This Year's Jazz Room!

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Jim Cohen
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This Year's Jazz Room!

Post by Jim Cohen »

I want to thank Jim & Barbara Stahlhut for organizing yet another fantastic Jazz Room at this year's ISGC. Once again the audience was treated to outstanding performances representing a wide range of jazz styles. Each year, Jim seeks to include at least one 'new' player to the roster, to help keep things fresh. Last year, we were fortunate to have Jan Jonsson come all the way from Sweden to play a fantastic set. This year's "new kid" was Sid Hudson. Many of you will know that Sid used to be a staff guitarist on the early conventions, then he dropped out of sight. But, in recent years, he has gotten back into both guitar and pedal steel, and has obviously been studying at the knee of The Big E. Sid plays with a flatpick and two fingerpicks and literally tears it up on steel! It was a pleasure to get to hear his set, as well as those by the super lineup of Mike Sweeney, Russ Wever, Doug Jernigan, and the inimitable Dave Easley. Jim Stahlhut always does a great job on guitar, as do the wonderful Kyle Honeycutt on drums and Bob DeBoo on bass. And Barbara works steadily behind the scenes to help make the show the annual success it has become. Thanks to Jim and Barbara for another job well done! :)
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Joel Martin
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Post by Joel Martin »

totally killin through and through! A huge sell on going to the convention for me!
1968 ZB D11
1965 Vibrolux Reverb
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Jim Stahlhut
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Post by Jim Stahlhut »

Thanks for the BIG help Jim Cohen was this year. He jumped in when I needed him most. Of course I want to thank all of the players. All the steel players played fantastically (Doug Jernigan actually sat and watched every note Sid Hudson played). Sid still played great! Bob and Kyle smoked like usual. And of course, there would not be a show without the audience. A big thanks to all of you for supporting the Jazz Room. I have got to say Jim hit the nail on the head when he said Barbara is always in the background working hard. She does posters, organizational work, emails, sales, etc. I had the best seat in the house again and had a blast playing with and for everyone. Lastly I want to thank Scotty and his family for getting us a room to hold the show and their support of the show.

Jim (and Barbara)

P.S. Dave Easley, the last batter up, sure hit a home run, didn't he? Wow!
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Sid Hudson
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Post by Sid Hudson »

I would like to take this moment and thank everyone that was so kind to me in the Jazz Room and the Main Room as well.

As I have previously said; the steel guitar has always been a secondary “Hobby instrument” to me and I will never stake claim to being an accomplished Steel Guitar player but I do get a kick out of making the attempt.

During my first song, it was a bit unnerving having to follow Doug as well as all other great players before me.

Doug and I have been very good friends for well over 30 years and I was comfortable with him sitting in front of me because he understands that It was all about the fun for me. Doug is a class act and very kind a gentle man.

Following Joe Wright's act in the main room was kinda like Sarah Palin following Al Sharpton at an NAACP meeting.

Special thanks to the Big E, for all the lessons over the past year. He is one funny man!

Thanks again Jim for inviting me.
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Mike Sweeney
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Post by Mike Sweeney »

I also want to thank Jim and Barbara for alowing me to play in the jazz room this year [ it was my third]. The band is top flight and I always enjoy playing with Jim, Bob and Kyle.
And Sid, You did one heck of a job on both stages. And thank you for playing guitar with me on the main stage.
Zumsteel steel guitars, Telonics and Peavey amplifiers, GHS strings.