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Troy Brenningmeyer

Bethalto, IL
Post  Posted 7 Nov 2012 6:44 am    
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Hi guys, I'm just curious if there's a major difference in tone between really heavy large round bars and the Long Shubb Sp3 bars with the top and side grooves. Being a Dobro player the bars with the grooves in them are much more comfortable, but I'm assuming that the Large Round Bars have more weight and mass which may improve their sustain and tone. I was curious on your thoughts.


_________________ - Dobro, Weissenborn, C6 and Open D Lap Steel, & Beginner E9 Pedal Steel Lessons by Troy Brenningmeyer
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Tom Wolverton

Carpinteria, CA
Post  Posted 7 Nov 2012 7:53 am    
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Troy, i agree with your conclusion. For PSG, the larger bullet bar just gives better tone. I used to try using one bar for everything. I didn't like the outcome. I now use a normal dobro bar for dobro and lap steel. And use the large bullet bar for PSG. By doing it this way, it help me "change channels" in my brain when I switch instruments. A horn player typically doesn't use the same mouthpiece for both trumpet and trombone, right?
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Marco Schouten

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Post  Posted 7 Nov 2012 12:55 pm    
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I have 2 zirconia bars in different diameters, an Emmons bar a Sho-Bud bar and a John Pearse bar. Also tried a BJS. The differences between the different bars are very, very little. Different thumb picks have way more influence on your tone, and much cheaper to try them out. Buy 10 different picks and experiment. (my opinion and my ears of cause)
JCH SD-10 with BL XR-16 pickup, Sho-Bud Volume Pedal, Evidence Audio Lyric HG cables, Quilter Steelaire combo
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Brett Day

Pickens, SC
Post  Posted 7 Nov 2012 2:18 pm    
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Bein' a steel guitarist with cerebral palsy, I've tried several different bars-my first bar was a Dunlop and it was a round bullet bar, but it slid around in my left hand too much, then I tried a bar with rings in it, but it was kinda hard to handle, but in 2003, I went to Scotty's International Steel Guitar Convention and Billy Phelps was helping John and Ann Fabian in the Carter booth. He showed me a bar with grooves on it that he thought would work with my left hand-I believe the bar is called a Sacred Steel bar. Well, I got that bar and tried it out and it works-it's now my main bar-I use it for shows and playin' steel at my house and it really helps me get a good sound. I've been using this bar since 2003, and it's been my bar of choice for nine years
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Jim Priebe


Queensland, Australia - R.I.P.
Post  Posted 7 Nov 2012 3:58 pm    
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This is a real "reflux" subject - just keeps coming up.
check this post
Priebs GFI ('09)Short-Uni10. GFI ('96)Short-Uni SD11. ('86)JEM U12
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