Our steel guitar brother, Steinar Gregertsen--RIP

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of steel guitarists, their friends and families

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Mike Neer
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Update 2/2

Post by Mike Neer »

This morning I received a phone call from Steinar. His doctor discussed his prognosis with him yesterday, and he asked that I share it with everyone just to answer the questions you may have about his condition. Steinar has been very open about his condition and his asking that I share this really says a lot about the way he feels about his family here.

The news is not good, unfortunately; Steinar's doctor said that most people with his advanced cancer live about one year. Steinar said he was prepared for this news and from what I see, he has taken it well. We talked about how some others give up when they hear such a prognosis, but Steinar said, "it's time to take the gloves off." He is determined to live each day and not give up. I've known others who have had a similar prognosis who lived quite a bit longer. He is a spiritual person, but as he says, "it is complicated."

He is determined to continue to make music and is already planning his next record. In the meantime, his appetite is coming back and he was up walking today. He needs to get strong again so he can get home and get back to living his life.

If you'd like to drop Steinar a line, here is his address:

Steinar Gregertsen
Kastellveien 4
4841 Arendal

Steinar, when you read this, I just want you to know we are here for you in whatever way you need.

Ron Whitfield
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Post by Ron Whitfield »

This can be beat, it's finding the method to which any individual's body is accepting, and it's usually beyond the scope of doctors teachings.
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Mike Neer
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Post by Mike Neer »

By the way, I just want to add that Steinar's brother prints out these pages for him, so he does read them.

Any words of encouragement are most welcome.
John Dahms
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Post by John Dahms »

Steinar, my wife's sister has been keeping brain cancer at bay for a couple of years now by strong positive will and support from those around her.

You are on the right path.
It can be done.
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Andy Volk
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Post by Andy Volk »

Steinar. You made a recording called standing next to a mountain. You're next to a different mountain now but where there is life there is hope. Please let us know how we can support you. The poetry of your music remains.
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John Subik
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Post by John Subik »

Thanks Mike for the updates, appreciate them.

Steinar, we're definitely all in your corner. To that end I propose your title your next CD "Bedside Manor".

Oh and please don't mistake the bedpan for the Weiss, ok? :mrgreen:
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Russ Tkac
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Post by Russ Tkac »


I will keep you in my prayers and hope your treatment goes well.

God's peace,
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Joshua Grange
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Post by Joshua Grange »

Sending good wishes to you from Los Angeles California.
You have a lot of friends you've never met that care about you!
Jeff Spencer
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Post by Jeff Spencer »

Keep up the fight Stiener. We are in your corner as Mike said. You certainly are an inspiration to me with your music. Keep well sir.
Thanks Mike for the update.
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Bob Stone
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Post by Bob Stone »


Keep up the fight. You are a talented musician with a big heart, and it is a pleasure to know you. You are in my prayers.

Warmest regards,

Bob Stone
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Jerome Hawkes
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Post by Jerome Hawkes »

i too, add my best wishes to Steinar, I feel as if i know many of you without ever meeting.
Steinar, your talents are amazing and wish you strength and progress over the course of your treatment and recovery
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chas smith
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Post by chas smith »

My friend Chris' best friend has stage 4 and he refuses to give up. Yesterday, they went skiing.

My friend, Bennett, just found out, on Monday, that he's stage 4 and this was what he said

"I'm sharpening my knives & cutting implements, preparing for long series of Hatchet Tango Ghost Dances."

"Hatchet Force or Hatchet Team small covert operations along the Ho Chi Minh trail specializing in search and destroy missions in Laos, Cambodia and North Vietnam."
Bill McCloskey
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Post by Bill McCloskey »

I have been away from the forum for some time now so just saw this. Steinar's posts to this forum have always been my favorite reading and I am so sorry to hear this news. Steinar is an incredible musician and more importantly a wonderful human being.

My thoughts are with you, my friend.
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Bill Leff
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Post by Bill Leff »


Bishop Ronnie said it best - "Keep the faith, never give up, never give in, never surrender."

None of us knows how and when our time will come.

Thinking about you and wishing you the best as always,

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Tom Pettingill
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Post by Tom Pettingill »

I for one am looking forward to the new record! :D
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Roger Palmer
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Post by Roger Palmer »

Just like to add my best wishes to Steiner
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Mike Neer
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Update 2/8

Post by Mike Neer »

I don't have much information on this, as it was passed on by John Subik from Steinar's nephew, but it seems that Steinar has deveoped some kind of infection that is pretty serious to the point where he is on some medication and is in and out of consciousness, I've been told. I'm going to give it a day or 2 and then I will call, but please keep Steinar in your thoughts and prayers now. It sounds pretty serious.
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Peter Jacobs
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Post by Peter Jacobs »

Thanks for the update, Mike -- I can't stop thinking about Steinar's situation. He's definitely in my thoughts, as are you.
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Mike Neer
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Post by Mike Neer »

Got an email from Steinar's brother and he let me know that Steinar is responding well to medication for the infection and he is making progress but he is weak and sleeping a lot. Hopefully, that is a good sign and he is healing internally.

His brother said this, "I just have to say again, that the messages he has got from all of you in this forum means a lot to him and to us in his family. He can really feel the love from all of you. He has also recieved a lot of letters and postcards, and is very grateful for the support he gets."
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Jon Light
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Terry VunCannon
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Post by Terry VunCannon »

Thanks for the updates Mike. Do keep us posted.
I was able to talk to the big guy just before all this latest trouble. I also sent him a CD of my band...he did not have one yet...I hope he gets it. Everyone here should sent him music to listen to...I think he would like it.
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Rick Aiello
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Post by Rick Aiello »

Jeg håper du føler deg bedre min venn ...
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Geoff Cline
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Post by Geoff Cline »

Steinar: Your music and creative spirit are way stronger than any disease. You've already touched and inspired so many and the best is yet to come. Get strong...can't wait to hear the next album. And the one after that!
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Mike Neer
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Post by Mike Neer »

Terry VunCannon wrote:Thanks for the updates Mike. Do keep us posted.
I was able to talk to the big guy just before all this latest trouble. I also sent him a CD of my band...he did not have one yet...I hope he gets it. Everyone here should sent him music to listen to...I think he would like it.
Actually, in our conversations, Steinar told me that he hasn't listened to any music and it's given him time to clear his head and get his own thoughts together. This is not to discourage anyone from sending music to him, but he is at a different place right now and is trying to focus on himself. I'm sure he'll get around to hearing them eventually.
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Steinar Gregertsen
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Post by Steinar Gregertsen »

Dear Mr Supreme

Please keep protecting all these wonderful brothers and sisters who have sent me so many good wishes, and brought so much joy and support into my life just when I needed it the most.

I don't know what I would have done without these good people, please take good care of them.

Also, thanks for the help and support You've offered me through these tough times. Please helpe me beat the doc's pessimistic prognonosis and keep breathing long enough to make another album or two.....
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