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Author Topic:  How would you hook up these, in what order?
Jack Willis


California, USA
Post  Posted 8 Nov 2012 7:46 am    
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I need advice concerning the connection sequence of the following: box...vp...profex II..Lexicon MXP 100...NV112. I also have two A-B switches (Boss). I want to be able to switch between the profex and the MXP 100 via the A-
B switches. I picture the PSG, BB, vp going in to the first A-B switch that would A=profex and B=MXP100. Then their output would go into the A=profex and B=MXP100 and the output of the second A-B switch would end at the amp. Switching both switches together to direct the PSG signal through on or the other (profex of MXP) but never both at the same time. Any feedback would be most appreciated. Thanks Jack
Mullen SD10 pre RP, Milkman 40w mini steel, Wet reverb mono, Profex II, Yamaha keyboard, lots of books about music theory and PSG.
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Olli Haavisto

Post  Posted 8 Nov 2012 10:58 am    
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I would put both the Profex and the Lex in the loop of the Nashville, in series.
Just switch the one not used to bypass. Worth a try, maybe. Simple, no additional swithes. This is of course, assuming that you don`t use the units as preamps.
Olli Haavisto
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