Danny, I agree with Lane's recommendation that installing a true half-stop on your guitar is your best option ...
especially if you're wanting a good positive half-stop for the express purpose of doing that lick you're talking about.
I know that your 2nd string lower is on your right knee, so you can try adding a stiffer spring if you like, but (as Lane pointed out) it still remains a soft stop. I highly recommend installing a true half-stop on your guitar.
My 2nd string lower is on my left knee and, when doing that lick, even with a good half-stop I could end up overshooting the half-stop occasionally as I pressed and released my B&C pedals repeatedly while playing that lick.
When I ordered my 1990 Mullen (the one you heard on that
Cadillac song), I asked Del to give me the stiffest half-stop possible; and he did!

That thing was so stiff it felt like an actual full stop when I hit the half tone and I had to really apply some extra heavy knee pressure to lower it all the way to a full tone. I wish the half-stop on my current Mullen was that positive.
Anyway, my personal recommendation would be for you to order a half-stop kit from one of the gentlemen that Lane pointed out and install it on your guitar.