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Zeke Cory

Hinsdale, New York USA
Post  Posted 5 Feb 2012 5:08 am    
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Can someone in the know tell me the rackable "DEPTH" dimension of the stereo steel combo amp. Obviously, it will be 19" wide, I assume 2 rack spaces high, (correct me if I am wrong), & the depth I have No idea. I am in the process of lightening my load a bit and need to find the dimensions of this unit. Everything else I have will fit the SKB shallow case of approx. 10 1/2" or something close to that. I hope this unit will fit a shallow unit case as well. Also, possibly, which shallow rack case do you all recommend? I have read that SKB are sturdier plastic than the Gators. I do like the back covers better on the gators however. Best Regards and thank you for your help. Zeke
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Rob Segal


New York NY
Post  Posted 5 Feb 2012 6:15 am    
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I have a Stereo Steel unit in a rack.

From the front side of the mounting flange on the rack case to the rear-most projection of the Stereo Steel unit I measure 9 3/8 inches exactly. The rear-most part of the Stereo Steel is the sides of the cabinet/chassis, which project about 1/8" beyond the rear face of the unit.

To figure the overall depth you need you have to add the projections out the back of the unit due to the cables and power core. My power cord, if folded fairly tightly, projects about 2 3/8"; and my right-angle George L patch cords project 1".

So, I'd say you need a dimension of 11 and 3/4" overall from the face of the rack case mounting flange to the inside of the rear cover of the case.

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Zeke Cory

Hinsdale, New York USA
Post  Posted 5 Feb 2012 6:35 am     Thank you Rob !
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Thats exactly what I needed to know. It figures too that now I need to go to the next deeper rack case which I guess is now the Gator which says is a 14" rackable depth. I had hope to keep this as shallow as possible. Everything else I have is like 9 3/8" including the rear most projections. I could have used the SKB which is almost 2.5" shallower. I have read generally that most reviews like the SKB better and all said it is a much sturdier case than the Gator. How happy are you with the Stereo Steel Amp? I have a room full of stuff I thought would do the trick only to find it wasn't exactly what I needed. Expensive Experimentation I guess we can call it. lol. Thank you once again for your valuable help here. It is most appreciated. Zeke
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Rob Segal


New York NY
Post  Posted 5 Feb 2012 7:02 am    
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Zeke, I like the Stereo Steel amp very much. It is a reliable, get 'er done type of amp; very flexible eq ability, always powerful enough, clean, quiet (except for the fan noise heard in the quiet of practice), perfectly configured for steel (effects loop with mix control, headphones, aux in, stereo), and.....lightweight. There's a reason that Paul Franklin, Doug Jernigan, Hal Rugg, and loads of other pros have used this amp extensively. It just plain does it all. Not currently the sexiest amp, but I'm not selling mine even though I've got other amps that I like too. Just play it--Rob
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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 5 Feb 2012 7:06 am    
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I think Gator and SKB both make about 3 different depths of cases. You should be able to find a similar case in either brand. I don't know how they compare price wise.

You are correct in the height of the SS Combo amp. It is 2 spaces. These are fairly light amps and they sound terrific for steel guitar if you like a nice solid state amp. This one is similar in electronics to the old Session 400.

I loved the one I had, and I'd still be using it if I didn't need a second drive channel.
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Carl Kilmer

East Central, Illinois
Post  Posted 5 Feb 2012 8:42 am    
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Hi Zeke, I use a SKB rack that is 16" deep. That gives room
for a power strip and all wiring inside. I also have installed
a power plug and the speaker jacks om it for a easy set setup.
I installed 4 nice 1" rubber feet on the bottom of it to insure
good air flow, and hight is perfect for any changes you need.

Just a side note: Did you know Jimmy Dale from Hindsdale. We used
to play together. Also you may have known my Mom & Dad from Olean.
They were Larry and Shirley Kilmer. Dad was the projectionist and mom
worked in the kitchen for many years at the Portville Drive In Theater.
We may have known each other in the past. Any thoughts on that.
Carl "Lucky" Kilmer
aka "Lucky Kay"--Custom built Rittenberry SD10 3X5, Walker S/S, NV-112, and Hilton Pedal
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Zeke Cory

Hinsdale, New York USA
Post  Posted 5 Feb 2012 2:21 pm     Knew Them well
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Yes I played with Jimmy for years, off an on since 1977. Nicest guy you ever wanna meet. We played at the Allegany American Legion forever. Your parents used to run the business i now have, the Portville Drive-In. Howard Seagren is still my projectionist as he was when your parents ran it. He speaks of them often. What a small world. I worked my whole life with Ramblin' Lou till I moved to Olean in 1977 and have been here every since. I may very well have run into you at some point before. It is also good to hear from someone so "close to home" per-say. I hope to meet in person sometime possibly at the drivein or out playing. Zeke
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