to be to use the amp live with my steel.
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Dave Grafe

Hudson River Valley NY
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2013 8:39 am    
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That Deluxe Reverb is all the backup amp you need, save your money...
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Kevin Mincke

Farmington, MN (Twin Cities-South Metro) USA
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2013 8:55 am    
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For a great backup amp that will cover about anything, I'd strongly consider the Roland 80Xl or its replacement the Cube 80GX.
Lotsa choices with amp models COSM and delay/reverb, chorus/phaser, flanger/octave etc. Switchable from control panel or footswitch clean JC120 to modeled for OD/distortion drive etc.
Nice & lightweight to boot!
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Atom Schmitt

Nashville, TN
Post  Posted 14 Oct 2013 11:35 am    
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Well, I figured I should follow up....

The Deluxe just didn't work on stage. Granted that was a loud band and I couldn't point the amp at me like usual, but after the first gig I decided I just couldn't do it without the Webb, so I brought that the second night and everything was just better.

I have another quartet gig I do - mostly acoustic instruments, but I don't have a dobro, so I brought the steel, and played a bunch of the tunes on there. Since it's a low volume thing without a drummer, and because I had a guitar with me, I opted for the Deluxe for that so I could do guitar in one channel and steel in the other. Much better application for that particular amp.

Guess Webb was the way to go after all for the full band shows.

I see a bunch of Peaveys went up for sale in the classifieds. Are any of those worth grabbing? I honestly don't know the first thing about the Peavey stuff. I just know that some are better than others.
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Erv Niehaus

Litchfield, MN, USA
Post  Posted 14 Oct 2013 11:38 am    
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If you are wanting it for pedal steel, you won't go much wrong with a Nashville 400, a Session 400 or a Session 500.
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Brett Resnick


Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 24 Oct 2013 6:57 pm    
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I play a Fender Deluxe Reverb reissue, but the person I bought it from replaced the original 22 Watt transformer and swapped it with a 45 watt transformer. The amp manages to stay loud and clean when pushed in venues where you don't have the luxury to put a mic on it.
I also own a Peavey Nashville 400 with a steel guitar black box which also sounds really really good, but if I am playing on a session or a big show the deluxe just flat out excels and has passed every test. I have had a lot of really great feedback from my peers here in Nashville on how they love the sound of the Deluxe. Either way both rigs are great, but I would highly recommend swapping transformers.
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Atom Schmitt

Nashville, TN
Post  Posted 24 Oct 2013 7:00 pm    
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Brett Resnick wrote:
I play a Fender Deluxe Reverb reissue, but the person I bought it from replaced the original 22 Watt transformer and swapped it with a 45 watt transformer. The amp manages to stay loud and clean when pushed in venues where you don't have the luxury to put a mic on it.
I also own a Peavey Nashville 400 with a steel guitar black box which also sounds really really good, but if I am playing on a session or a big show the deluxe just flat out excels and has passed every test. I have had a lot of really great feedback from my peers here in Nashville on how they love the sound of the Deluxe. Either way both rigs are great, but I would highly recommend swapping transformers.

Ooh, I'd have to buy a whole new DR for that - I was fortunate enough to land on one of those once-in-a-lifetime Deluxe Reverbs that should not be tinkered with. I think the Webb will be okay for now... and I'll probably just get a Peavey of some sort to use if the Webb needs to go in for help. Anything else seems like overkill. I'll probably try the DR + Unleash again sometime, but in a more controlled environment next time, not with a new band on a stage that's not big enough to allow me to position stuff where I want it like the last time I did that.
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