So, how was the convention for you?

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Jim Cohen
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So, how was the convention for you?

Post by Jim Cohen »

The rest of us out here in internet-land are keen to hear about it! What were the highlights for you?
Paul E Vendemmia
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Post by Paul E Vendemmia »

People that came was very low in numbers and the lack of vendors I'm sorry to say this but if it was a dog I would be looking for a vet to put him down i f eel bad saying this but it's true
Last edited by Paul E Vendemmia on 1 Sep 2013 7:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Wally Moyers
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Post by Wally Moyers »


Sad to hear, times are hard...

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Jeremy Drawbaugh
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Post by Jeremy Drawbaugh »

As stated the numbers were very VERY low. The lack of vendors compared to years past was more than way low. It has been about 5 or 6 years since I have been ablle to attend myself. It was really kinda heart breaking. I have been attending since I was 10 yrs old and this was what really turned me on to playing steel. Scotty has had an eye surgery 6 months ago he said that he is having problems from, stated he is currently legally blind but on road to recovery.
But even with all that, it was steel a good show.
My highlights:
#1 was Sarah Jory she is superb and touched everybodys heart talking about her dad who past away last year. Then last night her and Joe Wright did a show together AWESOME!
Johnny Bush great as always and even picked up some new jokes from him. Haha.
Doug played his tail off
and the ultimate was being here for Tommy Whites induction in to the hall of fame and sitting on the front row for his set. He made that show pro sound amazing.
Sid Hudson wow playing with a flat pick one of my new favorites.
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Terry Wood
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Post by Terry Wood »

I have attended off and on since 1977. This was my first year to attend since 2008 and the numbers were very low. As others stated the economy and gas prices, etc. hurts everything.

Well, I salute Scotty and his family for all the years of this enormous task. It is a whole year of working and producing a show like these.

It was great to see a lot of my friends and some steel guitarists, that I have wanted to meet for years. One of my favorite players and influence was Hall of Famer Bobby Black. I really enjoyed him and visiting with him after being a fan of his for 35 years plus was great. I finally got to meet Billy Robinson too. Great steel playing and art work Billy!

Congratulations to my friend Lynn Owsley and also to Rusty and Tommy White!

Tommy's playing was just super nice! Beautiful rendition of Leon Payne's "I Love You Because."

Last but not least one of my super heroes Doug Jernigan and his fingers never left his hand. :wink: Black Mnt. Rag and Orange Blossom Special the Jernigan way. Awesome!

Thanks again Scotty and family! GOD bless!

Terry Wood
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Rick Myrland
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Post by Rick Myrland »

What I think is sad is that there's thousands of questions posted on this forum every year, but only one seminar taking place. Conventions are generally about learning new skills in whatever topics the convention covers, yet there is a scarcity, putting is mildly, in teaching seminars. Having said that, I thought Mike Sweeney's was very good.
Mullen G2; Fender Tone Master Twin Reverb; Goodrich L-120
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bob drawbaugh
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Post by bob drawbaugh »

After being away for several years and the passing of my MOM three week ago this was a good distracion for me. As everyone has said the crowds were way off what it has been in years past. It was a little sad to think about all the players we've lost over the years. But, Scotty and his family put on a good show and It was good to be there. After all Scotty and his family have gone through this year and then put on a show like this. Well, my hats off to them and I say thank you. The highlight for me was Tommy White He plugged stright into a Nashville 112 no effects. He had Tone to die for, he was out standing.
Last edited by bob drawbaugh on 1 Sep 2013 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tommy White
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Post by Tommy White »

I'll not agree with the previous poster saying, if the convention was his dog, he'd put it down. It's that type of opinion and thinking that is unsupportive and detrimental to steel guitar.
Yes , attendance is a bit lower compared to 10 years ago. However, attendance is up compared to 20 years ago and way up since the beginning conventions.
All things considered ( economy, fuel prices, the ease of internet purchasing and information, folks working 2 jobs and longer hours,etc) it was a great and successful convention. Every person I spoke with was having a great time and were very pleased with the line up of players on the main stage, as every steel player on the main stage deserved to be there and played thier hearts out!
There is nothing more interesting or satisfying than live, person to person social interaction when playing or talking steel guitar. Being at the ISGC brought back vivid memories and once again reminded me of how great and important the event is. Hearing and meeting all the great old and new players, friends and fans can only be appreciated by being there in person.
As for me, I'll support the ISGC as I always have and hope for it's continuance of a bigger and brighter future for the sake of steel guitar and enthusiasts.
Last edited by Tommy White on 2 Sep 2013 11:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
Greg Vice
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Post by Greg Vice »

I was really sadden by the lack of attendance. The lack of vendors was a big disappointment. I came with intentions to buy some big $$ items. My own business has been in dumps since 2007. This has been a good year so far. I think that we are seeing what my other hobby (street rods) going through with swap meets. That being said, anytime you can be in the presence of such great players!! I was thrilled to see Rusty in hall of fame, he introduced me to steel. I wished I would have brought my old rick lap that I got after hearing him in the late 60's Played rock for years then broke both arms and wrist, several ops. later, quit playing. I would had him sign it. Started playing steel again about 5yrs. ago. Hope Scotty get's better soon. I'll be there again nxt. yr. haven't missed since I started playing again. Every player was great!!!
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Mike Sweeney
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Post by Mike Sweeney »

Well said Tommy. You sounded great and it was great to talk with you Friday evening.
Zumsteel steel guitars, Telonics and Peavey amplifiers, GHS strings.
Tommy White
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Post by Tommy White »

Back atcha Mike Sweeney! I enjoyed your set immensely sir!
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Dirk B
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Post by Dirk B »

Best lines heard at the convention:

Scotty: "Leonard, how many years did you go to Hawaii?"
Leonard: "Pretty good, how about you?"
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Walter Stettner
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Post by Walter Stettner »

Yes, the crowd was small and the number of vendors, too and that is sad. But the show was as great as always, with many different styles - something for everybody's taste. And several surprises, like Junir Brown's appearanve on Saturday night and Barbara Fairchild's set on Thursday.

Congrats to the new Hall of Famers. I loved Rusty's short set and Tommy's playing. Sarah Jory and Joe Wright did one of the best sets I have ever heard in years. Doug Jernigan played a Universal S-12 Fessenden Guitar with a new tuning he developed, The Jazz and Hawaiian Rooms brought a nice change of pace, Johnny Farina played distorted non-pedal steel w/o a volume pedal, Jim Loessberg ayed classic country behind Johnny Bush...I think there was a lot going on that made this a memorable event.

Scotty isn't doing very well and he mentioned that Mary, Michael and Sandra did most of the work to put the show together. My sincere thanks to the whole family for their efforts to keep the Convention going and I hope it will continue...

Kind Regards, Walter
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Had a great time, had to stay at the Drury this year, that was fine, they treated us very good. The sound was great you could hear all the Steel players very good. There was so many good players you just can't name only a few. If you couldn't make it this year you missed a dandy. Thanks to Scott family for making this happen.
Thomas Pickett
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Post by Thomas Pickett »

well said tommy .for the most of us that were able to make it again this year it was a great show .not everyone is able to make it every year because of many reasons gigs money sickness or just age but i seen several that hadn't been there in a while.missed you jim cohen sure hope your dad gets better.all it needs is us fans of the steel guitar world to show our support to keep this great show alive .hope scotty recovers from his problems right now as i'm sure he me and my wife carol we had a great time and enjoyed every artist that was able to make it a great show again.looking forward to another great show next year.
thomas pickett sr.started playing drums in country bands in 1957
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Bob Blair
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Post by Bob Blair »

I wish I could have been there - sounds like a lot of great stuff was going on. Hope to see you all there next year.
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Lynn Owsley
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An Eye For The Crowds !!! And Thanks Scotty

Post by Lynn Owsley »

Tommy White and many others had said it correctly and with most descriptive of terms...
The hotel being under construction and many of us staying at the Drury and other hotels, caused us to have a different perception of the crowd this year. All things considered sometimes attendance seemed to be less than previous years, but looking from the stage , out into the crowd I could see the main room almost full at times. This room holds 3000 !
This was for me and all that I was able to visit with and talk to, a most remarkable and enjoyable weekend ! Just acres of steel guitars and its players and followers,the awards , the entertainment,the fellowship, visiting with old friends and making new friends, even planning future shows around the country and the world. I think we should view this as an opportunity to spread the news and make the steel guitar even bigger !
Thanks to Scotty and all who helps to create a venue for steel guitars.
I want to say it once more,
" The most wonderful people play steel guitars,
and the most wonderful people come to hear them
being played ."
I just not ready to put my dog down !!!!!!
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Bobby D. Reed
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St Louis

Post by Bobby D. Reed »

I'm with Tommy and Lynn. The Vendors were absent compared to the past however I thought the numbers especially in the main room were near twice that of last year which was encouraging to me.
I also believe we need to encourage others to attend these steel shows and show our support. If they all closed down what would happen to the popularity of the instrument? To advertise to the world that it's drawing it's last breath is not the way to go in my eyes. Scotty has put a lifetime of work into promoting steel guitar so let's give him support and three cheers for doing so....Bobby
Jerry Berger
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Post by Jerry Berger »

I would like to talk about how approachable the pro steel players were. This was my first time at the ISGC and was in awe when I saw a few of the great well known steel players walking around the halls and mingling with us common folk.
I have to admit that It took me a little while to get the nerve to talk to them but after first talking to Mr.Dell Mullen, and then ten minutes later having a conversation with Mr. Ron Elliot, all my fears about them not wanting to take the time to talk to me quickly disappeared!
After that, I had numerous conversations with many other great steel players and quickly found out that they are just as human and as passionate talking about the steel guitar as I am!
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bruce fischer
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Post by bruce fischer »

God bless scotty for what he does for us and bless all who take the stage. lovya all...........
bruce & lynn
sho-bud super pro II, blue darlin' VI
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Dirk B
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Post by Dirk B »

Although attendance was down from the '90's and early 2000's shows I attended, Lynn is right that there was quite a crowd for the main stage, espc on Saturday night. It was a shame that there weren't more vendors but some of what we are facing here is a demographic shift beyond our control. I'm sorry to say the number of living Hall-of-Famers onstage for the ceremony was sadly small :(
Terry Winter
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Post by Terry Winter »

This was our first trip to the convention and am quite surprised at some of the negative remarks. Knew I had to come this year as Tommy was going into the Hall of fame and not even seeing him perform live before was shocked to not only seeing him in the hall before the show but had a good chat with him one on one. We came a long way to see what it was all about and have nothing negative to say. Great people, Great Hotel(Drury) and great shows. Thanks to all! By the way the Derby Room was always hoppin! Love St. Louis!

Terry and Margery Winter
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Post by Terry Winter »

This was our first trip to the convention and am quite surprised at some of the negative remarks. Knew I had to come this year as Tommy was going into the Hall of fame and not even seeing him perform live before was shocked to not only seeing him in the hall before the show but had a good chat with him one on one. We came a long way to see what it was all about and have nothing negative to say. Great people, Great Hotel(Drury) and great shows. Thanks to all! By the way the Derby Room was always hoppin! Love St. Louis!

Terry and Margery Winter
Bill Irsik
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Post by Bill Irsik »

You know, this year, 2013, was my 24th year to attend The International Steel Convention. You would think one would burn out by attending the same show over and over. But the thing is, it is not the same show over and over. I could not begin to tell you the people I have met and the things I have been involved in while attending the ISGC. My only regret is that it was not my 42nd year!

As far as high lights....40 years ago in Dodge City, Kansas, I went to see the Great Ernest Tubb. The young man playing Steel Guitar that night, after the Show gave My Brothers and I his hand and said come on up here Son, You can look my guitar over as much as you want, or at least until I have to pack it up. That young man went into the Hall of Fame on Saturday and I was truly blessed to be there when Lynn Owsley was inducted. but there was so much more, Rusty Young of Poco Fame, and Tommy White being inducted also. Sarah Jory, Carco Clave, Jim Loessberg, Johnny Farina, Russ Hicks. I could go on and on about the great players on the Big Stage. How about Big Jim Vest in the Derby Room. If I would have been any closer to him I would had to sit on his lap while he played.

And then there were the friends I have made over the years, and several new ones we became acquainted with. I had a great time and I applaud Scotty and his family for keeping this going, even thru sickness. We have already witnessed Murder on Music Row, lets not let the same thing happen to this convention or any other Steel Show. I will be back as long as Scotty will have me and the Good Lord is Willing!!
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Tommy Gibbons
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Very disappointed

Post by Tommy Gibbons »

This was my 5th convention in a row. I've always been impressed with the talent, vendors, and organization. But, this year was disaster...very few vendors, so many regulars were no show, and too much time between performers. I'm so sorry to say it...but, this was my last STL show.

I look forward to the DAL show. It's always a 1st class program.

Hope to see everyone there!!!

Mullen SD-10 RP, Evans SE-200, Line 6 POD XT, Peterson Flip Tuner, Geo. L Cable, Hilton Pedal, and D2F Covers for all.