Upon Reaching the Statistical End of Your Life?

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Gene Jones
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Post by Gene Jones »

Roger, your belief or non-belief, whatever it might be, is certainly not to be judged by anyone on this earth. We must all work out on our understanding of whatever may come after this life with fear and trembling.

If there is a God, no one has the authority to speak for him, and being God, he has the power to make whatever jugement he wishes about the life we lived on this earth.

I appreciate and respect your opinion.
Last edited by Gene Jones on 23 Mar 2013 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dino Strunk
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Post by Dino Strunk »

Due to sin EVERYONE is disqualified from eternity with God. There's nothing we can do to change that within ourselves. It doesn't matter how nice we think we are to others or how moral we think we live. We still fall short. God is a loving God. But only FORGIVING through his Son. Jesus died on the cross in our place so those that believe in him could be saved. He, being sinless, was the only one who had the credentials to do so. This act gives us the way to be forgiven....but only if we accept him. God is a loving God...that's why he sent his Son...to give us a way out...but no where is it stated in the Bible that God does not punish or that there's no consequences for our actions.
Dino Strunk
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Roger Rettig
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Post by Roger Rettig »

Now I'm sorry I asked!

Roger Rettig - Emmons D10
(8+9: 'Day' pedals) Williams SD-12 (D13th: 8+6), Quilter TT-12, B-bender Teles and several old Martins.
Gene Jones
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Post by Gene Jones »

Roger, I believe that we are all sinners whether we are believers or non-believers, but an all powerful God will make whatever judgement he wishes about the life we have lived on this earth.

Luv Ya, Gene
Last edited by Gene Jones on 23 Mar 2013 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Larry Bressington
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Post by Larry Bressington »

It's this simple folks....When we die and 'IF' they bury us....We feed the grass, the grass feeds the cow's, the cows produce milk, the milk feed's the newborn's, it's an endless cycle. It's arrogant of us to think that we live on forever in some :\ 8) :roll: place?? We get what we get and that's it, let's just face the music and be honest, we had our time and then it is somebody else's time, like many gave before us. It's called ''Room''

In response to Gene's topic, i believe it is normal everyday to think of Death, i do most days ask myself how many more will i get and when will mortality take place. It's probably the mid-life phase of knowing the best might be over, a reality that we ignore as younger men.

I mean what i say in the most respectful way Gene and i almost feel bad being so blunt, but you did ask and i did bite, Sir, and i mean NO Offence to any of our brothers here! :)
A.K.A Chappy.
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Roger Rettig
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Post by Roger Rettig »


I AM setting a good example to younger people that might be influenced by my actions. I do that by being honest with and considerate to those around me. That doesn't make me special but it does say something about the principles that my parents instilled in me.

I just happen to think that much of what is quoted here is mere dogma being passed on because some are afraid to challenge it.
Roger Rettig - Emmons D10
(8+9: 'Day' pedals) Williams SD-12 (D13th: 8+6), Quilter TT-12, B-bender Teles and several old Martins.
Bill McCloskey
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Post by Bill McCloskey »

I draw a distinction between spirituality and religion. The goal of spirituality is to open yourself, or should I say remove yourself, and realize the true oneness of all existence. They say we share common dna with wheat.

In religion, with its dogmas, its power struggles, its rules, it's man written ancient and not so ancient texts (L. Ron Hubbard wrote some pretty recent texts I guess), it's hierarchy...all of which seems to be aimed at separating people from each other. We're saved. Your not. Nah, nah...which breeds feelings of superiority when in fact none of us understand a billionth of billionth of piece of a flea on an atom as far as what is real and what isn't.

All spiritual leaders found their insight by ignoring the dogmas they grew up with, ridding themselves of ideas they hadn't experienced themselves, with long periods of time spent alone and in contemplation. All have questioned whether or not it was a good idea to teach what they learned.

But for me, all these spiritual masters were pointing the finger where to go: find your own truth on your own. That is the only way you will truly own the experience.

I've always been curious that the people who say the afterlife is important to them, are often the least curious and least questioning of whatever dogma they are given. I've always found that, at least for me, spirituality is individual, unique and no man has the right to question another's route to salvation whether it is through prayer, music, love, or the bottle.
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Roger Rettig
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Post by Roger Rettig »

Excellent, Bill; thank you.
Roger Rettig - Emmons D10
(8+9: 'Day' pedals) Williams SD-12 (D13th: 8+6), Quilter TT-12, B-bender Teles and several old Martins.
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Mike Neer
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Post by Mike Neer »

Love it, Bill
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Mike Perlowin
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Post by Mike Perlowin »

Great post Bill.
Please visit my web site and Soundcloud page and listen to the music posted there.
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Michael Wolfe
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Post by Michael Wolfe »

Bill McCloskey wrote:I draw a distinction between spirituality and religion.
That's one particular dogma I have been questioning for years, but I will refrain from doing so here.
Michael Wolfe
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Post by Michael Wolfe »

Georg Sørtun wrote:Michael W. ... as a though-experiment: if you leave out that and all related man-made dogmas and religious beliefs, what will be left?
That's where I am and have been for a long time, and it is more than enough - for me.
It's kinda like this: if "dogma" is defined as authoritative tenets that are to be taken on faith, then I consider statements made about "spirituality" to be dogmatic.

There are certain truths that can be known about both theology and existence. The universe had a beginning, for example, so it is reasonable to say that it could have been created. Life had a beginning, so it is reasonable to say that it was also created. Morality exists and most of us agree on what is moral and what is not moral.

And we all agree that murder and theft are morally wrong. We exist because we are here, after all. The universe exists because it is right in front of us. And finally, we appear to be the only species on the planet that is able to ask these questions and seek the answers to them.

That's what's left. Is that "dogma"? I don't think so.
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Mike Perlowin
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Post by Mike Perlowin »

I define dogma as somebody who says "My way is the ONLY way. I have "The Truth" and everybody who believes something different from the way I do is wrong."

I cannot tell you how many times throughout my life people have told me that I will go to hell unless I abandon the religion of my ancestors, going back over 5,000 years, and convert to theirs. Nor can I adequately express how offensive this is to me.

Nobody has the monopoly on God.
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Michael Wolfe
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Post by Michael Wolfe »

Mike Perlowin wrote:I define dogma as somebody who says "My way is the ONLY way.
That is not correct theological usage, but if I were to use your own definition, your statement would be, well, dogmatic.
Michael Wolfe
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Post by Michael Wolfe »

Georg Sørtun wrote:...I am quite happy with it that way - don't need any "constructed shelters" to protect me from whatever that same reality and increased understanding of it may bring now or some time in the future.
Neither do I, I just want to know. And when someone asks a question about existence I try to give the best answer I can.
Lyle Bradford
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Post by Lyle Bradford »

Do away with Mans opinion about one way or the other and we would honestly be back where man started!
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Ken Lang
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Post by Ken Lang »

I guess you could put it down to this, which many of you have heard I'm sure:

For those who believe in Christ, no explanation is necessary.

For those who don't believe, no explanation is possible.
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Lee Gillespie
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Gene Jones

Post by Lee Gillespie »

WELLLL...I have 2 thoughts on this subject.
1. If I wake up in the morning and there's no roots growing in my face..I'm probably good for another day.
2. I practice every day trying to get better with my pickin.... cause when I meet up with old Saint Pete..I'm gonna say..." hey man I brought my AXE.... "WHERE'S THE JAM".
Now thats my story and I'm sticking with it. Lee
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Lee Gillespie
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Gene Jones

Post by Lee Gillespie »

P.S. I'll be 82 in July...Yaa Hooo...lee
Michael Wolfe
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Post by Michael Wolfe »

Lyle Bradford wrote:Do away with Mans opinion about one way or the other and we would honestly be back where man started!
Opinions are what the man asked for, I believe.
Michael Wolfe
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Re: Gene Jones

Post by Michael Wolfe »

Lee Gillespie wrote:WELLLL...I have 2 thoughts on this subject.
1. If I wake up in the morning and there's no roots growing in my face..I'm probably good for another day.
2. I practice every day trying to get better with my pickin.... cause when I meet up with old Saint Pete..I'm gonna say..." hey man I brought my AXE.... "WHERE'S THE JAM".
Now thats my story and I'm sticking with it. Lee
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

God hates sin and WE all have sinned. No one can live up to the 10 commandments. In the Old Testament, there had to be a blood sacrifice to atone for sin. In the New Testament, Jesus was crucified on the cross and shed his own blood as an atonement for sin. We can never do enough "good" to atone for our sin. We have to put our faith in Jesus Christ because he shed his blood for our sin. First comes faith and then good works, not the other way around.