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Author Topic:  Eminence Alpha 10 inch speakers?
David Higginbotham


Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 3 Feb 2013 9:02 am    
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Anyone with experience using two 10 inch speakers please give your thoughts. I am in the process of building an amp and wanting to try something different with smaller speakers. I will likely use a 12 inch speaker but got to reading the resonance setting and frequency response on the Eminence Alpha 10 inch speakers and it got me curious!!!
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Helmut Gragger

Post  Posted 4 Feb 2013 3:10 am    
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I am in the verge of building a system for me too.
I already have built a big detuned 12" enclosure which is akin to a 2x12. This is eminently great (not only from dimensions). I use a Deltapro12-A.

Now I want to try a 10" enclosure just for the crack. It will be detuned too and have the size of a 2x10.
It will perform like a 1x12" system.

I made some EQ filter curves for my DAW that emulate the responses and sound pressures of diverse speakers according to their datasheets (I may document this procedure in detail if there is interest lateron...) I recorded some files of raw steel guitar, guitar, bass etc, which I can replay with those filters in action. You can quickly exclude quite a lot of specimen.

The result was:
15 inch speakers sound honky to me. The one that I actally have in my pedal steel amp I always disliked, which reinforces my impresssion on 15ers.

The Eminence deltapro-12a is a PA speaker (allegedly an EVM-12 sound-a-like) and sounds terrific for all genres.

Some of the 10 inchers sound great, such as the Kappalite 3010mb. Unfortunately this is not easily available over here and pretty expensive. It is, however, a powerhouse.

I disliked all of the guitar speakers since they expose this mid-hump which most people like for guitar.

I finally settled for a Faital Pro 10PR300, which runs a close second. N.B. this is all emulations over real sound tracks, but it gives you a good hint which you would not have otherwise.

I also found that from the graphs themselves you cannot tell what a speaker will sound like, the acoustical simulation helped much.

It will take me another while to have the system ready for test, but I will post the results here.

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