Ban the Dixie Chicks

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John Titsworth Jr
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Ban the Dixie Chicks

Post by John Titsworth Jr »

I now refuse to play any of thier songs after what Natalie said (the one who howls instead of singing). The oversized winch said that she was sorry that she was from Texas because our president was from there as well.

I hope you ban her as well. Enough said.


Tom Olson
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Post by Tom Olson »

In the name of all that is Holy, please don't get me started on this again! Image
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CrowBear Schmitt
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Post by CrowBear Schmitt »

Enough !

Steel what?

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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

Sounds like 50's commee hunting to me. How many good lives were ruined then for youthful indiscretions?
Not to mention putting the other people in the band out of work for one persons statement. Tarred with the same brush.

The USA was built on the premise we can publicly disagree with our leaders, like them or not, whether our opinons are valid or not. N'est Pas? She said nothing about overthrowing the government, so it's not sedition.

And doing it in some other country doesn't make this premise invalid.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 18 March 2003 at 04:04 AM.]</p></FONT>
Herb Steiner
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Post by Herb Steiner »

She's an American, and last I recall, she has the right to say whatever she wants about our government and its members, regardless of where she is, as long as she doesnt' advocate the violent overthrow of the government.

Look, she's still a young, idealistic kid... albeit a very rich one. She's not Satan. Lots of people feel the way she does, but those are mostly not living in a fishbowl with the large amount of audience as she has.

It would do well to remember this "truism": If you're not a liberal at 20, you have no heart; if you're not a conservative at 50, you have no brain.

Cut her a little slack. We've all said things when we were younger... or not... that we've regretted. She'll pay a monetary price for awhile and then everyone will forget this little piece of public relations mis-step.

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James Quackenbush
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Post by James Quackenbush »

I like your responce...Youth really IS wasted on the young...We've all made mistakes in our lifetimes, and we've all changed our ways of thinking as we've grown up, and learned along the way...We can all think, and say what we want in this great country...It doesn't mean that we're all going to agree ...That's the beauty of being an American
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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

Yep Herb you nailed it right down.

And I love this line!
If you're not a liberal at 20, you have no heart; if you're not a conservative at 50, you have no brain.

I still got 3 years to go, so I can stay middle of the road a bit longer!
Rick Garrett
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Post by Rick Garrett »

Well fellows, I bet this post gets the "Axe". b0b closed down a similar (great) thread in the events forum. Personally I think its a great topic. I dont agree with Natalies comments at all and just as its her right as an American to say what she wants, its my right to not buy anymore of her cd's. I'll bet anybody a Steak Dinner that if she had it to do over again she'd just start singing and not say a word. Great topic boys but like I said, I bet it dont stay up.


P.S. Of course we all know this is a Steel Guitar forum but wouldnt it be boring as hell if thats really all we talked about?

Post by Guest »

Six months from now, I wonder if some of us will be thinking that maybe she had a good point there. Sure, she shouldn't have made that comment about Texas, that was immature, but the fact is that Bush has thrown the dice big time, and it remains to be seen how they come up.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Stephen O'Brien on 18 March 2003 at 07:39 AM.]</p></FONT>
Jim West

Post by Jim West »

She's an American, and last I recall, she has the right to say whatever she wants about our government and its members, regardless of where she is, as long as she doesnt' advocate the violent overthrow of the government.

And I have the same freedoms to voice my disgust with her at the register where the DC's products are sold. A youthful indescretion maybe but they are words none the less spoken in another country as an American citizen. She didn't think when she said it and now the price has to be paid for her mistake. Natalie wrote a check that's going to take the group a while to cash.

If there is any good that comes out of this it will be that people such as her with celebrity status will think twice before making derogatory comments on stage when they are supposed to be making music.
Jim West

Post by Jim West »

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Alan Kirk
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Post by Alan Kirk »

I vote for free speach.

I think I'll go out and buy a Dixie Chicks CD.

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Alan Kirk on 18 March 2003 at 07:54 AM.]</p></FONT>
Carter York
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Post by Carter York »

Well, fwiw, George W. Bush WASN'T BORN in our great state, he's a transplant that was born in Conneticut.

Herb Steiner
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Post by Herb Steiner »

Incidentally, I quite disagree with Natalie's opinion of our President. But I worked in the newspaper business for a decade, and having done so, I cherish the First Amendment.

I also feel that those offended by Natalie's statements, if they are so moved and it makes them feel good regardless of its dubious effect on the Chicks, should indeed boycott their products.

Personally, I've never bought a DC CD (did I say that? Image ), and I will continue to not do so. But not because of her politics, I just don't dig much modern country, even theirs.

I quite disagree with her, and others on this Forum, about Dubya but not enough to join a vendetta. I've found that for me, anger is a really draining emotion. I'd rather try to be positive about what is going to happen in the world... difficult as that may be... rather than be negative about the short-sighted ramblings of vocalist in her mid-20's.

But that's just me. Image

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Rick Garrett
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Post by Rick Garrett »

Ditsy Chicks?? HAHAHAHHAA

Good one Jim!

Along with the luxury of having millions of fans it seems to me that theres also a tremendous responsibility to carefully consider something before you just let it run out of your mouth. She's young and we all had alot to learn at her age. No doubt she'll do fine and hopefully this wont stick with her like Viet Namm stuck with Hanoii Jane Fonda. For some reason stars often think that they can USE their celebrity to promote their own views. Sometimes it works and sometimes it falls flat on its A$$. This time ovbiously it didnt work. She'll be years ahead of the game by learning this valuable lesson early on in life and Im only too happy to help her learn it by not spending any of my money on her products. Sure its no big deal just because I dont buy them but if alot of folks feel the same way I do it'll end up costing a boat load of money and yessir, it does make me feel good to know that in a small way I sent her a message.

Rick Garrett
Bobbe Seymour
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Post by Bobbe Seymour »

I still say, It's where and to whom she said it, England is our greatest ally, Natalie undermined the english leaders that were helping us. This is what sucked. Why didn't she say it in Texas? (Probably thought she'd get her butt whipped there.)
IT'S WHERE SHE SAID IT! If she had to say it, she should have said it here where she had the right to do so. (still distasteful)
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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

Again I'm with Herb. But I bought" Home" just before the Grammys, and well before this flapdoddle. I found it one of the best albums I heard all year.
Why should a persons politics or religion be neccesarily tied directly to their art.

And again I state why should we punish the OTHER PEOPLE in the band for ONE MEMBERS blurting something out on stage.

Whether it's said in another country or not is irrelevant in this age of instant mass communication.
This wasn't said in North Viet Nam while we were actively at war with it. Not giving Aid And Comfort to the Enemy.

This England, our ally, even if we don't always agree. Not the brightest off the cuff comment to be sure, but I won't tar the other band members for Natalies mouth.

How many of us have cringed on stage when the lead singer suddenly said something that made your toes curl back... whoops too late. I wish I had $5 for each time that's happend.. I'd buy you all dinner<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 18 March 2003 at 09:32 AM.]</p></FONT>
Rick Collins
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Post by Rick Collins »

Herb, Natalie's First Amendment rights are not in question. The substance of what she said and the platform from which she said it, is what brings into question it's validity. vendetta,__you're right; but a collective boycott would say, "think" about how you are using those First Amendment rights.

BTW, I haven't heard a peep out of Hanoi Jane lately. Does anyone else think that she may be over 50? Image

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Frank Estes
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Post by Frank Estes »

<SMALL>It would do well to remember this "truism": If you're not a liberal at 20, you have no heart; if you're not a conservative at 50, you have no brain.</SMALL>
Cute Herb, but it does not follow logically, if you think it through. It is simply an attempt to justify the stupidity some of you had in your younger days.

Self-justification is one of the oldest vices...

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Ray Montee
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Post by Ray Montee »

Being older and another era and involved with a different war, I seem to recall another American "Liberal" female with a tremendous Holly'd influence that proudly marched into the enemy camp during hostilities where our men and women were giving up body parts and some 50,000 or so with their lives and had photo's taken of herself proudly wearing enemy uniforms and mingling with the enemy troups that were shooting up our people.
First Amendment Rights acknowledged....but many loyal and patriotic Americans believed then and NOW that she was stretching "her rights" at the expensive of American lives.
While some do the work, some take their personal ego and attempt to convince the world that they are social experts with an
extensive knowledge of how wars are won or lost.
Any of you old enough to remember Tokyo Rose?
ed packard
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Post by ed packard »

Fantastic!!! Off Topic is alive and well, but located in the wrong place. The only connection to PSG is that one of the chicks plays Dobro/Reso, and the "annoying member" is the daughter of a PSG player.

Where is Mike?
Rick Garrett
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Post by Rick Garrett »

And again I state why should we punish the OTHER PEOPLE in the band for ONE MEMBERS blurting something out on stage.

Ok so I'll buy anything the band plays that she's not singing or whinning on. Image

Rick Garrett
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chas smith
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Post by chas smith »

Personally, I think that what she said and where she said it are among the least of our problems right now. There's bigger and more important issues happening and about to happen in the world. One has to wonder and be concerned when the the trivial becomes critical.
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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

Ok Rick fairplay there.

Ray. Tokyo Rose WAS giving Aid And Comfort To The Enemy. Wasn't she indicted for it? As I recall she never came back to the USA.

This never was on topic.

NM did nothing whatsoever to the USA or Bush with her words... not a thing, she just embarassed herself. And we would acomplish very little with a boycot of a country band.
Tom Olson
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Post by Tom Olson »

I might be wrong, but all Tokyo Rose did was to speak words. Words can do damage and often do. How much damage was done or intended in the case at hand? That's a matter of opinion, I guess.