Billy, when the BL and George L's cable first became available back in the day, the small [.155] was the only size, so that's what I'm using. I think several players use the larger size [.225] now.Billy Webb wrote:What size GL cables do most steel players use? BILLY WEBB, thanks!!!
If I were to buy new stuff, I'd probably go with the larger cable for outside my racks as the small size sometimes doesn't want to lie flat on the floor.
Also, I've never encountered any problems with the original rt. angle plugs unless someone hangs a foot in them. That will kill any cable. I put a dab of nail polish where the end screws on and they don't loosen up. Using the colored plug covers, as in Niels' photo helps too.
I use them to wire all my racks too. Been using them since the 80's.
Really, they're not much more expensive than other comparable high quality soldered plug cables and less than some.