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Al Braun


Dunnellon, FL, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2000 1:47 pm    
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Well, the ball has finally started rolling.
A few years ago I got the idea that I could use AutoCAD drawings to learn/teach steel guitar. After literally dozens of fretboard drawings showing small pieces of staff with a quarter note indicating where to place the bar to get the associated note, I finally lit on the C6 6 string tuning.
I had advice from Brad as to the best way to get the course to those who wanted to use it. Brad thought I could start my own home page and put it out that way. HSGA liked the idea of publishing it in their quarterly newsletter, I agreed. Summer 2000 is the first.
I'm 73 years old and would like to encourage anyone, young or old, to play the steel guitar and most of all, to be able to read notes from a sheet of music and play them on the steel. I wish that I had run into something like that 55 years ago.
I have completed 22 of the Bartracks, 2 for each semitone diatonic scale of the first octave. I've given these to the HSGA to teach, profit from or whatever. They will publish them over a period, use them in school, or, throw them out, as they choose.
I do appreciate the opportunity HSGA has given me to try to help a steeler who wants to learn. HSGA is good enough for Jerry Byrd and Al Braun, how about the rest of you?
Sincerely, AL
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George Keoki Lake

Edmonton, AB., Canada
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2000 9:21 pm    
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I've heard of Al Braun, but who is that other guy you mentioned ? Good luck on your
work !
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